I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 229 Let's Talk

Chapter 229 Let's Talk
"The three armies obey orders! Welcome Huangfu Song to fight"


The entire army of the Dragon Legion is ready, they are lined up neatly, and under Zhang Yi's command, their morale is full.

When it was dawn, I saw Huangfusong approaching the city with a large army, mighty and mighty.

The entire Golden City was thundering, and the armies quickly gathered together.

Zhang Yi and his generals waited on the city wall to watch Huangfusong's army below.

"Huangfusong, do you want to attack the city now?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Huangfusong held a long sword with a dignified expression.

They repelled the Black Mountain Army and defeated Zhang Yan, but they failed to kill him and let Zhang Yan run away.

Huangfusong frowned, as if he had something on his mind, probably because of the attack on the city this time, right?
After a while, he finally spoke.

"Zhang Yi, let's talk!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Huangfusong took the initiative to talk to Zhang Yi, and there was something to talk about.

There may be a chance for this matter, and this battle may not be fought.

"it is good!"

Zhang Yi didn't think too much and agreed directly.

Cai Yong said, "Master, I'm afraid something has changed! It's better to be careful!"

"Yes, husband, you should be more cautious!"

Lu Zhi said, "I believe in Huangfusong! My lord will be fine!"

"You don't need to say more, I'm fine! Zhao Zilong, you come with me!"

Zhang Yi has a golden dragon, and that golden dragon can appear at any time, as long as he summons it, no matter how far away it is, it will appear in front of his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, he went down the city wall with Zhao Zilong.

They took less than a thousand people and went directly to a mile away from the city wall.

And Huangfusong also came with 1000 people.

From Huangfusong's performance, Zhang Yi felt that this person was also principled.

Zhang Yi first said: "Huangfusong. How do you want to talk?"

At this time Huangfusong said: "Huangfusong made an oath here today. If you, the Golden City, lent me 2000 carts of grain today. If there is a need in the future, I will come to support with soldiers and horses. This is me, Huangfusong." promise. I don’t know what the city lord thinks?”

Huangfusong already had this idea, which meant that he already knew that it would be of no benefit to continue fighting.

Now that the war is in chaos, I have to say that Huangfusong's proposal is debatable.

But at this time, Huangfusong probably couldn't help himself, after all, his immediate boss was the Emperor of Han.At that time, when he really needs it, Huangfusong may not be able to help. Maybe one day the emperor sees you unhappy and directly demotes Huangfusong to a commoner. Then he will bring the army to help, so to speak. Not at all possible.

Now that Huangfusong was already in front of him, it was impossible for Zhang Yi to let him escape, so he said, "Huangfusong, I know you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness. For your soldiers, you would rather put your face down and do it." With this promise, I also know that you are a man and will keep your promise. However, I need your assistance more than your promise. As long as you nod and agree to assist, not to mention 2000 carts of food, it will cost the entire Golden City It’s okay to assign half of it to your management.”

"My lord, we have different ways and we don't conspire with each other. I came here this time for the 2000 carts of food. If not, the Yellow Turban Army will be difficult for me to defeat. At this time, the world of Han needs me, and I must Get these 2000 carts of food, if you don’t believe it, there is only one battle!”

Huangfusong's attitude was very firm.

But Zhang Yi cannot regress.

Zhang Yi said: "Why don't you just do it like this! If you can make any part of my body touch the ground within 10 strokes, then I will lose. I will give you the food directly, and I don't want your promise.

But if you can't let any part of me touch the ground within 10 strokes, how about you take all your remaining soldiers and return to my Golden City? "

This is a trick, let Huangfusong go around it step by step.

Zhang Yi looked around, all the Han troops together should be about 2, and the other 1 or so have been exhausted by the Black Mountain Army.But this 2 is enough to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Legion.

Huangfu Song thought for a while and said.

"This is what you said if you lose. Don't go back on your word!"

Seeing that Huangfu Song had caught the trick, Zhang Yi was overjoyed.

"Of course, and within 10 strokes, I will not fight back. The two of us face each other empty-handed. I say one is one, and many soldiers behind me can testify!"

He didn't want to directly injure Huangfusong, that would be a big loss for him.

When Huangfusong saw this situation, he said: "Okay! I promise you. If I can't let any part of your body touch the ground within 10 strokes, I, Huangfusong, am willing to surrender to you and serve you as your servant." Lord. However, my soldiers, as for whether they are willing to surrender, I have no right to decide."

What Huangfusong said was correct. After all, this was a matter involving two camps. Some soldiers still had relatives in Luoyang. If they rashly followed Zhang Yi, then the family members of these people might encounter disaster.

On this point, Zhang Yi is also very clear, and will not force anything.

So he said: "I only want you to follow, even if other people don't follow me, I have nothing to say."

He believed that with Huangfusong's strength, he could stand up to thousands of troops.Even if everyone here abandons him, it doesn't matter, after all, it's good that others are here.

"Since then. Don't regret it."

At this time Zhao Zilong said: "Master, let me come."

Zhao Zilong's force is not bad at all.He is also strong enough to defeat Huangfusong.

Zhao Zilong said again:
"Why don't you let me have a duel with him."

Zhang Yi said: "If this is the case, it seems too insincere."

What Zhao Zilong thought in his heart was that if Zhang Yi failed, there would be no place to save his face, and his overall appeal might be damaged, but it would be okay if he lost, but he would lose 2000 carts of food. "

But Zhang Yi didn't think so.He wants to crush Huangfusong with absolute strength, and let Huangfusong know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

He, Zhang Yi, is an existence with absolute force that can crush everything, even Huangfusong can't compete with him!
He is willing to compete with him because he thinks highly of Huangfusong.

"It's fine if I come, and you step back."

Zhang Yi's actions aroused the applause of Huangfusong's army, because probably no one in the whole world could be as strong as he was, but at the same time showed the style of a gentleman.

Since then, Zhang Yi ordered everyone to retreat, and Huangfu Song did the same. In the huge battlefield, there was only an empty space left for the two to confront each other.

The soldiers of both sides held their breath and looked at the two people on the field. These two people were the backbone of the two armies.

In the end, no one can tell who will win and who will lose.

(End of this chapter)

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