Chapter 240 Zhu Jun
The gentian bright silver spear provoked by Zhao Zilong galloped forward, directly chasing Duan Tao.
He didn't doubt Huangfusong's words too much, because Huangfusong told him not to kill this guy, there should be his reason.

"Duan Tao, don't go! Give Zhao Zilong a shot at me."

At this time, Zhao Zilong's gentian silver spear has arrived.

"Huh? Kid, you are courting death!"

Duan Tao had no choice but to pick up his iron rod and come face to face

The two weapons collided together, and the iron rod made a buzzing sound, and then it was ejected a certain distance.

The iron rod was completely defeated by the attack of the gentian silver gun.

In terms of Duan Tao's size, he is fully twice the size of Zhao Zilong, but judging from the first round of attack just now, he can't take advantage of the slightest.

He was even pushed back by the shock, and doubts appeared on his face.I must be thinking in my heart, this is impossible, it is impossible for him to lose.

Duan Tao now knew how powerful Zhao Zilong was, and the two fought for a few more rounds.He knew that Zhao Zilong was invincible, so he didn't dare to entangle with him again, and he just rode his horse and ran away.

On the other hand, Zhao Zilong was aggressive, and he couldn't tolerate Duan Tao's retreat.But Huangfusong refused to let him kill this guy, so he picked up the gentian silver gun again and stabbed Duan Tao's ass.

horse neighing,


The huge wound caused the horse to stagger and fall directly.

Duan Tao on the horse also fell directly.

But the fall didn't stop him from escaping, and he ran again.At this time, life is very important, if caught by Zhao Zilong, he must die.

But after all, these two legs can't run with four legs.

Duan Tao couldn't run very far before he was crushed to death by Zhao Zilong.

But Duan Tao, unwilling to give up, had no choice but to pick up the iron rod to meet Zhao Zilong's attack.


The weapons of both sides collided together.

But after less than one round of attack, he was knocked down by Zhao Zilong's spear point.

Duan Tao has changed, lying on the ground afraid to move.

When everyone saw Zhao Zilong's victory, their morale rose instantly.

"Duan Tao, you'd better be honest, or I'll kill you!"

Facing Zhao Zilong's threat, Duan Tao gave in and bowed his head directly.

"You! You can't kill me! I know I'm still useful!"

Duan Tao is right, he does still have some functions.

At this time, Zhang Yi also rushed into Jiuyuan City with an army.

But Zhao Zilong tied Duan Tao up and didn't say a word, just waiting for Zhang Yi to deal with Duan Tao.

Zhang Yi followed the army into the city. He walked up to Duan Tao, cast admiring glances at Zhao Zilong and said, "Zhao Zilong, you did a good job! It is right to save this man's life!"

"My lord, this is the meaning of Lord Huangfu!"

"Very good! This person is the key, and many news must be pried from this person."

Then he walked up to Duan Tao and asked.

"You said that a Han army is coming to Jiuyuan City, then let me ask you, who is the leader of the Han army? How many people are there? When will they come? If you answer well, I can consider not killing you."

Duan Tao looked at the young man in front of him who was too young, he never expected such a huge army.His commander turned out to be a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.In contrast, I am already in my thirties, but I am still doing nothing.

And just now, he was defeated by Zhao Zilong, who was about the same age as Zhang Yi, which can be said to be a shame for him.

In front of life, everything is floating clouds, so since Zhang Yi said so, there is a glimmer of life, and he has nothing to hide.

"It's Zhu Jun! It's General Zhu who is now leading the troops for General Chariots."

Zhu Jun (jùn) is named Gongwei.Born in Shangyu County, Kuaiji County (now Shangyu District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang).A famous general in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.Zhu Jun was born in a poor family and was famous for supporting his mother when he was young.

When Huangfu Song heard this, he thought for a while, and said: "It turned out to be Zhu Jun. He fought side by side with me last year to wipe out the Yellow Turban Army. I didn't expect him to lead troops here this time."

They can also be regarded as officials in the same dynasty, and it is normal for them to know each other.

"In that case, maybe we can persuade it to be used by us?"

Zhang Yiru said.

Huangfusong also said: "Zhu Junqi's personality is a bit stubborn, and it is quite difficult to persuade him! I, Huangfusong, have seen his temper."

When Duan Tao heard this, he exclaimed and said, "You are Huangfusong! Then you are from the Golden City?"

Shock can always be heard from his tone.It can be known that the reputation of the Golden City is spreading far and wide at this time, so it is no wonder that Dong Zhuo sent envoys to recruit.Presumably Emperor Han Ling already knew where the Golden City was by now.But so what?With Zhang Yi's combat power, he is not afraid at all.

"Tell me, how many soldiers and horses are Zhu Jun leading?"

"Five thousand troops will march first, and there are [-] troops behind. Their main purpose this time is to destroy the Black Mountain Army. They will arrive in Jiuyuan City around tomorrow afternoon!"

After Duan Tao said this, he finally understood that there was a Black Mountain army besieging the city outside Jiuyuan City earlier.Then they had to withdraw suddenly. For a period of time, the food in Jiuyuan City was short of food, and the reason has not been found yet.

Now the imperial court must have thought that the Black Mountain Army did it, so they sent Zhu Jun to wipe out the Black Mountain Army.

But never expected that Zhu Jun would meet the Dragon Legion in Jiuyuan City.

So no matter what, Zhu Jun must subdue, if he can let the [-] soldiers and horses he carries.As long as half of them are subdued, it will be another huge supplement for the Dragon Legion.

However, Zhu Jun's personality may be somewhat different from Huangfusong's, although it is not easy to regain it.

If you can't be persuaded, then defeat him until he is convinced!Zhang Yi thought so.

"In that case! Pass down the order to occupy the inner city, and then repair the north gate. Garrison soldiers at all the gates. Replace the flags on the city walls with those of the Han army."

Huangfu Song said:

"My lord, do you want to pretend to be the Han army to let Zhu Jun enter the city, and then catch them all?"

Zhang Yi nodded in agreement.Then he said: "Duan Tao, if you want to survive, you should know what to do when Zhu Jun arrives, right?"

"Yes! Lord City Master, I know. Let him enter the city, and then..."

"If you do well, I will let you go back. If you don't do well, you will be enslaved forever. You will also be tortured. I will not let you die, but it will make you feel worse than death."

Duan Tao's attitude changed directly, because Zhang Yi gave him a chance.

"Yes! The little one knows!"

In this way.Everyone went down to perform their duties.

The entire Jiuyuan City attacked.It took less than a day from siege to take down.

This speed is very fast, of course, it has something to do with the small number of people defending the city.It is also related to the strength of one's own siege weapons.

Next, Zhang Yi sent someone to pass the letter to the Golden City with the news of the occupation.So as not to worry the beauties and subordinates in the Golden City.

 Happy Labor day!

(End of this chapter)

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