I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 230 Huangfusong admits defeat

Chapter 230 Huangfusong admits defeat

The two of them were gentlemen, but it was Zhang Yi who said first: "Come on! Huangfusong! Use your full strength! Hit me!"

Huangfusong put down the weapon in his hand, took off the armor on his body, and went into battle lightly.

Looking at Zhang Yi himself, he didn't wear any armor, just civilian clothes for body protection.

"If you fail, you can't blame me."

"That depends on whether you have the ability."

"Very good! Look at the trick!"

I saw Huangfu leaning forward, waving a huge fist in his hand, about to hit Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi didn't hide, when everyone thought he was going to die.

The huge fist hit his chest directly.

With a bang, there was a muffled sound in his chest.

This made everyone gasp. Zhang Yi was so overbearing that he didn't even hide, and faced Huangfusong's attack directly. If he did so, he would be seriously injured.

But at this moment, Huangfusong's expression froze suddenly.Because he knew very well how powerful he was, but the Zhang Yi he saw was as motionless as a mountain, nothing happened at all.

So he backed away, a little distance from Zhang Yi, and stood there with serious eyes.

"How is it possible? That punch just now couldn't move you at all, it's completely impossible!"

Huangfusong didn't want to believe that his fists couldn't shake Zhang Yi at all. He didn't know what Zhang Yi's strength was.

"Your punch is like scratching an itch, no! Another punch. Use a little force, don't look like someone who hasn't eaten!"

Facing Zhang Yi's underestimation, Huangfusong didn't stop, and came over more fiercely, waving his fists.

boom boom boom

Several consecutive punches still hit Zhang Yi's chest.

Zhang Yi still didn't dodge, but at this time Zhang Yi's feet were like sticking to the ground, and there was no reaction at all.

Didn't you use enough strength just now?

Not only Huangfusong, but also all the soldiers around him were shocked, how much strength does this have to have?

At the same time, it also refreshed everyone's cognition that this is impossible, completely impossible.That Zhang Yi is simply not human!
Zhang Yi's body was not huge, and he didn't know where his strength came from. Compared with his body, Huangfu Song, who was much taller than him, was as immovable as a mountain before.

"Not enough! This second round is bigger than before, but it's still not enough. Come again, don't be polite!"

This made Huangfusong's face flush with anxiety, and his eyes were fixed on Zhang Yi.

At the same time, he looked up and down, and he doubted whether his strength had degraded, and he couldn't even shake a person who didn't look strong!

It is impossible to retreat even a millimeter.

He took a deep breath, feeling a huge power brewing in his body.

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

It seems that Huangfusong is angry!
This is when someone yelled, just now Huangfusong was just probing, Zhang Yi should know that it was miserable.

Sure enough, Huangfusong stomped hard on the ground, the ground made the sound of Xisha, and at the same time dust was raised, and then he rushed towards Zhang Yi with all his might.

At this time, he attacked Zhang Yi's lower body, and his fist hit Zhang Yi's leg directly.

boom boom boom

Zhang Yi only retreated a few steps, but still did not fall to the ground.

powerful!Absolutely powerful, this kind of strength is probably invincible in the world!
This completely refreshed everyone's cognition. One must know that Huangfusong did not take advantage of the three moves in a row. If Zhang Yi officially counterattacked, Huangfusong might be in danger.

Zhang Yi stabilized his body and moved back, waiting for Huangfusong to make the fourth move.

Anyone who meets such a powerful opponent will feel some palpitations in his heart, including Huangfusong, he has been on the battlefield for decades, and he has never seen an opponent as powerful as Zhang Yi.do not
It is extremely difficult to put him on the ground, even to make him retreat three steps.

But Huangfusong will not be discouraged by this. You must know that there are more than 2 soldiers behind him.If he can't borrow food this time, as far as he is concerned, 2 soldiers will go hungry.Then after he goes back, you will be punished by the court. If you encounter the Yellow Turban Army on the way back, then it can be said that these 2 people may be completely wiped out, and such a loss is huge.

Huangfu Song came to the Golden City with the determination to see death as home, but he never expected that at a critical moment, he would run into Zhang Yi's night attack management, and he also did not expect why there would be a black mountain with 2 people all of a sudden. military.If there were no these two things, he might have conquered the Golden City by now, took the Golden City as his own, and directly confiscated all the food in the Golden City.At that time, if he swung his army south again, he would be able to wipe out the Yellow Turban army in one go.

But man is not as good as heaven, even if he has calculated everything, he still cannot figure out the situation he is in.

He thought a lot at that moment.

"Don't be distracted, Huangfusong, what are you thinking?"

Zhang Yi's reminder made him come out of his trance.

"You forced me!"

Huangfusong had to use both fists and kicks.If the strength of the hands is not enough, combined with the strength of the feet, Zhang Yi will definitely be beaten back. As long as his center of gravity is unstable, he will fall directly to the ground, even if his body touches the ground even a little bit, he will be able to get the 2000 carts of food. up.

boom boom boom

With ten kicks in a row, it was still Zhang Yi's lower body that could be attacked.

But the reality is cruel. Apart from taking three steps back, Zhang Yi didn't fall down!

Zhang Yi once again refreshed his cognition.

There is even an illusion that the very young city lord in front of him is invincible. Even if his strength is twice his own, he may still not be able to knock him down.

"Huangfusong! Let alone 10 moves, even 100 moves will not be able to knock me down."

But with Huangfusong's personality, it is impossible for him to admit defeat.Thus, a new round of attacks began, but each round of attacks would refresh her cognition.

However, very quickly, the ten-stroke attack was completely completed.

Among them, the best two moves were only to push Zhang Yi back three steps, but he still didn't fall to the ground.

But that distance doesn't directly change the ending.

Although Huangfusong looked unbelievable in front of him, the young man in front of him was really unbelievably strong, his strength was too frightening, his own strength was no longer weak, and he couldn't even defeat a young man.

But, in the face of failure, he kept his word.

Although this kind of decision is a bit embarrassing, he will still make it.

He knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "I, Huangfusong, am willing to serve you as master."

Wow... Such a performance surprised everyone, this Huangfusong is indeed a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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