I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 246 Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish

Chapter 246 Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish
The so-called lean camel is bigger than the horse.

Even if Zhu Jun fled with his remnants of troops, the number of their troops was far greater than 3000.

So with Zhao Zilong's cavalry of only 1000 men, it is still very difficult to intercept Zhu Jun.

Fortunately.There is also a large force to support in the rear.

First, Huangfusong shouted: "Zilong, after I and Zhang Liao are separated, you can rest assured and go arrest Zhu Jun."


Zhang Liao also said: "It's enough for us to block it here!"

Zhao Zilong nodded movedly, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you General Huangfu and Zhang Liao."

"Then hurry up, General Huangfu and I can wait for all of this."

Zhao Zilong did not stop, but rode away.

But Huangfusong and Zhang Liao were accompanied by a group of cavalry.Rushing into the Han army, the sound of charging and killing continued, and they directly divided Zhu Jun's army into two.

In doing so, about [-] people would evacuate to the south, and Zhu Jun was among them.

The rest fought desperately with the cavalry led by Huangfusong and Zhang Liao.But those people.I didn't fight with all my heart, because some people fled as deserters.Others are also unwilling to fight.So even if their numbers were small in this battle, they still showed a crushing situation.

We will not talk about it here.

At this time Zhao Zilong had already led his [-] cavalry troops to chase Zhu Jun.

"Zhu Jun, don't run away! With me, Zhao Zilong, you don't want to escape from my grasp!"

Zhao Zilong took the lead, and the horse under his crotch was a horse raised by the barbarian. It ran extremely fast. Compared with the horses Zhu Jun and the others rode, it was better in terms of endurance and explosive power.

So with the passage of time, Zhao Zilong's cavalry team has become infinitely close to where Zhu Jun's army is.

At this time, Zhu Jun was terrified. This was probably the greatest humiliation he had suffered in decades of military service.

Entered Jiuyuan City with 5000 people, but didn't want to be put together by Zhang Yi's 2 people.

Nearly 9000 people were directly discounted.

Although the people who followed were brave and good at fighting, they were still no match for Zhang Yi's army.

In his heart, he had to admit that Zhang Yi was a combat prodigy.

But my heart is still upset.He didn't respond to Zhao Zilong's call.Just put my head down and rode trying to get out of the place.

But in fact, if he can do what he wants.Zhao Zilong has nothing to say when he goes back, so Zhao Zilong will keep Zhu Jun no matter what!
"Zhu Junxiu is going to run away, so be restrained obediently."

At this time Zhao Zilong had already brought his cavalry.Go around to the front of Zhu Jun.

As soon as he finished speaking, he ordered again: "Keep them!"


The cavalry took up their weapons and cut off Zhu Jun's army again.

The entire Han army was directly divided into two halves.

Zhao Zilong immediately picked up the long spear, rushed into the enemy camp, and headed for where Zhu Jun was.

This Zhu Jun's martial arts is not considered strong, but his military ability is outstanding.He also has a group of other military generals with extraordinary strength.

However, when these generals tried to stop Zhao Zilong.But Zhao Zilong shot them one by one, knocking them to the ground.

"What? What kind of martial arts is this? Why is it so powerful?"

Zhu Jun had seen how powerful Zhao Zhilong was, so he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Compared with Zhao Zilong's strength in the past, although he was strong, he was still young and still owed Huohou.

After that, Jinlong's saliva was strengthened, and he became even more powerful.

I dare not say how much, but there must be a [-] to [-]% increase in strength.

Zhao Zilong's spear had already pierced, at this moment a general jumped out and said, "General Zhu, run quickly, I'm blocking here."

This man is strong and strong, holding two swords.He rode between them on horseback.

Zhao Zilong doesn't care who it is, he has to kill him.

When the double knives received the spear, they made a Dangdang sound.

Zhu Jun nodded and sighed, and rode away, but the general was stabbed by the spear and fell to the ground after less than three rounds under Zhao Zilong's attack!
As a result, Zhao Zilong's behavior directly smashed Zhu Jun's team into pieces.

No one dared to stop this god-like existence in front of him.

Because from just now to now, Zhao Zilong has defeated six people, and these six people are all powerful fighters.

This level of strength is extremely amazing at any time.

But at this time, Zhu Jun didn't have time to sigh, but rode away and left. As long as he left and reached a safe place, he still had a chance to make a comeback.If you don't even have your life, how easy is it?
At this time, he was about 20 meters away from Zhao Zilong.

But this distance is not absolutely safe for him.

At this time, Zhao Zilong really chased after him.

"Zhu Jun, you can't escape, I, Zhao Zilong, will come!"

Soon, Zhao Zilong caught up with him and stabbed his horse's ass with a long spear.

The horse suffered from pain and jumped up, almost throwing Zhu Jun to the ground.

Zhao Zilong shot again, this time he got off the horse and was stabbed to the ground.

This time Zhu Jun was not so lucky, his center of gravity was unstable, and he was about to fall to the ground with the horse.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, a pair of big hands lifted him up.

Zhu Jun took a look, it turned out to be Zhao Zilong!

He resisted, but was knocked unconscious to the ground.

As soon as Zhu Jun was arrested, all the Han troops fled in all directions like a group of dragons without a leader.

This battle lasted only about two hours.

Next, Zhang Yi led all the troops to directly surround all the Han troops, probably after a while.

Huangfu Song came to report.

"My lord, our army has captured more than [-] enemy soldiers, and the other Han troops have escaped. We have collected nearly [-] sets of weapons from the Han army."

"good very good!"

And Zhao Zilong took Zhu Jun and threw it in front of Zhang Yi, and he was in the inner city of Jiuyuan City at this time.

At this time, Zhu Jun's hands were bound, and he was slowly waking up.

When he opened his eyes, there was an army of dragons in front of him.

At this time, when Zhang Yi saw him wake up, he went up and untied him.

Zhu Jun was at a loss.


Zhang Liao said:

"My lord, Corporal Lixian, has released General Zhu from the shackles, why don't you thank him soon?"

"You all leave."

Zhang Yi said, Zhang Liao and others retreated.

There were only Zhang Yi and Zhu Jun in the room.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want you to surrender to me, and you have also seen the strength of my army! When the world was in chaos, the eunuchs of the imperial court controlled the government, preventing loyal officials from being reused, and there was a mess of smoke. If you don't talk about the far, you can talk about the near. The Yellow Turban Army made a lot of military exploits and should be rewarded with a knighthood. Zhao Zhong spoke ill of Fu Xie to Emperor Ling. Emperor Ling remembered what Fu Xie said in his memorial, and he did not add any crimes to Fu Xie, but he did not seal him in the end. Or, I won’t say more, you can see it with your own eyes, and you can tell right from wrong.”

"I, Zhu Jun, swear to the death! You'd better kill me!"

Zhu Jun's character was indeed very strong, which made Zhang Yi very headache. No matter how much he said, it seemed that he could not persuade him to surrender.

At this time Zhang Yi called Huangfu Song and said: "Zhu Jun will be entrusted to you to persuade, if it fails, kill him!"

Although Zhu Jun is a good general, if he can't use it for himself, he has no choice but to kill him.Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish. If you want to win the world, you have to be so cruel.

Huangfu Song nodded and said, "Yes! My lord!"

On the other hand, Zhang Yi left the inner city and took several personal guards to patrol around.

(End of this chapter)

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