Chapter 233 Dragon Saliva
The plague came very quickly, and at this time, a large number of people had died throughout Dahan.

The impact a plague can cause is enormous, and it is more of a manifestation of its sequelae.

First of all, the population is the first to be affected. In severe cases, the population of the entire city can be directly halved.

Then there are a series of problems caused by population.The next step is that the productivity cannot keep up, the land is not cultivated, the harvest is short, the economy is directly affected, and all other problems will appear.In the end, the entire era will go backwards and its strength will decline.

But all of this has no effect on the Golden City.

Because when the epidemic crazily rushed to the Golden City, it disappeared here.

Lu Zhi has already posted a report: "My lord, the epidemic has been brought under control at this time, and the casualties of all those who can enter our Golden City are very small."

Huangfusong added: "I heard some folks say that the person who entered the city drank dragon saliva! It is said that he once met a dragon descending to the earth in the east. This is to protect the entire Golden City, so this plague can pass through safely. Because of this The statement of Longxie also aroused the covetousness of some criminals, but they were all dismantled by our army."

When Zhang Yi heard this, it seemed that the dragon saliva was not groundless. There were more folk ideas, and maybe they could be linked together.

Zhang Yi showed great interest.

"What else did they say?"

"It also said that the lord is the real dragon emperor, who will rule the world in the future!"

Zhang Yi wanted to say, I am the father of the dragon, not the emperor, but he still didn't say it.This kind of saying will be seen as a fool, he just knows it.

He laughed and said, "These people seem to have guessed well! Hahaha! I just want to unify the world."

At the same time, he felt secretly refreshed. This was obviously a top hat for himself, and he took it for granted.

Closer to home, he was in high spirits right now.

Then he said: "Okay, Military Master Zuo, you can continue."

Lu Zhi nodded and said: "Also, the population of our city has been greatly improved during this period of time. The population has exceeded 25, and the number of military personnel has also increased significantly, reaching 5000. The average population of 5000 He is a powerful man, and he is a selected elite combat force!"

What Lu Zhi meant was that the bad Dragon Legion was not wanted, everything had to be included in the Legion and had to pass the test.

Moreover, the final elimination system was implemented, so all the remaining ones were elites.

Cai Yong also said: "Yes, the rattan armor, weapons, etc. have also begun mass production, and all weapons and equipment can be produced by June at the latest."

"Very good, keep it up, next, we are going to attack Jiuyuan City!"

Jiuyuan is probably the closest city to them. If they can take it down, their strength will be improved by a certain level. At the same time, this is also the second step in his struggle for hegemony.The first step is to manage the Golden City, and now that the time is almost ripe, the second step has come.

According to this situation, as long as the plague is over, it will be no more than March, and the army will definitely go to Jiuyuan!

His words aroused everyone's excitement. If it weren't for the plague, he would have sent troops to Jiuyuan long ago. As far as they know, there are only 1000 people defending the city at this time, and they only need 1 people plus some siege troops. Weapons, the city will be destroyed without attack.

Another two months later, when the wounds from the plague were completely healed, and the training of all recruits was completed, Zhang Yi was planning to attack Jiuyuan.

But here comes some bad news.

"The big thing is bad! The big thing is bad!"

Just as everyone was discussing the matter, a small soldier ran into the meeting hall.

"What's the panic?"

"The locust plague originated from the south of Jiuyuan, and a large number of locusts are coming to the Golden City!"

Xu Guangqi's "Agricultural Encyclopedia · Eliminating Locusts" counted the number of locust plagues in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC).
It is pointed out that there were 294 times of scorpion disasters in the Spring and Autumn Period in 111 years, and the monthly distribution is as follows:
Month (lunar calendar) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Number of occurrences 2 3 19 20 31 20 12 1 0 0 3
Most locust plagues occur from April to September.

Jiuyuan is located in Bingzhou, which is now Xinzhou City.It is more than 200 miles away from the west of the Golden City in a straight line.With the flying of locusts and the fact that they ate all the way, it took about two days to reach the Golden City.In these two days, they must think of a solution.

When Zhang Yi heard the news, he had a bad feeling. Since ancient times, locust plagues have been very difficult to resist, and the damage can only be minimized, otherwise all efforts will be destroyed by the mouth of locusts. Today's grain harvest is in short supply, although it can be obtained through looting. To obtain food, but this is not a long-term solution.

It's really a bad year. There was a plague in the front, and there was a plague of locusts in the back.

But Zhang Yi's first thought was not to deal with the locust plague, but first said: "The order will be passed on, so that people will spread rumors wherever the locust plague goes, saying that the plague will come first, and then the locust plague will come, and the big man will perish! Good! There is also a policy that all refugees who come to the Golden City will be given relief, but this relief is paid and must be paid back! We are not philanthropists, and free relief will only make people lazy. Do you know?"

Lu Zhi said: "Yes, my lord, just let me handle it."

Zhang Yi nodded, the next thing is how to deal with it.

"Pass down the order and let the farmers harvest all the ripe or half-ripe crops!"

This was probably the best way he could think of.

Either way, minimize the damage first.

And he also knew that the locusts could be eaten.So he said again: "Furthermore, let the personnel participate in the capture of locusts! The locusts are exchanged for the number of years of land tax exemption. This ratio is calculated by the right army division! We must all catch the locusts!"

Only by mobilizing people's power can these locusts be wiped out.

Cai Yong said straightly: "Yes!"

A plague of locusts means that billions of locusts pass through the country at every turn, destroying crops wherever they go, which will be a great blow to agriculture.Once agriculture is destroyed, all kinds of unstable factors will be completely magnified, which is completely unfavorable to his rule, so he has to do this.

"When the locusts light fires at a distance every day around the Golden City at night, the locusts will definitely jump on the fires, and you have to mobilize all the soldiers to bury these guys!"

Zhang Yi once read about the phototaxis of locusts to orange light in a book, and they have the strongest activity on purple light, but where you can get purple light in this age, it is better to set a fire directly to produce orange light, and pass it through the fire. It can also burn some locusts to death.

"Moreover, order people to build a hundred simple houses outside the city, each room can accommodate 20 people, to accommodate the coming refugees!"

Zhang Yi arranged everything in an orderly manner.

It made everyone feel very admirable, no one can be as organized as him.

Finally he said: "When this plague of locusts is over, it will be time for us to take down Jiuyuan City!"

 In fact, there are no subscriptions, favorites, recommendations, word counts, readers, hahaha, they are all fake! Fake! Don’t touch me, I don’t want to take medicine, let me go, I’m not crazy, there are always troublemakers Want to harm me, hahaha I am not crazy! Hahahahahahahaha I am not crazy!! Let go of me! I am not crazy! I don’t take medicine!!! You rascals want to harm me! Protect! Protect!

(End of this chapter)

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