I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 228 Friend Standpoint

Chapter 228 Friend Standpoint
The next day, it was just dawn.

As expected, Huangfusong started to prepare to attack the Golden City, because if he didn't attack, he would only die. Although today's combat power was not as good as yesterday, he was ready to go all out at this time.

A large number of trebuchets and some siege equipment are ready to attack at any time.

At the same time, when the news reached Zhang Yi's ears, he also felt admiration for him. It really was Huang Fusong, a famous general of the generation.

So he organized the dragon army and was ready to fight at any time.

When the whole army was ready, suddenly another army appeared from outside the south gate.

"Report! A Montenegrin army is coming!"

Zhang Yimeng shouted: "What!"

Cai Yong said: "The appearance of the Black Mountain Army at this time will definitely cause no good! Now that two armies are at the south gate of our Golden City, I'm afraid our city will be in danger!"

Cai Wenji also said: "If they unite together, I'm afraid it will be bad for us!"

It is not without basis that Cai Wenji thinks so. The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend, and this principle is applicable everywhere.

Lu Zhi expressed a different opinion, after all he still knew Huangfusong.

"No! Huangfusong is naturally proud, he will definitely not join forces with the Black Mountain Army."

Zhang Yi listened to everyone's words, but there was no result, so he said: "Let's wait and see what happens first!"


Everyone gathered on the city wall of Rennan Gate, looking down, the two armies had already confronted each other.

After a while, a soldier came to report: "The Black Mountain Army is led by Zhang Yan."

Zhang Yi thought to himself: "This guy Zhang Yan is probably because I took his food that day, and now he has nowhere to go and wants to try his luck in the Golden City or something?"

The Montenegrin army probably traveled to many places, and finally found that there was no food anywhere, so they came back here, but they didn't expect that Huangfusong's army was here, so this is interesting.

Zhang Yi looked at the two armies below at this time, and the Han army had the upper hand in numbers.

I saw that the two armies started to fight crazily as soon as they met.

The sound of rushing and killing continued, and the on-site battle was very fierce.

This made everyone on the tower stunned.

They looked at the two armies below. Together, there must be at least 5 people. A war of 5 people can be said to be extremely huge, like overwhelming mountains and seas.

They were fighting frantically with weapons in hand, as if they had nothing to do with everyone in the Golden City.

"Everyone take a break first, and come out when you need you."


Right now, the best option is to let the whole army rest. After all, these two armies don't know how long they will fight.

In history, Huangfusong has never been here before, and he would never meet the Black Mountain Army here. All this is because of the appearance of Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi took away Huangfusong's food, so he had to lead the troops to the front. Come.

The same is true of Zhang Yan. If it weren't for Zhang Yi, Zhang Yan might have won Jiuyuan City.

These two people were cheated by Zhang Yi in the same way.

At this time, the drums of war were beating, and a large number of deaths began to occur on both sides.

This kind of battle takes at least a day or two to fight, and sometimes it is not known whether the winner will be won or lost.

Zhang Yi was alone, and he made everyone wait for the final result of the Black Mountain Army and the Han Army.

At that time, he will reap the benefits.

Outside the city wall was howling, but inside the city wall was calm.

The Han army and the Montenegro army fought for a day and a night without any intention of stopping.

At this time, Zhang Yi and others on the city wall seemed to be worried about them.

Seeing that the Han army has gradually lost its strength, it feels that its combat power is getting smaller and smaller, which makes Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army ecstatic.

At this time Lu Zhi came up and said to Zhang Yi: "Master, I think Huangfusong's army seems to be dying, isn't it like them?!"

Cai Yong said: "Because they have no food to supplement, they will fail within half a day."

At this time, everyone remembered that it was Zhao Zilong and others who burned Huangfusong's food before, and now Huangfusong's army is short of food.

"Master Left!"


"I want you to bring food to support Huangfusong!"


"Once Huangfusong is defeated, he may retreat directly. We let them consume each other. In the end, we reap the benefits. You use the reason of your friend's support. I think he will definitely not refuse! You also said that this person is naturally proud , if I give it, he doesn't necessarily want it, but it's different if you give it. Understand?"

Lu Zhi nodded and said, "So, I understand!"

Lu Zhi then went down to the south gate, protected by Zhao Zilong, and led thousands of people to Huangfusong's place.

At this time, Huangfusong and the Black Mountain Army had not yet ceased fighting.

The armies of both sides were still fighting, when Lu Zhi brought hundreds of carts of food, Huangfusong let him in.

"Brother Lu, why are you doing this?"

Lu Zhi said: "Brother Huangfu, this time you are in danger, we are friends, and we will support you with hundreds of carts of food. This support is from the standpoint of a friend, so don't think too much."


Huangfusong felt very strange, why?Whether to accept or not, made him hesitate.

"From the standpoint of hostility, my lord does not want you to retreat, but hopes to have a battle with you."

Huangfusong had mixed feelings in his heart, and it seemed that he could accept it. After all, Lu Zhi said it, and it was easy to say it to his subordinates from the standpoint of a friend.

If he doesn't accept it, Huangfusong will be defeated before tomorrow. At that time, he will add an ugly defeat to his beautiful record. This is what he doesn't want to see.

"Okay, just treat it as if I owe you Lu Zhi a favor! But a favor doesn't mean I will be persuaded to surrender, so don't waste your words!"

In the end, Huangfusong still made his own decision.

"That's natural, this is what I fought for with the lord, I hope you can win!"

Judging from the [-] carts of grain, it can only last for two days at most. After two days, if he loses, Huangfusong will also lose.

"Thank you!"

"You and I are friends, no thanks!"

At this time, Huangfusong remembered that day, when Lu Zhi suffered, he had no intention of helping. Now Lu Zhi's performance made him very ashamed, but now is not the time to be ashamed.

So Huangfusong took the grain and ordered people to take it away, while Lu Zhi and Zhao Zilong bid farewell to him and returned to the Golden City.

Huangfusong's voice came from behind. "Brothers, we have food, and it's my friend's support! It has nothing to do with your position! You cheer me up and cripple the Black Mountain Army!"

The morale of the whole army rose immediately.

The sound of rushing and killing was everywhere, and in an instant, there was a momentum of counter-repression.

With the help of food, Huangfusong really defeated the Black Mountain Army in the middle of the night, but at the same time, they also retreated ten miles away, not daring to get too close to the Golden City.

Next, it depends on Huangfusong's decision, whether to fight or retreat?

(End of this chapter)

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