I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 236 You are too naive

Chapter 236 You are too naive

After a few days, the number of residents in the Golden City had reached 30, and the number of Dragon Legion members had also increased to nearly 4. This would be another qualitative and quantitative leap.

At the same time, Zhang Yi has already begun to make arrangements for taking down Jiuyuan City. This matter has long been brought into the process, but the final decision will be made today.

When he and the soldiers were discussing how to take Jiuyuan, a guard suddenly came to report.


There was a person outside the meeting hall who claimed to be Dong Zhuo's envoy, and arrogantly asked the city lord to meet him.

At this time, Dong Zhuo returned to his original post and replaced Huangfusong to wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turban. These things were originally done by Huangfusong. Unexpectedly, because of Huangfusong's surrender, Dong Zhuo benefited and took the official position in his place.

Huangfu Song recognized him, and said: "Dong Zhuo? This man is very cruel! He is quite powerful! Unexpectedly, he sent an envoy!"

Lu Zhi said: "At this time, according to the information, the imperial court has already worshiped him as Zhonglang General. He is majestic. If these envoys come here, nothing good will happen!"

Cai Yong also said: "This emissary is so arrogant, I have to show them some color!"

Cai Wenji said: "Dong Zhuo must have something to ask for when he sends people here, and it must be the intention of the court. That is to say, the court has noticed my Golden City! We have to handle this matter well!"

"Ma'am! Everyone, I, Zhang Yi, don't like to see other people being arrogant. How dare a mere envoy dare to be arrogant with me? I really think my life is not long enough!"

Zhang Yi is already angry. No one is happy with how he is asked. He also has the power to fight against the court. It is not because of his strong military strength. Weigh it.You must know that they are a regular army, not the Yellow Turban Army composed of peasants!

So Zhang Yi said again: "Zhao Zilong, take him in, I want to see where his confidence comes from!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Zhao Zilong took the order, and went outside with a long spear to catch the fellow.

After a while, a sharp voice came from outside.

"You vulgar man, don't be rude! I will go by myself! Don't pull me!"

"Go away! Do you know who I am? I'm an envoy from the imperial court, you'd better be polite!"

"You say it again!"

Zhao Zilong's eyes froze, and his expression became very ugly!
Only a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was picked up by him.

"Let go of me, you know, you committed a capital crime, and you dare to be rude to the messenger!"

"go with!"

Zhao Zilong didn't care so much and left the man behind.

He rolled for a while before he stopped, his whole body was covered with dust, in front of him were countless men, all of them were powerful.At the same time, there was a mockery on his face.

The messenger patted the dust on his body, stood up and said, "You are Zhang Yi? You know, you have committed a heinous crime! I will report it to General Dong later, and let them read your book again and again in front of the Holy One, so that you can suffer so much! "

Zhang Yi said coldly: "Hey! Boy, you probably don't know where you are?"

The messenger straightened his back and said, "Why don't you know, I'm in the land of a big man!"

"No wonder that Dong Zhuo asked you to be an envoy, but you are also very eloquent! You can speak well."

When the envoy heard this, he was furious.

"Bold, the name of the general is taboo, but you can wait for the untouchables to call it?"

Suddenly Zhang Yi yelled, "Kneel down!"

The voice was very loud, but the envoy didn't kneel down when he didn't want to, and still looked arrogant.

At this time, Zhao Zilong couldn't get used to it, so he kicked the messenger directly.

This kick made him fall to the ground, and he fell to the ground, he was so embarrassed.

No matter how stubborn he is, in the face of absolute force, is he considered a ball?
Even if there is a powerful force behind him, people who meet ordinary people may still be afraid of him, but what he is facing is Zhang Yi, and there is an army of dragons behind him, and of course there is a golden dragon that he doesn't know.

Especially the golden dragon is enough to make the enemy fearful, but he dares to be so arrogant, it is simply desperate.

When the messenger saw that Zhao Zilong was using violent force, he panicked.

But the expression on his face was still firm.

"Bold, how dare you be rude! When I go back, I will kill you all."

Zhao Zilong scolded coldly and said: "Then you have to go back with your life. If you can't go back, how will you kill us?"

Regarding Zhao Zilong's rhetorical question, the emissary seemed to realize that he was in a dangerous situation, the expression on his face became panicked, and his voice became much quieter.

"You can't do this, you'll regret it!"

Zhao Zilong said fiercely: "Be honest, I, or I will kill you!"

This guy is honest.

Zhang Yi asked: "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"General Dong wants to conscript your troops!"

It turned out that he came to recruit security, no wonder this guy dared to be so arrogant.

Then the messenger took out a book with a red seal on it.

He threw it on the ground and said, "This is a document, read it for yourself! Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you serve me well, you will all be rewarded!"

At this moment, his voice became a little louder.I probably thought that everyone didn't respond because they were frightened.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi said: "Tear up the document, and drag this eunuch out to me and chop it up!"

When the messenger heard this, he was furious.

"you dare?!"

But at this time, Zhang Liao picked up the document and tore it up!
"You can't do this, you'll regret it!"

At this time, Zhao Zilong's spear was already taken out.

"You ask me about the spear in my hand, will you regret it?"

The envoy saw that this posture did not seem to be joking, so he began to shout.

"Spare me, spare me! Lord City Lord, spare me!"

He didn't expect that the city lord named Zhang Yi would be so stubborn, and he would be a messenger after all.

"Are you turning a deaf ear to the so-called two armies not beheading envoys when they are at war?"

The messenger still didn't give up, and said again.

"Are we at war? Are you too naive? A clown! Pull it down and cut it!"

Facing Zhang Yi's rhetorical question, the envoy had already slumped on the ground.

Zhang Liao said: "It's really arrogant, I can't stand it anymore, I'm not happy if this guy doesn't kill me!"

At this time, Zhang Liao was ahead of Zhao Zilong and pulled him down.

There was already a puddle of water where he left, and he was already scared to pee.He should pay for his arrogance.

At the same time, everyone was also worried. If the envoy didn't return after a few days, someone would definitely send someone to investigate, or even call directly, because the enmity was settled, but Zhang Yi was not afraid at all, just afraid that they would not come to fight!If he wanted to fight, he had never been afraid.

Zhang Yi sneered: "How could my Golden City be afraid of Dong Zhuo?"

Then he said: "Where did we talk just now, let's continue!"

Not affected by that one at all.

(End of this chapter)

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