I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 245 Breaking Out of the Encirclement

Chapter 245 Breaking Out of the Encirclement
The Han army carried by Zhu Jun was facing the attack of the cavalry carried by Huangfushan, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao, and it seemed a little powerless. It was because the attack of the cavalry was fast and powerful, and it was too late for them to form a formation.Even if it is in time, it is easy to be washed away, and there is no support for combat power at all.

However, facing such a huge attack, Zhu Jun quickly regained his composure without panic, showing the demeanor of a general.

But the lack of panic does not mean that they will definitely survive, because there are also a large number of dragon capital legions right in front of the battlefield, which are advancing at this time.These guys are like iron walls, constantly harvesting the lives of their soldiers.

Zhu Jun became restless at this time, and immediately said to everyone: "Contract the formation to resist the attack!"

When he made this decision, he was doomed to die forever, and now they had nothing more than two choices, either surrender or fight.

And adopting a tough confrontation method to kill the enemy has a feeling of killing one thousand enemies and harming eight hundred.

Since you want to defeat us, then I won't make it easy for you either.That's where his thoughts lie.

In this way, both conveniences will consume a large number of troops.

Zhu Jun believed that even if he lost, he would lose with honor, and if he retreated at this time, he would definitely die.

why?Because when their team was dispersed.What awaits them is to defeat each other.Those conical formations one after another are not vegetarians.

But it is not easy for Zhu Jun's Han army to hold on!Facing the wolf-like dragon army, they are getting more and more difficult.

At this time, news came from the front that a cone formation had already been broken by them.It's just that a lot of soldiers' lives were consumed to achieve such a result.

But then news came from the front that made him even more desperate. These formations seemed to be continuously produced.One was blasted, and the other was organized immediately after.They didn't have any temper when they beat them.

Looking at the rear, there is still a cavalry army coming.

It really depends on whether Zhu Jun can survive this battle.

The armies of both sides are constantly being consumed, and Zhu Jun's Han army has suffered even greater losses.

I am afraid that only Zhu Jun would order such a tough and tough one.

At this time, the loss ratio of both sides has reached 1:4.Basically, one soldier of the Dragon Legion can consume four Han troops.Such a ratio is already considered very strong. When the battle reaches the end, it may even reach 1:10, 1:20 or even more, and the Han army may surrender.

Because the enemy is weak and we are strong, when the enemy's power is consumed, the strong will be stronger and the weak will be weaker.

Some Han soldiers have shown expressions of despair.

"General, the enemy is too powerful, we can't stand it!"

"General, we are surrounded!"

"General, nearly half of our archers were killed or injured!"


A lot of bad news came, and after Zhu Jun heard it, he was in despair. Looking at the dragon army that was approaching, he felt despair for the first time.

"Terrible...terrible army of dragons!"

"General, I'm here to protect you from the encirclement!"

A brave general said so.

But Zhu Jun said: "No! I can't leave you alone! Brothers, we stand up and resist, and we can't let the people of Golden City succeed!"

But at this moment, Zhang Yi's voice came from outside.

"The descendant will not be killed! Otherwise die!"

Saying this, it directly caused some weak-minded people to collapse directly.

"No more fights, no more fights! We will stop fighting!"

Some threw away their armor and tried to surrender.

They spread like a virus, and more and more people joined in the surrender.They don't want to fight anymore, even if Zhu Jun is a good leader, he can't make everyone have one heart.

At this time, Zhu Jun's face turned blue, and Zhang Yi made him a little disappointed.

"Whoever dares to surrender will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, one of the men under him suddenly came out, picked up a big knife, and slashed at the surrendered man.

Some who surrendered simply died.

But this cannot stop people from surrendering, but speeds up the process of surrendering.No matter how much he killed, he couldn't finish killing these people, after all, there were too many of them.

This time the defeat was decided, more than half of the people did not want to fight this battle, Zhu Jun was powerless even though he had three heads and six arms, he had generals but no soldiers, so he couldn't fight.


This time the army was defeated like a mountain, and Zhu Jun had no choice but to give the order.

"Break out of the encirclement, evacuate!"

There was no other way, even though he was unwilling to do so.

But at this time, Zhang Yi's words came.

"Zhu Jun! You can consider my suggestion and merge into my dragon army. Perhaps your future is bright, and this world will be ours!"

"Daydreaming! It is impossible for me, Zhu Jun, to surrender to you even if I die! Break out of the siege!"

There were probably thousands of people who were unwilling to surrender and rushed to the south immediately, trying to break through the encirclement.Zhu Jun was moved by their attitude of treating death like home, but now is not the time to be moved.

No matter how brave they are, they will not be able to break through. After all, the formation of the Dragon Legion is changeable, and no matter how hard they try, it will be difficult to break through.

But this is only a matter of time, the defense of the Dragon Legion is not invincible, and it cannot break through because of insufficient impact.

After a while, they were still dispersed by them, and several generals led Zhu Jun to rush out of the encirclement.

For a while, there were other people who wanted to surrender, so they took the opportunity to rush out and become deserters.

Zhang Yi saw all these changes, but he seemed indifferent, and he was not in a hurry.

At this moment, Huangfusong, Zhao Zilong and Zhang Liao were about to lead the cavalry to stop.

At this time Zhang Yi had already swung his army down, but he shouted: "Who will capture Zhu Jun with me?"

Zhao Zilong shouted: "I would like to go!"


Zhao Zilong rushed to intercept Zhu Jun before Huangfusong and Zhang Liao.

According to historical records, Zhao Zilong once led Adou to shuttle among thousands of troops by himself, but his expression remained unchanged, and at the same time he successfully escaped. Judging from today's performance, he echoed what was described in history.

Seeing this, Huangfusong and Zhang Liao expressed regret, wishing they could take the lead.

But it was too late, Zhao Zilong rode his horse and galloped away with a large army to chase Zhu Jun.

Zhu Jun must have been very sad in his heart. This was probably the first time he was in such a state of embarrassment. He came here with [-] soldiers, but it was because of Zhang Yi that he was directly defeated, and now he was still being chased.

Once caught up, then I am afraid it will be more or less ominous.

"Zhu Jun, stop running! Surrender!"

Zhao Zilong shouted from behind.

Zhu Jun didn't return directly, but sped up the horse under his crotch and fled directly.

However, Zhao Zilong's cavalry seemed to be faster, and they were about to catch up.


(End of this chapter)

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