I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 241 There is Grain in the Cellar

Chapter 241 There is Grain in the Cellar
In the afternoon of that day, the Dragon Legion directly occupied the inner city of Jiuyuan City, and began to hire craftsmen and call on the captives to work together. They began to repair the damaged city gates, and replenished the four major city gates. Logs were rolled, trebuchets and ballista carts were arranged.

In particular, the southeast two gates have the largest number of city defenses and a large number of weapons.

Because as far as they knew, it was possible for Zhu Jun to enter through these two doors.

What they did was what the defenders of Jiuyuan City hadn't done before.

When the whole army was in the tense preparations, Zhang Yi took Huangfusong to walk around Jiuyuan City, and inspected the people's conditions by the way.

But a large number of refugees appeared in front of them.

With their sunken eyes, they watched the coming and going troops.There was no life in their eyes.This made Zhang Yi a little puzzled, so he asked one of them.

"How long has it been since you guys ate?"

The man said weakly: "Since the food in Jiuyuan City was suddenly emptied that day, the defenders of Jiuyuan City went door-to-door and searched for our food. We have been hungry for more than 10 days. There is no one at home. For food, we can only survive by eating tree bark and grass roots. Some time ago, there was a plague of locusts, and the food in the fields was completely wiped out, what should we do?"

They didn't know that all of this was done by the man in front of them, and Zhang Yi didn't expect that these troops would focus on the people.

At this time, more than half of the people in Jiuyuan City were in dire straits.

His words resonated with others, and some women said: "It's okay for us adults to be hungry, but children are still young and can't stand hunger!"

"Look at this little baby who was born less than 20 days ago. Her mother has no milk. She is already skinny. She can't even cry!"

"My lord, please advocate for us!"

The so-called food is the most important thing for the people, and the country is based on the people.

He wants to consolidate the entire city.Then we must put the people first.At least not let the people go hungry.

So he said to Huangfusong, "Spend some of the food we carry and distribute it to these people."

Huangfusong said, "The food we have is only enough for 2 people for 10 days. If we distribute it to them, what will our soldiers eat?"

What he said is correct, there is a trade-off between the army and the people, if it is blindly toward the people.So, when the city is threatened, how do they defend the city?

But Zhang Yi has his own way, he said: "Of course I have a way, you just do what I want, at least don't let these people go hungry. At the same time, you can directly issue regulations again, and anyone who joins the army can be rewarded with food, and Promise that once they are qualified to enlist in the army, they will have no worries about food and clothing, so that our army can grow stronger."

During the siege just now, the Dragon Legion had already lost hundreds of people, and this loss was within the controllable range.After all, it is impossible to attack a rock-solid city without killing some people.These people must be added, because Zhu Jun's more than 5000 elite soldiers will welcome them.

Huangfusong knew that Zhang Yi had already decided that he couldn't change it.

But he still said: "Our food is not enough for the entire city to last for a few days. In the end, these people will also starve to death."

"It doesn't matter. If you can last for a few days, try it for a few days. I will figure out a way in the future."

In fact, Zhang Yi had already planned to wait until Zhu Jun came over.The loss of Jiuyuan City can be supplemented by searching for food from nearby bandits or other enemy strongholds.After this time passes, it will definitely get better.

At the same time, he still has a secret, that is, the amount of food in the space backpack is still very large, and he has never used this space backpack to serve himself from the beginning.Now just in time for this opportunity to make those grains useful.

Because these things are hoarded, they will be broken after a long time.

Huangfusong had no choice but to say: "In this case, I will order people to do it."

After Huangfusong finished speaking, he went down to make arrangements.

These people listened to the whole process, and when Huangfusong left, they were really sure that Zhang Yi really wanted to help them, so they quickly knelt down.They shouted together: "Your Excellency has really brought us the grace of reinvention, we will never forget it!"

"My lord is truly a wise master!"

"Master is wise!"


Zhang Yi endured the flattery of these people, and being kneeled by so many people still sounds very cool.

He will not give food to these people in vain.He wants to transform the entire Jiuyuan City. It can be said that it doesn't matter if you give it a day or two, but it won't work after a long time.First of all, he is not a philanthropist, he wants to run the entire city.In the future, it will produce food in the same way as the Golden City, and wait until after the autumn harvest.The grain that was lent must be returned in full.

But he said on his mouth: "You all get up. I will rely on you in the future. Contribute a lot to Jiuyuan City."

Everyone stood up and expressed their thanks.But I don't know, there is no free lunch in this world, and Zhang Yi is not a philanthropist, if he wants something, he must pay some price.

In the end, Zhang Yi led his troops and left in the eyes of everyone.


About a few hours later.

Zhang Yi appeared from somewhere in the inner city and greeted Huangfusong.

"We found a lot of food under the cellar of Jiuyuan City, you go and get it out and make good use of it. From today on we won't be short of food!"

"What! There is still food in Jiuyuan City? We have already searched for it, how could it be possible?"

When Huangfu Song heard it, he couldn't believe it.

At the same time, he muttered: "Are there still some places that haven't been searched?"

Because it was obviously beyond his expectations.

"That's it. Our soldiers accidentally discovered it just now. Let's do it quickly. The soldiers are still waiting to eat!"

"Yes! My lord, I'll arrange it now!"

Zhang Yike would not tell him that just now, he took out these grains from the space backpack.

These things were originally obtained by Jiuyuan, but now they are just put back, but the location is relatively hidden.

Because the warehouses in Jiuyuan City had been searched and there was no food, he thought of putting them in the cellar.

This can be said to be done without anyone noticing.

After finishing the work, Zhang Yi returned to the main city, and asked everyone to sort out the things left in the whole Jiuyuan, and find all usable objects, such as armor, weapons, etc., and all usable things will be destroyed. He uses it.

Of course, the order of the entire Jiuyuan City will also be endowed with new functions by him, all of which must follow the Golden City's norms.

In the future, the norms of every city must be like this, so that they can develop together until they grow stronger.

 Happy Labor day!

(End of this chapter)

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