I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 243 Zhu Jun's Confidence

Chapter 243 Zhu Jun's Confidence

Everything seemed to have never happened, and everything in the city returned to calm, and the gate was still tightly closed.

At this time, there is already news that Zhu Jun has arrived three miles away, and at this time Zhang Yi is on the tower, looking at the army in the distance alone. The army of more than 2 people did not come to attack the city, so these Among the troops, they did not carry siege weapons, they went into battle lightly.

All the way to the bottom of the city tower, Zhang Yi gave a look, Duan Tao and Zhang Yi went down the city, and opened the south gate to welcome them.

Zhang Yi pretended to be a small soldier and let Duan Tao go ahead.

The soldiers and horses they carried were only about a thousand, and these people were all dressed up as Han soldiers.

The armies of the two sides meet.

Duan Tao said: "General Zhu has worked hard all the way, I have ordered someone to prepare some wine and food for you!"

At this time, Zhu Jun was not in the front, but in the middle, and soon someone reached his ears.

In Zhang Yi's view, a middle-aged man was riding a black horse with a sharp sword on his waist.Already a little old, but his eyes are very energetic.

He looked around and said after a while, "Enter the city!"

The army shouted and began to march.

Sure enough, like the legend, Zhu Jun confirmed every step he took.

2 people, etc., began to enter the city in a mighty manner.

But at this moment, Zhu Jun was still behind the army, unmoved.

Zhang Yi thought that Zhu Jun seemed a little cautious.

This made him a little anxious. If more than 2 people all entered the city, then 2 people in the city against 2 people, although it is not invincible, but in that case, his losses will also increase.In this way, no benefit can be obtained.

But he also appreciated Zhu Jun's behavior. If this is the case, then the situation has changed.

He also thought of a countermeasure, and waited for the army led by Zhu Jun to enter one-third of the time.He then also entered the city, and as soon as he entered the city, he began to shout: "Close the city gate! Attack!"

The south gate of Jiuyuan City was quickly closed, dividing the Han army into two, and then the ballista on the tower began to attack, and the direction was Zhu Jun's army.

All the Han troops in the city were terrified because of this, and before they could react, they were besieged by nearly 2 Red Army troops.

These people have never seen such symptoms, and immediately surrendered.

A rough look puts the number of these people at around 6000.

At this time, Zhang Yi also went up to the tower, looking at the Han army below.A large number of attacks caused the Han army to quickly withdraw from this section.

Zhu Jun stood in the rear with a look of panic.But he quickly adjusted his battle policy and immediately ordered the entire army to retreat.

They always kept a certain distance from Jiuyuan City.

It was Zhang Yi who ordered the attack to stop.

The Dragon Legion stopped and did not attack again.

A lot of dust had already been raised between the two armies, and when the dust cleared up.A large number of corpses are scattered all over the place.The loss of the Han army this time can be described as very serious.A rough calculation shows that at least 1000 people were left behind in this wave of attacks.

So Zhu Jun, who originally brought more than [-] people to support Jiuyuan City, now has only about [-] troops left. How can such a large number of troops be compared with the Dragon Army with more than [-] troops? ?
At this time, the south gate of the city gate was wide open, and Zhang Yi led Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao and others out of the city.

All the troops were holding dragon flags. At this time, when Zhu Jun saw the crowd coming out, his face became more puzzled.

At this time, Zhang Yi yelled: "Jiuyuan City has been occupied by me. Zhu Jun! If you want to survive, just surrender!"

Zhu Jun also went with the army, and when he saw that Zhang Yi was dressed like a soldier, he remembered the people he had seen before.He turned his eyes and saw Huangfusong again, and felt even more puzzled, so he blurted out three words.

"Golden City."

Then he said: "Good guys! You are actually traitors in the Golden City, and you will be punished right away! No! You will be punished immediately!"

"Zhu Jun, I am the lord of the Golden City! You are a famous general of the generation, and now I invite you into my Golden City, and I will definitely use you again! How?"

Zhang Yi said directly.

"Impossible, how could I, Zhu Jun, be with you? I was born a big man, and died a big man ghost!"

Zhu Jun's temper was as expected in the legend, he was almost defeated by one game at this time, and when he was defeated, he would probably be just like Huangfusong.

Huangfusong said: "Zhu Jun, I advise you to return to the Ming Lord! In the world, only the Lord can save you!"

Unexpectedly, he was ridiculed by Zhu Jun.

"Joke! Huangfusong! You traitor, you still have the face to tell me? Just in time, I want to defeat your so-called lord, and escort you back to the capital! Let my emperor judge you! Sentence you to a chariot! I know your bad deeds."

"That depends on whether you have the ability?!"

"Then let's see the real chapter on the battlefield!"

To see who is strong and who is weak, only the real chapter can be seen on the battlefield.

Zhu Jun's mouth is very hard, it is impossible to surrender without a fight, even if he is defeated, it is impossible!

Zhang Yi said: "Zhu Jun, you only have more than 1 people left, how can you compete with my [-] army?"

Zhu Jun looked indifferent, and he said: "I didn't expect you to use such a treacherous scheme to damage my military strength, but I want to tell you here that there are not many soldiers, but they are strong and fine. Number one! Starting from the attack on the Yellow Turban bandits, our army is invincible!"

Zhu Jun was afraid that his self-confidence was unprecedentedly strong because of some victories.He probably forgot the nearly 6000 people who entered the city just now. Of course, half of what he said was to boost his morale.

But Zhang Yi said: "That's because you haven't seen my army. When you see my army, you might not say that!"

Zhu Jun couldn't wait to say: "Then come on, let's not talk nonsense!"

"As you wish! The whole army obeys orders!"


Zhang Yi shouted, and the army behind him swiped immediately, making preparations in a uniform manner.

Just waiting for his next order!Seeing all this in Zhu Jun's eyes, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, but it was quickly cleared away.

Zhu Jun also returned to the rear army. This time, he will compete with the Dragon Army.

I'm afraid there is only one battle left now, if he can defeat the Dragon Legion, then his victory will be one more!
"The whole army obeys!"

Zhu Jun also shouted like Zhang Yi.

The Han army behind them did not lose to the performance of the Dragon Army.

With such a performance, Zhang Yi became more and more satisfied the more he looked at it. The stronger Zhu Jun was, the happier he was of course!Only if this is a powerful subordinate, if he can belong to himself, he must be able to fight the world for himself!

(End of this chapter)

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