I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 238 Refuse to Surrender

Chapter 238 Refuse to Surrender
If other armies marched in such a difficult environment, some people would definitely fall ill, but no one fell ill in this dragon army.

The reason for all this, probably only Zhang Yi knows, is because of the dragon's saliva.

In the next period of time, the Dragon Legion was like a bulldozer. Anyone who encountered a stronghold or a county government was pushed away, and all the food reserves inside were also taken away by them.Some of them can't be taken away, Zhang Yi will take the opportunity to put them in the space backpack, try to hide them as much as possible, so that no one will know.

After walking for several hours, a spy reported back: "Report! Twenty miles ahead is where Jiuyuan City is!"

At this time, Jiuyuan City can be seen in the distance. A huge city stands on the plain, surrounded by farmland, but these fields have long since lost a trace of green, and they are all yellow. A plague of locusts crossed the border.

Not only in the distance, but even where they came.

Zhang Yi did not let the whole army rest, but said directly:

"Okay! Everyone set up camp, we are ready to attack the city!"

He has his own considerations, and if he can win quickly, he will definitely not be soft.

"My lord, why don't we send someone to persuade him to surrender first, if we can persuade him to surrender, maybe we can reduce our losses?"

Huangfu Song said so.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, and it seemed reasonable, so he replied:

"Okay! In your opinion, who in my Dragon Legion is willing to go?"

Zhao Zilong came out at this time and said: "I, Zhao Zilong, would like to go!"

Zhang Liao was about to move, but Zhao Zilong grabbed him first.

"Quite! Take [-] cavalry. If the enemy is willing to surrender, wait for our army to arrive, and then enter the city together. Don't act rashly unless we wait for the army!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Zhao Zilong counted [-] elite soldiers and went to the north gate of Jiuyuan City.At this time, the north gate was closed tightly, and they probably knew in advance that the army was coming.

This Jiuyuan City is divided into four gates, and the walls are full of sentry towers. To everyone's relief, there is no Wengcheng in this city, so the difficulty of attacking is considered medium.

What is Wengcheng? It is one of the main defensive facilities of ancient cities, which can strengthen the defense of castles or passes, and a small semicircular or square gate city built outside the city gate (there are also special cases inside the city gate). It is part of the city wall of ancient Chinese cities.

The two sides of the urn city are built together with the city wall, and there are defensive facilities such as archery towers, gates, and battlements.Wengcheng gates are usually not on the same straight line as the protected city gates to prevent attacks from battering rams and other weapons.

The difficulty of attacking a city with an urn will rise sharply!
Taking the Golden City as an example, it has not been built yet. Later, Zhang Yiyou is considering that when the city expands, he will build the Urn City again, but not now.

As the army slowly advanced, Zhao Zilong had already led three thousand elite soldiers to the north gate of Jiuyuan City.

"Listen people in Jiuyuan City, come out and surrender now, you still have a chance, otherwise you will be executed on the spot when my army enters!"

As soon as the words came out, people on the city wall could hear them, but no one responded.

So Zhao Zilong said again: "My Dragon Legion is going all the way south. This time I came to take over Jiuyuan City. I will give you ten breaths to respond. Otherwise, we will storm into the city!"

Zhao Zilong didn't stop, and started counting down when he spoke.


Every time he reads it, he feels like there are figures moving on the closed city gate.

"three two……"

When he read two, someone had already come out from above the city wall.

"Dragon Legion? I advise you to retreat. At this time, the imperial army has come to support my Jiuyuan City!"

The speaker was a general. Zhao Zilong felt that he should talk to Zhang Yi when he heard it. After all, if it was true, it might be very detrimental to the entire Dragon Army.

Seeing that the Dragon Legion was about to come, he still didn't give up, and said: "Even if there are imperial military talents, so what? My Dragon Legion is invincible in the world, even if you have reinforcements, so what? We will also Drive back their legions before they get there!"

What Zhao Zilong said was not bragging, it was true.

Unexpectedly, it caused the generals on the tower to laugh.

He revealed his true self, which turned out to be a fat man holding a huge iron rod in his hand.

"I, Duan Tao, have guarded Jiuyuan City for many years, and I have never seen a guy like you! Let me tell you! I have [-] troops in Jiuyuan City, and you want to attack the city with only [-] troops? That is simply too much. Overconfident!"

What Duan Tao meant was that if there were no defenders ten times as large as ours, there would be no way to break into the city!

But the Dragon Legion is not those miscellaneous troops.

"Okay! Since you choose this way, don't blame us for being rude!"

Zhao Zilong immediately led his soldiers back to tell Zhang Yi what happened just now.


At this time, the army has pressed down to one mile outside Jiuyuan City.

Zhao Zilong repeated what he heard before.

When Huangfu Song heard this, he immediately exclaimed.

"What! They didn't surrender, and there are reinforcements!"

"Yes, they also corrected it, saying that there are not 1000 people guarding the city, but 3000 people."

Now everything is variable, Zhang Yi thought for a while and said: "Why do I feel that this person is lying? No matter if they are one thousand, three thousand or more, Jiuyuan City must be captured today. If what they said is true , then we will destroy the Han army that will come to our aid, capture them, and use them for us! Our army will grow stronger again!"

After all, this is just a family story, and the real situation is unknown. What if Duantao is lying?
Zhang Liao asked, "My lord, how are you doing now?"

"Fight! Just start fighting! Don't hold back! Be sure to take down Jiuyuan quickly, because if you are late, you will change!"

This is what Zhang Yi meant.

But Zhang Liao stood up and said: "Master, let me play the striker, I am willing to lead by example! Siege the city!"

Zhang Yi refused. If Zhang Liao was allowed to lead the battle, he would probably be shot to death on the way before reaching the foot of the city.

So, he said: "No! You don't have to take the lead, let the trebuchet come directly! You just have to wait, and when the time comes, I will let you attack the city!"

Zhang Liao didn't say anything, just waited.

"Okay! The whole army listens to the order and prepares the trebuchet!"


Two hundred trebuchets were completely set up, and a trebuchet basically required a dozen people to operate.Therefore, even if there are trebuchets in Jiuyuan City, there are not enough people to operate them. In other words, there are weapons in Jiuyuan City, but no one uses them, and people only have to be beaten.


All the trebuchets are lined up in a magnificent manner.

As soon as Zhang Yi gave an order, they could start throwing stones.

Two hundred stones will attack the city wall at a time, and it may only be a matter of time before Jiuyuan City is taken down.

(End of this chapter)

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