I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 227 Night Attack on the Enemy Camp

Chapter 227 Night Attack on the Enemy Camp
That night, the trenches of Huangfusong's army had been completely dug, and everything was ready, and the attack would continue at dawn tomorrow.

It was late at night, and the entire Han army camp was very quiet, and the quieter it was, the more terrifying it was.

Suddenly, someone shouted.

There is a big fire on the east side of the camp, hurry to put out the fire!

All of a sudden, the flames blazed, and at the same time someone shouted, enemy attack!There is an enemy attack, quickly support!
There was some confusion in the entire barracks.

At this time, Huangfu Song was also awakened directly.

In the tent, he asked, "What's the matter?"

A small soldier immediately entered the account and said: "General Huangfu! The east side of our camp was attacked by the enemy! The fire is very big at this time!"

Huangfusong shouted: "Then hurry up and help!"

After speaking, he took out his sword, went out directly, and headed east.

But when he hadn't reached the camp on the east side, a soldier came to report again: "I found enemy traces in the south!"

This shocked Huangfusong, just to the east, now it is to the south, obviously the enemy came prepared.

"What! Come on, send 5000 people to the south! We must keep the enemy behind! Follow me to the east!"


Before Huangfusong led his troops to the east camp, another soldier came to report.

"A large number of enemy traces appear in the west!"

"What! Zhang Yi can do it! He even used a night attack! Come, keep them all! Kill them all, not one!"

Huangfu Song was furious, he was completely irritated.

After all, he personally led the troops to the east, while the others went to the southwest.

As soon as Huangfu Song reached the east, he saw a man under the fire, holding a long spear, killing the Han army.
"Huangfusong, do you dare to fight me, Zhao Zilong?"

It turned out to be Zhao Zilong, Huangfusong took out his sword and rushed out, "Then let's fight!"

With one sword and one gun, the two sides fell into a fierce battle, Zhao Zilong gave up a few moves intentionally or unintentionally, otherwise how could Huangfusong's force defeat Zhao Zilong?

After the two of them fought for ten rounds, Zhao Zilong deliberately sold a loophole and rode away directly.

"Zhao Zilong stop running!"

How could Huangfusong let Zhao Zilong run away.

When he thought that he could win, this was a great opportunity, and Huangfusong would not give up.Being able to keep the opponent's generals is a great boost to their morale!

So he took five thousand soldiers and horses to chase Zhao Zilong.

Before he could chase for a mile, the rear was full of flames.

The whole camp was ablaze.

At this time, someone ran over in a panic and said, "General Huangfu, it's bad, the trebuchet in the north is being destroyed by the enemy."

"Oops, fell into the trap!"

Huangfu shouted fiercely, just now he was too impulsive, because he was chasing Zhao Zilong, he didn't take care of the rear.

The strategy this time is simply one chain after another, and the chain is interlocking, making it impossible for him to guard against it.

The people of the Dragon Legion are dismantling his trebuchet. If it is dismantled, they will not be able to launch an attack in a short time.

At this time, there is not much food in the army...

Thinking of food, Huangfu slapped his thigh fiercely!
"Protect the food and grass! Hurry up and protect the food and grass!"

Before he could react, the place where the grain and grass were rotated in the barracks was already ablaze, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

Huangfu Song yelled violently, his face full of remorse.

It was because he was too careless that caused the situation just now. For him now, this situation is very bad, and it may even lead to failure!

He looked up to the sky and screamed:

"Zhang Yi, you are so poisonous! You actually made three tricks on me!"

"Master Huangfu, the enemy troops in the west and south have been withdrawn! The troops in the east are also gone!"

Huangfusong was paralyzed there, this time it could be said to be a huge blow to him.

At the same time, above the south gate of the Golden City, Zhang Yi looked at the flames in the distance.

He said: "At this time, our army should have arrived at Huangfusong's barracks, right?"

Lu Zhi said: "At this time, their trebuchets should have been dismantled. It may also have burned the food!"

Cai Yong also said: "Mr. Zuo is good at strategizing, I am afraid that no one in this world can understand Huangfusong like you!"

Cai Wenji said at this time: "The left army division has a good strategy. First, it lured Huangfusong from the east, and then harassed them from the southwest to let them disperse their forces. Protect the safety of the surprise army in the east. Then send another army to their In the northern trenches, their catapults were dismantled. The last purpose of this series of actions is to burn food and grass to cut off their back road! Make them unable to use their combat power at all! It's a magic trick!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile: "Hahaha! What Madam said is absolutely true!"

At this time Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao, Tai Shici, Bao Xin, and Zhou Cangwu have already returned from victory.

Zhao Zilong said: "My lord, our mission has been completed. First, we dismantled seventy of the enemy's catapults, which cannot be repaired in a short time. Second, we burned all the enemy's food and grass!"

Zhang Yi was overjoyed.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work. You and all the soldiers will be rewarded."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Zhang Yi said again: "Mr. Zuo, help us analyze what Huangfusong will do next?"

Afterwards, Lu Zhiying analyzed and said: "When the army is short of food, they may have three methods. First, attack by force, but the catapults have been dismantled by us, and attack by force may not necessarily win. Second, Retreat, but retreat, there is no food in the army, they may not last long. Third, surrender, this is the most likely. This is probably one of their options to maintain the maximum army, but there are risks, after all, they The number of troops is too large, if they are all merged into my dragon army, I am afraid..."

Lu Zhi's analysis made sense.

What he was afraid of was that Huangfusong's army would turn against the enemy.

In that case, the entire Golden City would become Huangfusong's world.

Therefore, if Huangfusong dared to surrender, they had to consider whether to accept these people.

Otherwise, I am afraid there will only be a big battle.

Everyone nodded to agree with him.

Zhang Yi looked at the fire in the distance and said: "If there is no Zuo Junjun, I am afraid that Huangfusong's army will not fail quickly. In any case, it will depend on tomorrow's situation!"

I'm afraid that's the only way to do it. It's futile to speculate now. After all, things are changing rapidly and always changing.

Zhang Yi also hoped that Huangfusong could surrender, so that many people would be killed less, but the problem was also very big, the problem of how to arrange these soldiers after the surrender.

"Okay, rest early today, the night watchmen still need to be strengthened, there may be a big battle tomorrow!"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes! This subordinate resigns!"

After saying this, he retreated to rest, just waiting for the big battle tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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