Chapter 239
Jiuyuan City not only has no urn city, but also no moat, so this is a very easy city to capture, as long as the city gate is taken down, all this is easy to say.

If it were the Dragon Legion to guard the city, then I am afraid that the city will be as solid as a rock, and even if foreign aid comes, it will not be able to break the city.

At the same time, Huangfusong was speculating that if they were to provide assistance, they would probably go into battle lightly and would not carry some siege weapons.

Since he wanted to take it down quickly, Zhang Yi directly ordered: "All trebuchets, aim at the north gate, and shoot it down for me!"

The army should "Yes!"


All the trebuchets have turned their directions. They have a common goal, which is the north gate. If the stones thrown by the two hundred trebuchets hit the city gate at the same time, it can be said that there are not many city gates. can withstand such attacks.

At this time, the rotation angle of the trebuchet was engraved. This is some changes made by Zhang Yi, so when aiming, the hit rate will not be too bad.

At the same time, the people in the city seemed to be moving. They chose to be tough, which made Zhang Yi appreciate them very much and was willing to fight for his city.

But appreciation is appreciation, he is not ambiguous at all about the city that should be conquered.

Looking at the rear, the uniform soldiers are like heavenly soldiers descending from the earth.The flag with the dragon character in the army flutters with the wind, which is particularly eye-catching.


When everything was ready, he gave an order.

Two hundred stones flew out at the same time, and each of these stones weighed two to three hundred catties.

boom boom boom

They bombarded the city gate, and this bombardment directly dented the city gate, but the firmness of the city gate was not bad, and after the stone hit it, it fell down.

But if it is just one stone, it is far from enough. More stones followed, and they blasted towards the city gate. Of the two hundred stones, more than 100 hit the city gate, and some missed. After blasting into the city, there were wailing sounds in the city, probably because some people were hit, and some people died because of it.

But war is like this. When they choose to be tough, they should know that there will be such an end.

boom boom boom

But after a while, a large number of stones were thrown again, and this time the target was still the city gate.

The entire city gate has begun to crumble, no matter how good your quality is, it is impossible to resist such a violent attack, right?

But at this moment, Duan Tao's voice came from inside the city.

"Pile everything behind the city gate quickly, and don't let the city gate be broken. Once the city gate is broken, we will all be finished!"

As a result, the entire Han army began to get busy. They desperately piled everything that could be stacked behind the city gate, but when they moved the things, the city gate had already broken a hole.This frightened them, and before they could react, the hole was getting bigger and bigger.

Even though they didn't catch them without a fight, on the contrary, they piled up things desperately. Everything, no matter what it was, as long as it could block the city gate, they would put it away.

But manpower is not as powerful as machinery after all, and before they can fill up the aisles of the city gate, a huge hole has already been broken in the city gate.

"Run for your life! We can't hold on here anymore!"

Some people have already started running, but before they could run, a huge stone fell into the city gate and hit them. In an instant, someone was smashed into a pulp.

This is not over, and then a second stone came in, scaring them back quickly.

More and more stones flew towards them, constantly harvesting the lives of the Han army.

The Dragon Army's offensive was beyond their expectations for the entire Jiuyuan City. They thought it was just an ordinary army.

But I didn't expect their trebuchets to be so powerful. In just these few rounds, they were about to knock down the city gate.

Someone shouted: "This is the most powerful trebuchet I have ever seen! No one!"

"General, let's run!"

Duan Tao, on the other hand, had a violent temper. He shouted:

"Run? Running is also a dead end. It is better to die for value. Who dares to run, kill without mercy!"

Now everyone is in a dilemma, if you go, you will die, if you don't go, you will die.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the city wall. When everyone realized it, the city gate had already been broken, and a large number of stones were coming in.

At this moment, Duan Tao, who was on the top of the city tower, looked at the densely packed dragon army below, he hesitated.

Zhang Yi saw that the gate of the city was broken, and said: "The gate of the city is broken, the ballista cart is ready, light it!"


brush brush

A large number of ballista carts were pushed out and kept advancing, and there was also a large army advancing behind them. Among them were ladders. The function of these ladders was to climb up the city wall as quickly as possible to eliminate the enemies.

Someone said: "The ballista cart is ready!"

"Okay! Cover the army! Siege!"

Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao, and Huangfusong rushed to the front, and the soldiers behind followed them towards the north gate.

The momentum is very large, even if there are 3000 people guarding Jiuyuan, facing these powerful opponents, they may not be able to defend for long, and the city gate is broken again. Die!

The dragon army began to charge.

At this time, the defenders of Jiuyuan City began to prepare bows and arrows, trying to prevent the Dragon Army from attacking.

And many ballista carts began to shoot a large number of flaming crossbow bolts.


A large number of flaming crossbow bolts have been shot, and at the same time directly ignited the tower, and the entire tower was on fire in an instant.

Not only that, but the crossbow arrows also made extraordinary achievements. This wave of attack directly took away nearly two hundred Han troops, which is equivalent to reducing a lot of pressure for the Dragon Army's siege.

Huangfu Song shouted: "Come on! Break into the city! Occupy Jiuyuan City!"

At this time Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao had already attacked the city.

They led people to attack the city first, and others also started to climb the city wall with ladders.

The battle between the two sides fell into a fierce battle. Although the Dragon Legion was superior in number, the Han army had the defense of the city wall, so they had to fight for a while more or less.


The three led troops into the city and slaughtered wantonly. A large number of Han troops were directly knocked to the ground by the three.

At the same time, the battle flag of the Dragon Legion has been planted on Jiuyuan City.

Now more soldiers rushed over, and the entire city wall of Jiuyuan City was gradually overwhelmed by the soldiers of the Dragon Legion.

The Dragon Legion entered the city in a state of being crushed.

People from the Dragon Legion are densely packed everywhere.

"Duan Tao stop running!"

When Zhao Zilong saw Duan Tao was about to run away on horseback, he ran after him.

At this time, Huangfu Song reminded: "Zilong don't want to kill him, he wants to live!"

"Yes, I know!"

After Zhao Zilong finished speaking, he chased after Duan Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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