I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 242 Zhu Jun's Army Arrives

Chapter 242 Zhu Jun's Army Arrives
Those who should come will still come, so by the next afternoon, spies came to report.

"Three miles away from Jiuyuan City, a 5000-man cavalry brigade appeared, heading towards the south gate!"

Huangfu Song said: "Sure enough, it is here!"

And Zhang Yi also nodded and said: "Yes! Then let's move!"

Then he ordered: "Come here! Open the city gate and welcome them into the city. Prepare for battle at the same time! Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao, I want the three of you to deploy 2 people in the city and ambush them!"

The three responded: "Obey!"

Then go down and get ready.

Zhang Yi asked again: "Where is Zhu Jun's army now?"

The spies agreed: "They are still more than twenty miles away!"

Needless to say, these 5000 people are the vanguard army, and they are faster.But the faster it goes, the sooner it dies.

"Take down these 5000 people first, and then capture Zhu Jun alive. I don't believe that Zhu Jun will still refuse to accept it?!"

Let's say Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao have already rushed to the south gate to lurk.

On the south gate, Duan Tao had already looked into the distance from the city tower. The entire city wall was covered with Han army flags, and the guards were also dressed as Han army soldiers.

"Who is coming, sign up to come!"

Duan Tao asked, this is a question, to increase the authenticity, and at the same time there are archers behind him with full bows aiming at him.As long as he dares to say the wrong thing, he will die here directly!

"Under Mengtian, under the order of General Zhu, lead the vanguard to enter Jiuyuan City, please open the city gate quickly!"

This person is holding a double axe, nearly two meters tall, and has a strong physique. He is a fierce general at first sight.

"It turned out to be General Zhu, so I asked someone to open the city gate!"

Duan Tao said, so after waiting for a while, the south gate opened wide.

Meng Tian brought five thousand cavalry into the city without the slightest doubt.

That Duan Tao immediately came down to greet him, saluted Meng Tian as soon as he saw him, and at the same time looked away a little, so all around him were people from the Dragon Legion.

"Duan Tao is the military general defending the city. We have been waiting for a long time when we heard that General Zhu is coming here. Now, I will order the logistics to prepare some food and wine for you!"

"You're on the right track too! Let General Zhu give you some good words in front of my emperor!"

"Thank you, General Meng!"

Duan Tao saw that Meng Tian was about to leave, and said again:

"General Mengtian, you have so many people, we don't have enough space, why don't we divide into three waves and enter the inner city first, how about we set up a few reception places there?"

Monty didn't have any doubts.

"Alright! The whole army obeys orders and is divided into three parts. Duan Tao, you lead the way!"

"Yes! General, please go here."

Meng Tian marched directly into the city, not knowing that the danger was approaching them.

When they parted, the south gate closed slowly, Meng Tian asked Duan Tao: "Why close the gate?"

Duan Tao said bluntly: "Because the Montenegrin Army has frequently attacked Han recently, we had to set up city gates for defense."

Meng Tian didn't doubt anything anymore, so he yelled at the army and horses and entered the city. At this time, the city was calm and calm, and Meng Tian didn't notice anything unusual.

Duan Tao led Meng Tian all the way forward, when they walked for a while, they saw a person standing in front of them.

This person was holding a spear and wearing a white suit, and suddenly shouted: "Zhao Zilong is here! If you want to survive, surrender, or die!"

Immediately afterwards, a large number of rattan armored soldiers appeared and surrounded these people.

Meng Tian shouted: "Bold! This is Jiuyuan City, you cannot be presumptuous! Duan..."

Meng Tian wanted to call Duan Tao, but Duan Tao had already disappeared at this time, and at the same time, there were more and more rattan armor soldiers, the number was probably more than three times their number.

"Bad trick!"

Zhao Zilong said again: "I'll give you three breaths to consider, surrender or die!"

Meng Tian sneered and said: "That depends on whether you have the ability! Do you dare to fight me?"

Zhao Zilong laughed out loud.

"Okay, as you wish!"

So he took up his spear and rushed over on horseback.

And Meng Tian is also holding a double axe and slashing over.


The weapons of the two sides bombarded together, and the first round was evenly matched.

This Mengtian's body is huge, so his strength is naturally not small. Compared with him, Zhao Zilong seems smaller, but Zhao Zilong's strength is also not small, and his body agility is even better.

In the second round, the two fought together again, only to see that the Long Dan Liang silver spear pierced and pierced Meng Tian's left hand directly, and his ax came out of his hand.

How could he be Zhao Zilong's opponent without an axe?

Meng Tian stood still, and directly swung the ax in his right hand to kill him.But at this time Zhao Zilong had disappeared, and the ax went straight to nothing.

Without waiting for Mengtian to attack again, he saw a long spear directly passing through the heart.

All this happened so fast that it was too fast for people to react.

Meng Tian's eyes were dull, his hand was going to take the gun, but the gun was drawn out.

At this moment, blood spurted from his chest, and he fell directly onto the horse, causing dust to rise from the ground.

Monty, die!

The morale of the Dragon Legion soared.

"Surrender without killing!"

Zhao Zilong shouted holding a spear.

Some of these nearly 2000 people directly threw away their armor and armor and chose to surrender.

But there were others who chose to resist, but they couldn't resist the siege of seven to eight thousand people and were hacked to death.

Of course, there are some people with extraordinary force, and they want to leave some members of the Dragon Legion behind with their swords, but when their swords and spears fell on the vine armor of the Dragon Legion, all expressions turned into shock, and the vine armor He couldn't even cut it with a knife, and when he was surprised, the person had already been killed.

Cooperating with the battle formation of the Dragon Legion, the encirclement is constantly shrinking.The two sides fought for less than a while, and the rest of the people surrendered one after another.

Zhao Zilong took out a long knife and cut off Meng Tian's head, while the others were sent to prison to wait for their fate.

So these captives were escorted to the prison for centralized management.

And Zhao Zilong held Meng Tian's head and went to the inner city to claim credit.

When he arrived, Zhang Liao and Huangfusong had also arrived.

"My lord! The Han army has been controlled by me. This is the head of General Meng Tian."

Meng Tian's head was thrown directly into the ground.

As soon as Zhang Yi saw this person, he said: "Very good, you have done a good job! Clean up the battlefield and wait for Zhu Jun to arrive! Now wait for Zhu Jun to come, and we will use the same method to lure him in. You should know how to do it, right? "

"Yes! My lord, we know!"

The three generals responded immediately, and went down to prepare.

He will use the same method to capture Zhu Jun, a war that can be avoided, once and for all.

But it is rumored that Zhu Jun is a talented general.I'm afraid this method will have a greater chance of failing.But how do you know if you don't try?If it succeeds, it will be Zhu Jun directly.If it fails, it will prove that Zhu Jun's military strength is also transcendent.No matter what, he will be subdued!

(End of this chapter)

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