Chapter 232 Amnesty
After Huangfusong returned, Zhang Yi secretly asked people to go to Luoyang to escort him and the family members of some generals back. Of course, all this was only done when Emperor Han didn't find out.

In a blink of an eye, a winter is over, and the new year is coming.There was still no movement in Cai Wenji's belly. Zhang Yi thought it might be because of the dragon's blood, which made it difficult to conceive. If this is the case, it is fine. Now that the world is in chaos, there are wars at every turn. It is dangerous for new life to come into this world.


In the meeting hall, Zhang Yi sat on the main seat, accompanied by Cai Wenji, looking at Zhang Yi affectionately.

Zhang Yi exclaimed directly after hearing Lu Zhi's report.

"What! Emperor Han pardoned the world and changed the year name to the first year of Zhongping?"

Lu Zhi said: "That's the case, Dong Zhuo and others were also released, and the officials were reinstated."

Dong Zhuo was a key figure in the rapid demise of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Huangfu Song said: "Dong Zhuo has a very close relationship with the Hu people in the north, this emperor has never dared to touch him, if he comes out now, he will definitely do something!"

Cai Wenji also said lightly: "I heard that the Emperor Han has noticed our Golden City, and the development of our Golden City has alarmed him."

Cai Yong said: "In this way, the world will enter a new chaos."

Huangfu Song said: "The Emperor of Han may let Dong Zhuo lead his troops here, we must guard against it!"

Everyone guessed everything that might happen, and at the same time, they were extremely anxious.

But Zhang Yi said: "The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes and soil floods. I'm afraid he won't come! It's best if he comes, just leave him in the Golden City!"

The so-called shooting the first bird, except for the major princes, the development of the Golden City has hindered the Han Emperor's sight, and there may be another battle in the future, but Zhang Yi has never been afraid of him, he is afraid that he will not come!

The Emperor Shan Gao is far away. If the soldiers come from Luoyang, they will be tired all the way, and they will not last long before withdrawing the troops. If Dong Zhuo comes, then defeat him directly, collect his food, and capture his soldiers for his own use!
"My lord, there is one more thing!"

Lu Zhi said again.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"About my friend Wang Yun!"

In the hearts of the world, Wang Yun was a loyal minister at the end of the Han Dynasty. In order to destroy Dong Zhuo, he dedicated his beloved singer Diao Chan, who was said to be raised as a daughter, to Dong Zhuo, and cleverly used a series of tricks to provoke the relationship between Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu.In the end, Lv Bu killed Dong Zhuo and got rid of Dong Zhuo, a treacherous minister who was in chaos.

Zhang Yi knew that Wang Yun was the key. Lu Zhi said there was news about him, and he was very concerned about what kind of news it was.

Diao Chan is one of the Four Great Beauties, perhaps even worse than Cai Wenji.But Diao Chan didn't know if she was adopted by Wang Yun at this time.At this time, he was around eleven or twelve years old.It's still a little smaller, and when it's a little bigger, it's not bad to directly earn it under your command.

"Oh? What about him?"

Lu Zhi said: "Wang Yun found out the letters between Zhang Rang's guests and the Yellow Turban Army from the items collected from the Yellow Turban Army, and he reported these letters to the court. When Emperor Ling knew about it, he was furious and wanted to blame Zhang Rang. But the cunning Zhang Rang kowtowed to plead guilty, but in the end Lingdi did not pursue the case anymore. However, Zhang Rang found an opportunity to falsely accuse Wang Yun, so he arrested Wang Yun and put him in prison. Some time ago, he caught up with the amnesty and Wang Yun was able to resume his original post.

But within ten days he was arrested again on other charges.In the end, it was General He Jin, Yang Ci, and Yuan Kai who wrote a rescue letter together, and Wang Yun was spared from death, and was sentenced to a reduced death penalty. "

At this time, Luoyang was already in chaos, and Zhang Rang and others also played the role of their treacherous ministers, constantly disturbing the Han court, which can be described as a miasma.

Huangfu Song said: "Wang Yun is also a talented person, I have had some contact with him before."

Cai Yong also said: "Yes, this person is a loyal minister, but it is a pity that he was killed by a traitor."

But Zhang Yi said: "Let him resign himself to fate, we don't have to pay attention to it!"

Because he knows that Wang Yun is the key to the future, if he is moved, then Diao Chan doesn't know where he will end up?He really hoped to see the true face of the number one beauty.

Everyone didn't say anything about Zhang Yi's decision. After all, if you want to recruit, you also need the right time. Now it seems that the timing is completely wrong.Even if they went, they probably wouldn't be able to see Wang Yun, and they might have harmed him.But if he is dispatched, there are still some possibilities.

So, let's not mention this matter for now.

"Is there anything else? If not, this is the end of today."

Everyone thought for a while, and then Cai Yong came out and said: "I heard that there is a big epidemic in the south of the Golden City. I think we should close the city at this time, so as not to let the epidemic invade our city, so as to ensure the safety of our city residents."

From ancient times to the present, human beings have encountered countless plagues, some of which are particularly serious, and have a huge impact on human offspring: SARS, plague, smallpox, influenza, etc.Generally speaking, the plague is an infectious disease caused by some strong pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses.It is usually caused by poor sanitation after natural disasters.

The more war-torn the period, the more rampant the plague can be. At this time, the epidemic is also recorded in history. It depends on how Zhang Yi responds.

"No! I can't do this. The best way for us to increase the population of the Golden City at this time is to increase the population of our city's army again. Now there are nearly 20 people, and the army has 3000 people. This is not enough. We must increase it. Yes. For the epidemic, I naturally have a solution."

Zhang Yi thought to himself that at this time, the only way to resist the plague is to improve the physique of the city residents. He also thought of a way, that is, the saliva of destroying the world. He wanted to mix it with water and distribute it to everyone who entered the city. This thing can increase the physique .

Everyone was convinced, and to be sure, he also said: "Later, I will take a potion, you will mix it with water, and let everyone who enters the city drink a sip. Get the outbreak under control, and set up an area for the sick to use and not allow it to spread."

Everyone knew that Zhang Yi had a very powerful potion, so no one suspected anything.


Then there were some innocuous things, and after that, Zhang Yi communicated with Mishi, and the number above his head had changed dramatically.

That is, it will be upgraded again, and it won't take long, and the half-year period is coming.At that time, he couldn't imagine what kind of shock the LV14 Golden Dragon would bring.

Not too long ago, its memory should be clearer, which is true.

He was straightforward and didn't bother the Golden Dragon too much. He just communicated with it and asked it to provide a large amount of dragon saliva and put it in the space backpack for him to use. Afterwards, he took the soldiers down and diluted it for those who entered the city. drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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