Chapter 234
In the entire Golden City, both the people and the army are involved in the fight against the locust plague.

After the news released by the Golden City, the people in the city are eager to try.

The people want to exchange the number of locusts they catch in exchange for the right to use the land in the coming year.

I am afraid that only Zhang Yi can think of this idea.

On the one hand, it can eliminate the plague of locusts, and on the other hand, it also increases people's welfare and improves people's enthusiasm. This move is for the best of both worlds.

So among the folks, there are all kinds of ways to catch them, which are really amazing.

Because it was known in advance that the locust plague was about to arrive, all food outside the city was collected directly, so that the loss was minimized.

The time for a group of locusts to cross the border may only be half a day or a day. During this time, wherever they go, no grass will grow, and all food will be eaten up.

As for all the soldiers of the Dragon Legion army, they threw themselves into digging pits and stacking firewood.

Of course, those spies sent out have already passed the way of spreading rumors.

As a result, refugees from some disaster-stricken areas all fled to the Golden City.

At this rate, according to Zhang Yi's calculations, at least nearly 10 people will flood into the Golden City.By then, the entire Golden City may have to be expanded.Otherwise, we have to find another city to accommodate so many people.

The larger the city, the more difficult it is for the overall defense strength, so sometimes it is better to find a new city than expand the original city.

That's why Zhang Yi thought of taking Jiuyuan City and occupying all the resources in Jiuyuan City.

These are all ready-made. In addition to food, population, houses, and everything left by the Han army can be used by him.

Time soon reached the evening of the next day.

Zhang Yi looked at the south from the city wall. At this time, there was already a dark patch in the south, like a dark cloud, approaching the Golden City.

Everyone knew that this was a swarm of locusts with billions, even tens of billions, approaching the golden city.

These locusts covered the sky and plunged the entire Golden City into darkness ahead of time.

At this time, the hundreds of thousands of villagers in the Golden City had already left the city.

A large number of people occupy each area, some with baskets in their hands, and some with sacks.Some people even propped up the net.

It can be said that in order to catch locusts, these people did everything they could.

In their eyes, these are all money!
I saw a large number of locusts, which had already been crushed.

When the first locust arrived, it was directly culled.

Immediately afterwards, a larger group of locusts rushed towards the Golden City like a well-trained army.

Compared with the number of people, it is thousands of times, even tens of thousands of times.

Fortunately, they have prepared in advance. If they can't prepare in advance, I'm afraid they have to bear the loss.

"All soldiers help the people catch locusts!"

Zhang Yi issued the first order.

At this time, all the soldiers went out of the city with torches in their hands.

Immediately, a large number of torches appeared in the entire land outside the Golden City.

These torches are in slightly dark conditions.Like a lamp that guides the lost, it provides illumination for people.

But more locusts were directly attracted by the fire, and they rushed into the fire like moths to the fire.When they rushed to the torches, their bodies were burned directly because of the huge flames.


At this time, there was a burst of fragrance.

Sometimes there are too many of them, and they directly extinguish the fire of the torch.

This was unexpected, but it did not dampen the determination of the soldiers of the Dragon Legion.

So a war between humans and insects began.

A lot of locusts were packed into people's sacks.

These locusts piled up in sacks on the nearby land, which is people's private property.

Faced with such a huge locust disaster, the expression on people's faces is not despair, but surprise.Because the losses they can bring are very small to them.

What's more, there is an army of dragons behind these people, there is a golden city behind them, and there is a wise city owner? !

Even if there is no food, the Golden City will borrow food again, as long as the food is returned to the Golden City in the coming year.

Hundreds of thousands of people deal with tens of billions of locusts, although they are not as powerful as them.

But when the last captured quantity appeared before people's eyes.

The sack after sack of locusts directly refreshed people's perception.

If it was in the past, when the locusts crossed the border, people were more evasive and more helpless.

However, under Zhang Yi's leadership today, they took the initiative to fight back. This is a kind of progress!
Zhang Yi on the tower looked at the people below, and everyone sighed at the same time.

Such a magnificent scene, I am afraid that few emperors can do it.


This capture activity continued until midnight.

A large number of fires have already been ignited, and those locusts rushed to the fire desperately.

Some were burned to death, and some had their wings burned and fell to the ground nearby.

When the number accumulated enough, all the soldiers had pushed them into the pit dug in advance and buried them with soil.

This is a war that belongs to the Dragon Legion and belongs to Huang Jincheng.

In the end, although they paid a lot, people think they have won.

In terms of how they handled the matter, they were indeed victorious.

Finally, until the next day, the momentum of the locusts gradually weakened.There are few traces of locusts in the sky, and it has become bright.

The outside of the Golden City has already been filled with bag after bag, thousands of sacks of locust corpses, and these locusts are still alive.But the wise people soaked these locusts in the river water in the moat and drowned them alive.Otherwise, once a sack loosens its mouth, let them escape.

At the same time, Zhang Yi ordered all the soldiers to set up a large number of oil pans at the gate of the city, and the formation was very spectacular.

The people closest to it didn't know what the function of the frying pan was.

And those frying pans aroused people's onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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