I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 244 Attack Formation

Chapter 244 Attack Formation
Dong dong dong

The drums sounded on both sides, and every time the drums were played, the morale of the soldiers increased by one point. This would be a fierce battle.

For Zhu Jun, if he wants to win, he has to kill Zhang Yi and others, and use his own army to defeat the Dragon Army.

For Zhang Yi, it was more about sacrificing fewer soldiers and defeating Zhu Jun on the battlefield, convincing him and surrendering to himself.

The goals of both parties are different, but the final result is to defeat the other party.

Zhang Yi's army at this time was about 5000 people, and 5000 people guarded the city at the rear, maintaining the order of all the prisoners in the city.

Therefore, in terms of numbers, the Dragon Army's number does not have much advantage over Zhu Jun's Han Army.

At the same time, they were located a little far away from the city wall, and the ballista carts could not support them at all.

"The whole army obeys! Kill me!"

It was Zhu Jun who shouted first. At this time, the Han army's troops began to disperse and formed attack formations one after another. Needless to say, this was their formation.Their arms seem to be a little incomplete, like cavalry basically no.

Because their cavalry had been taken away by the vanguard before, and the rest of them entered the city and were captured by the dragon army.

From this point of view, what Zhang Yi did before was right, otherwise, Zhu Jun's army would be much stronger than him.

It's not invincible, but it needs to pay a higher price.

But Zhang Yi's side is much better. There are about 3000 cavalry, [-] sword and shield soldiers, [-] spearmen, and the rest are more than [-] archers and continuous crossbowmen. There are advantages to fighting.

"Let them come! Defend!"

brush brush

All sword and shield soldiers pushed their shields to the front and pressed them down, forming a huge protective cover.The spears and archers were hiding among them, and some cavalry were dispersed on horseback.

At this time, Zhu Jun gave another order: "Shoot the arrow!"

A large number of bows and arrows were shot, coming towards the dragon army.

However, Zhang Yi's early defense played a large role. Most of these bows and arrows were blocked, and only a small part fell into the gap and injured some soldiers.

"It's our turn! Let the arrows go!"

They withstood this wave of attacks. Zhang Yi ordered that the sword and shield soldiers had already stepped aside, and the archers behind them shot their bows and arrows.

A black bow and arrow fell from the sky, and finally fell into the camp of the Han army. These people were relatively scattered, and they were not like the Dragon Army. People with shields resisted the attack, but there were still many people who did not bring people, but hit the arrow.

Hush, huh, huh, some people just fell down, never getting up again.

At this time, Zhu Jun gave another order!
"Bows and arrows continue, the whole army attacks!"

brush brush

A large number of bows and arrows are ready, and at the same time, a large number of sword shields and spearmen are coming.

He is going to choose toughness, which really makes people admire his courage, but courage does not represent strength. In front of the dragon army, their strength is still a little bit worse.No matter in terms of attack, defense, or the diversity of arms, Zhu Jun's Han army is slightly inferior.

Seeing this, Zhang Yi said:

"Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong, Zhang Liao! The three of you each led a thousand cavalry around the enemy's rear and killed all the archers!"


The three of them spread out quickly with [-] cavalry. The cavalry has the highest mobility and can reach the enemy's position in a short time, so they can go around to the rear to attack the weakest archers.

This startled Zhu Jun and gave the order immediately.

"Three thousand spears retreat to protect the archers!"

These archers are his lifeblood, without them, the attack power drops to the lowest level.That can't be lost!

At the same time, [-] spears retreated, and they were the nemesis of the cavalry.Without them, the archers will be safe and sound.

But their speed was not fast enough, but at this time Zhang Yi shouted: "Attack formation!"

With a swipe, the soldiers of the entire Dragon Army immediately changed their formation and became a conical formation one by one, surrounded by swords and shields, and there were a lot of spears between the swords and shields, and behind them were bows and arrows. hand.


They strode neatly towards the Han army.

In this way, it is very sad that the attacks from both sides are carried out at the same time.

The Han army led by Zhu Jun had never seen this kind of formation before. He was in a daze when the attack from the front line had arrived, and a cone-shaped battle formation had rushed into their army.Started to kill their soldiers wantonly.

"What! What is this!"

Zhu Jun exclaimed, and saw that the conical formation was constantly cleaning up everything around it, and kept going deeper into the formation.

"This! What is this thing, why is it so powerful! My army! Break this formation quickly!"

This formation is too powerful, and it keeps rushing to kill many people in the Han army.

As soon as Zhu Jun gave the order, some soldiers tried to break through the formation with knives and guns as he said, but they couldn't do it. The rows of shields seemed to be glued together. It was supplemented, and these soldiers came out in an endless stream, making the entire Han army one head and two big.

Zhu Jun also took a deep breath at this time. If this continues, he will definitely be defeated. Before he finds a broken formation, he can't fight the Dragon Army head-on.

So he said again: "Withdraw! Distance yourself from the enemy!"

After hearing his order, the troops began to retreat.

At this time, the conical formation was approaching step by step, and Han soldiers were buried in the conical formation wherever they went.

"Damn it, if there are cavalry at this time, this formation can be broken!"

Zhu Jun found the key. After all, this formation was made by manpower. When cavalry came, they would surely be able to break through the cone formation with their powerful impact.

But it's too late now, because his cavalry vanguard has been completely captured and is being held in Jiuyuan City at this time.

The signs of defeat of the Han army became obvious.

"Attack! Attack quickly, don't let Zhu Jun run away!"

Zhang Yi gave an order, and at this moment, the soldiers moved forward desperately as if they had been spattered with chicken blood.

The [-] cavalry of Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong, and Zhang Liao in the rear also played a role, forcing the enemy back into the battlefield.

This made Zhu Jun feel a little bit hostile.

After playing for less than an hour, it seems that the result has come out.

But Zhu Jun still seems unwilling to believe in failure, he chooses to be tough.

"Close up and deal with the enemy!"

Hush, huh, huh, all the Han troops gathered at one point and turned their spears, knives, and shields outward in unison.

They were surrounded in the middle and could not move.

Everyone had a nervous look on their faces.

The situation became more and more tense, depending on how Zhu Jun's Han army responded to the Dragon Army's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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