I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 231 Can control 1 people

Chapter 231 Can control 1 people
I saw Huangfusong knelt on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "I, Huangfusong, am willing to serve you as master."

The attitude is extremely sincere, not at all like acting out.

Such a huge change shocked everyone.

It was everyone, whether it was the Han army led by Huangfusong, or the generals and soldiers on the Golden City, no one had a calm face.

Such changes are a bit surprising, but they seem to be normal.

Zhang Yi felt refreshed, as soon as Huangfusong won, he was a general, his army's strength increased again, and he was one step closer to winning the world.

So he quickly helped Huangfusong up and treated him with courtesy.

"Hurry up, Huangfusong is here with you! I'm afraid you won't be able to get it in this world?"

This is a great affirmation of Huangfusong and a compliment to him.

Huangfusong said hastily: "My lord is absurd! But as long as my lord needs it, I am willing to do my best!"

Zhang Yi nodded to express his affirmation to him, and then said: "Now that Huangfu Song is made a captain, he can command an army of 1 people!"

All the soldiers shouted wildly: "Greetings to the lord, and the captain!"

Huangfu Song was overjoyed, it seems that Zhang Yi did not treat him badly, the captain is considered the highest existence in the Golden City, and after the founding of the country, there will be such existences as Hussar Generals, and now it is the second existence, compared to Zhao Zilong is even taller.

Zhang Yi believed that now that Huangfusong had brought so many people, he should be given this official position. As for Zhao Zilong and others, after their military achievements came up, they would definitely be promoted.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Zhang Yizhi is very high-spirited, and said: "Hahaha! Today is such a happy day! It must be celebrated!"

Huangfusong was convinced.

Anyway, if he couldn't borrow food now, he would die if he went back. At the same time, Huangfusong hated Zhao Zhong and Zhang Rang extremely.The emperor of the capital city was deceived by the two of them again, so he might as well abandon the darkness and turn to the light. It might be the right choice to follow Zhang Yi.

After Huangfusong recognized his master, nearly 2 soldiers under him were still in a daze.

At this time, after Huangfu Song got up, he said to Zhang Yi: "Next, let's see how many people are willing to follow me and serve you as master!"

Zhang Yi nodded to signal him to do this.

Huangfusong cleared his throat and said: "All soldiers, if you are willing to follow me, you will serve my lord as master! If you want to leave, you can leave now. I, Huangfusong, will not keep you, but I assure you , once those left behind, the future will be bright. If I have it, you will all have it! As long as I, Huangfusong, have a bite of meat, your soup will naturally be indispensable!"

Although the soldiers he led had strict military discipline, not all those who could truly follow him faithfully were like this.

"We are willing to follow!"

"My lord, accept our worship!"

However, some people have already chosen to kneel down, while others just dropped their armor and left the spot.

"Everyone has his own aspirations, Mr. Huangfu, we have our own lives, sorry, we can't follow you!"

Huang Fusong would not blame these people, it was their choice.

The number of these people kneeling on the ground is extremely large.

When Zhang Yi saw these people like this, he said: "Your choice today determines your height tomorrow. You will be honored to be a member of the Dragon Army."

At this time, the army shouted wildly.

From today, they no longer worry about their food.

Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Cai Wenji and others who were on the tower also went down to the city wall and congratulated Zhang Yi one after another.

Lu Zhi also chatted happily with Huangfusong, they are now on the same front, and there is no confrontation.

He also introduced everyone present to Huangfusong one by one, and they will be colleagues from now on.

Among the generals, Zhang Liao and Tai Shici both expressed great interest and wanted to have a competition with the new captain.

Of course the same is true including Zhao Zilong.

But now that he has just taken office, it is probably not good to challenge him as soon as he arrives. Maybe there will be more opportunities in the future.

Zhang Yi didn't know what these people were thinking, he said at this time:
"Zhao Zilong!"


"Bring all the troops into the city! And reward the three armies!"


A group of people waited and went to the Golden City.

When Huangfu Song entered the city, he was shocked by everything in front of him.

"In the whole world, I have only seen such prosperity in Luoyang. Now that I see the Golden City, it is like a small Luoyang!"

Zhang Yi laughed.

"From now on, as far as your eyes can see, my dragon army will rule the world! It is our world! Everything will be the same as the Golden City! In my city, there is no backwardness, only advancement!"

When Huangfu Song heard it, Zhang Yi was indeed a progressive person, and perhaps he was right to follow this person.

So he said: "My lord really has great ambitions, Huangfu Song sighs!"

Lu Zhi said: "Brother Huangfu, today's choice will usher in a bright future!"

"Yes... Brother Lu is right!"


That night, all the armies began to carnival, which lasted for three days and three nights, because it was a grand event.

On the fourth day, after being counted by the generals, when the number reached Zhang Yi, he was very shocked. More than 5000 people were willing to return to the Golden City, so the number of people in the entire Golden City reached 3. The number, such a huge number of people.It gave him an idea that it is just around the corner to win Jiuyuan City. There are a large number of people there, which can provide a large amount of labor and make their own economy develop.

But there is no particular rush for this matter, it is something that must be done sooner or later.

After subduing Huangfusong, the development progress of the entire Golden City moved forward rapidly again.

In order to make him more loyal, Zhang Yi had already made preparations to take his family from Luoyang to the Golden City to settle down. It was called a settlement, but it actually had an impure purpose, that is, to threaten his family members. Of course, it is best not to do this step.

As for Huangfusong's army, it was assigned to the Dragon Army.

They were completely dismantled, and at the same time lost their previous organization, and were incorporated into the Dragon Capital Legion according to the new organization.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is the combination of two legions.

But looking at Zhang Yi's approach, he believed that although Huangfusong surrendered to him, someone in the army he led must have a different opinion.It was very unfavorable to his rule, so he directly broke up the original army organization, reorganized it, and dispersed their cohesion.And conduct some basic assessments on these people, and only qualified people can be left to join the elite.

From an outsider's perspective, this is called equal treatment.

This is human nature, and it also laid a solid foundation for his future rule.

(End of this chapter)

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