Chapter 235 Snacks
People looked at the frying pan at the gate of the city and wondered, what kind of trouble is this going to cause?
Not only that, but a large number of chefs appeared in front of Wuguo, and these people were ready.

The fire was already burning under the pot, and a large amount of oil was crackling and bubbling.

This stunned the people around.

"You see there are chefs on standby there, what are those pans of oil for?"

It was discovered that the chef still had an oil pan, and the oil had already been heated.And it also exudes bursts of oily fragrance.

At this time, someone commanded: "You put aside the locusts you caught, and we will give you a certificate. From today, within 30 days, use this certificate to exchange for the right to exempt from taxation in the inner city!"

Now people began to enthusiastically lift the sacks of locusts to the positions indicated by the officers and soldiers.

After a while, the first batch of locusts had been weighed and put aside.

People were busy when Zhang Yi came down from the tower.

People looked at his appearance and immediately cast respectful eyes on him.Without him, there would not be so many utilization policies. Zhang Yi can be said to be the absolute master of the entire Golden City.

At the same time, everyone became quiet, they wanted to hear what Zhang Yi would say next.

And Zhang Yi's next action surprised everyone, because he picked out a locust from the pile of locusts.Said: "Locusts are a kind of medicine, and they can also be used as food. It is a good medicine for curing diseases. It has the effects of warming the stomach and rib yang, strengthening the spleen and eliminating food, dispelling wind and relieving cough."

Wow, when he said that, everyone went into a commotion. Obviously, people don't want to believe that locusts can be used as ingredients. I'm afraid only a few people know that locusts can be eaten. Most people can't accept it. They There is a kind of fear in my heart, after all, this is eating bugs!But as long as you take that step, you will definitely rush to eat.

Why did Zhang Yi come out by himself, because his words are extremely important, like the same sentence, what others say, and what he said have completely different results. In the Golden City, he is already a god-like existence.

"Maybe everyone doesn't believe it, we can do an experiment on the spot, and I can try it in public for everyone to see."

Zhang Yi ordered the chef to fry a large number of locusts in the pot. The fragrance immediately wafted from the pot, and then the locusts slowly turned golden.

After a while, a pot of fried locusts was completed.

The chefs sprinkle chili powder and a small amount of salt on top and place them on a plate.If you don't look at its original appearance, this plate looks and sells well.

Zhang Yi went to the chef, took the plate, and showed everyone the fried locusts just out of the pan. He picked up one and put it in his mouth and ate it.

The people around, especially those closest to her couldn't help swallowing, because they had already smelled a lot of fragrance and heard the sound of crispy.

Zhang Yi has never eaten it before, but he just knows that it can be eaten. When he eats it, let alone, it is really good.

So he was still not satisfied and picked up one with relish and ate it.At this moment, someone couldn't hold back anymore, he strode forward, picked one up and sent it to his mouth.

Suddenly the man's expression became very exciting, "It's really a delicious dish! This taste is really delicious."

After speaking, he took the plate and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Because of his start, more and more people joined the foodie team.After all, there are a lot of people, and all the fried locusts that have just been cooked will be emptied in a while.

Looking at people's longing eyes, Qing Cang knew that his goal had been achieved, why did he ask Guan Xiaofeng to come forward to explain, because she is a doctor, and she said that fried locusts can cure diseases and can be used as food, which is obviously better than what he said more believable.

Now he came forward and said: "Everyone be quiet and quiet. The pile of locusts you saw will be deep-fried today. You can eat them on the spot, or you can pack them up and fry them at home. Our goal is to kill these locusts." Get rid of it, don't waste it. Now that food is in short supply, these things can just reward yourself and replenish your body."

Locusts ate the crops, so it seems that there is nothing wrong with eating them, and there are hundreds of tons of locusts at every turn, and the workload of disposing of them is not small. It is better to give them to people to eat, which can be regarded as recovering some losses.

"I'm the first to agree!"

"Okay! These hateful locusts should be eaten by us!"

Zhang Yi was right, these guys should be eaten!
"Okay, you guys also bring some for others, so that everyone can eat!"

It is not easy to prepare rations for tens of thousands of people. If people directly bring the fried locusts to other people to eat, it can save a lot of trouble.

Now, the corpses of these locusts are also processed, and at the same time they can fill their stomachs, killing two birds with one stone.

"Don't worry, Lord City Master, we will bring them the others! There will also be a large number of soldiers."

All of a sudden, hundreds of oil pans were busy, and new fried locusts were constantly coming out of the pan, but when they came out, they were quickly swept away.

From today, fried locusts will also become a delicious snack. You can have a pot from time to time, paired with some small wines, and life is still boundless.

And the remaining locusts were also taken back and stored, maybe they will wait until the next time to taste them.

Word of the Golden City victory is believed to spread, but other disaster-affected areas have not been so lucky.

Due to the plague of locusts, a large number of lands have lost their harvest, and a large number of areas have fallen into famine, and it is precisely because of the famine.

And it is precisely because of the famine that a large number of refugees are produced.

This is an opportunity for the entire Golden City.

Zhang Yi even sent an army to recruit along the road, recruit some young people, and provide food to their families, as long as the young people join the army.Therefore, they also proceeded very smoothly. As for the specific number of recruits, we still have to wait until they return to know.

On the other hand, the progress on housing for refugees is also ongoing.

Today, everyone is also tired, so Zhang Yi asked the soldiers to rest earlier.

Until the next day, when the sky just dawned.

Some people have come to report: "A large number of refugees have appeared outside the gates of the major cities!"

Now the Golden City, which was just attacked by the locust plague, has not fully recovered, but a large number of refugees have come, and their resettlement has become a big problem.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi had prepared a large number of houses and beds in advance, allowing them to be placed outside the city.

So he issued an order: "Arrange all the refugees to resettlement houses outside the city, this matter will be handled by the left army division!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Lu Zhi took the order and went out.

Zhang Yi said again: "Other things will be handled by the right army division. The Golden City needs to be restored."

"Yes! Lord!"


(End of this chapter)

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