I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 237 Expedition to Nine Plains

Chapter 237 Expedition to Nine Plains ([-]rd update)

The next day, Zhang Yi gathered 2 people and prepared to go to Jiuyuan City.

Some people may say, why do you need 1000 people to fight a city of 2 people?

What I want to say here is that this time, they are not going to plunder, but to take over Jiuyuan City.

If 2 people are stationed in Jiuyuan City, the entire Jiuyuan will belong to the Dragon Army. This is the second step of Zhang Yi's outward expansion!
This time, he brought Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong, and Zhang Liao with him, and other people like Tai Shici, Zhou Cang, Lu Zhi, Cai Yong and others were arranged by him to guard the city in the Golden City.Cai Wenji didn't bring it out either, and gave them a lot of tasks.

First, to train soldiers. The number of newly recruited soldiers is increasing very fast. These people need special training, and of course the enhancement of dragon saliva is indispensable;

Second, banditry has recently appeared in the vicinity, probably because of the increase in refugees, people have nowhere to go, so they want to become bandits.Therefore, the main advantage of Zhang Yi letting them stay nearby to suppress them is that they can get their food, and it can make the entire Golden City relatively safe and free from threats.

Third, all the rules in the city must be enforced, so it is obviously right to leave the two major military divisions behind.

"Zhao Zilong!"

"My lord! I am here!"

"Are all the siege weapons ready?"

"Two hundred trebuchets, one thousand ballista carts, and ladders are all ready to attack the city."

"Very good, let's go immediately!"

At this time, the army blew the horn, and Cai Wenji led the people out to see them off.

"Husband, I wish you a triumphant return as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Ma'am, don't worry, there is no place in this world that can stop us!"

After finishing speaking, he got on the horse, and he looked to the south, and at this time, there were already a large number of people seeing off on both sides.

Because the formation they created has made people realize that this is a powerful army.

Someone said:
"I heard that the city lord wants to take down Jiuyuan City this time! There are only a small number of Han troops stationed in Jiuyuan City. This time, I am afraid that nine out of ten will solve the problem."

"This sounds like blood! After taking down Jiuyuan, the Lord City Lord wonders if there will be further possibilities!"

"There are more passionate ones that you don't know!"


"That day, an envoy from the imperial court came to show off his power in my Golden City, but was chopped off by the City Lord!"

"How bold..."

"I hope they can take Jiuyuan City."

"They will succeed!"

"how do you know?"

"I have a hunch. I have never seen an army with such strict military discipline. These soldiers have been training all day and night, and they have never slack off. Based on this alone, their combat power must be very strong!"

"No, we have watched all the previous battles. Is there any army in this world that can be like them? They also repelled the barbarians. Those barbarians are digging mines right now."


Zhang Yike didn't have time to pay attention to the words of these people, he ordered to go south.All the troops then headed south. It may be dangerous at this time, after all, they may encounter the army of the Han army. It doesn't mean that there is only one person in Jiuyuan City.

From everyone's face, there is no trace of fear, but more people are excited.In this battle, how many soldiers will be promoted to military positions, hold great power, and be promoted to rank.

They walked for a whole day, and it was almost night at this time. Although Jiuyuan was close, if they walked, they might not arrive until night.

So Zhang Yi ordered the large troops to rush on the road overnight, and he planned to make a quick decision to avoid long nights and dreams.

It went smoothly at the beginning, but later encountered some troubles.

Due to the heavy rain during this period, the road on the ground has become more and more difficult to walk.

Walking was okay, but with some big guys like food, grass and siege weapons, the huge wheels left two rows of deep pits on the ground, making the carriage behind go very slowly. Later, he changed his strategy and let the carriage go first. Put the battering engine at the end of the line.

I originally planned to arrive at Jiuyuan City the next day, but now it seems that it will take another day. Before, it was because he rode a horse, which was relatively fast. This time there is no way, because there are a lot of heavy weapons, you Can't get up at all.

The sky is getting dark gradually. The march of this day has consumed a lot of physical strength of the soldiers. If they don't rest, some people may not be able to bear it. Most of them don't ride horses like Zhang Yi and others, but walk more. It also needs to carry tens of kilograms of things.

"Report, reach Yuanping County ten miles ahead."

"How far is it from Jiuyuan City?"

"More than sixty miles!"

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and when people heard Yuanping County, their expressions were excited, because at least there was a place to rest.It depends on how Zhang Yi arranges it.

Huangfu Song said: "My lord, our soldiers are tired all the way, we need to take a rest!"

The army he leads is strict in military discipline, and it is because he sympathizes with the soldiers that he is supported by others. As far as the current suggestion is concerned, he has also shown enough love.

Zhang Yi took his suggestion and said: "Okay, take down the Yuanping County Government, and the soldiers will rest here for one night. We will continue on our way when the sky is bright tomorrow."

This casual remark immediately made the army full of energy, what a domineering reply, knocking down the county government, no one would have dared to think about it before.Now it becomes a breeze.

A county government can only garrison a hundred troops at most, sometimes even fewer. During the war, it is estimated that there are not even 50 troops.

Even if there are 100 people, facing an army of [-], why don't they run away with their tails between their legs?

Zhang Liao took the lead.

"My lord, then I will be the vanguard and take the head of the county magistrate!"

"Accurate! But remember, don't disturb the people!"

The so-called people are the foundation and cannot be moved. Everywhere he goes, he will explain it. The first lesson for new soldiers is to respect the people, and in the future they will have to rely on the people for food. This can be said to be very good.


Zhang Liao quickly headed to Yuanping County with a thousand knights, and the large army followed behind and continued to march.

Soon there was a lot of flames and the sound of rushing.

These sounds disappeared after a while and stopped.


When Zhang Yi arrived with his army, Zhang Liao came up to meet him.He said: "My lord! More than [-] officers and soldiers in Yuanping County were wiped out this time, and no one escaped. Hundreds of grain carts were seized!"

"Very good! You've done a good job! Tell everyone to cook, and we'll be on our way tomorrow morning!"


This place is no different from the Golden City, the place here is much smaller, but people who are tired all day don't care at all, they eat some food indiscriminately, and soon fall asleep.

Because there will be a big battle tomorrow, no matter how many people are in the city, if you want to win Jiuyuan City, you need to pay a price.

(End of this chapter)

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