I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 247 The 'Youth' She

Chapter 247 The 'Youth' She

At this moment, Zhang Yi was still dressed like a soldier. He hadn't had time to change his clothes yet, and it was obviously a little awkward to be with his guards.In the end, he asked them to withdraw. Anyway, he didn't need any guards.

Jiuyuan City has just gone through this war, and with the previous situation, it has become very depressed.

And Zhang Yi's taking over has brought vitality to it.

According to their statistics, a total of more than 4000 enemy soldiers were captured this time, of which [-] were willing to surrender.

This time, the 2 people brought in also had a small loss, so the total number is about 2000 people.In this way, after a period of time, the number of soldiers of the Dragon Legion will surely break through the [-] mark, which is the strength of a warlord.

Next, he will connect the two cities, no matter in terms of economy or agriculture, he must communicate with each other. After all, each place has different specialties, so that it can promote the common prosperity and development of the two cities.

Let's not talk about this matter, let's say that Zhang Yi wandered around Jiuyuan, especially to the military camp.

During the period, he was about to communicate with the Golden Dragon, so it should be a few days before its upgrade. He wanted to care about it. Everything in the city was too high-profile, so it was good to just walk around.

Halfway through this line, I heard someone around shouting: "Don't go, kid!"

Zhang Yi thought he was calling himself, but he couldn't see anyone, but he heard a sound nearby.

"Don't let him escape, kill him!"

Zhang Yi ran over following the sound. When he arrived, it turned out that there were more than a dozen big men with a fierce look, and these people were chasing a young man.

But in Zhang Yi's view, this young man is not a straight one. Although he has a heroic spirit, there is a smell of powder in his essence.

He was very curious, this person was a woman, but she disguised herself as a man.

Before he could think too much, the 'boy' ran towards him again. Looking carefully, this man was holding double blades and was running extremely fast, and the dozen or so big men behind him were not far behind.

The two sides were biting tightly, and they didn't know what it was for. Zhang Yi felt curious and wanted to intervene.

So he took out the Guyi knife from the spatial backpack, and with a flash of light, it lay across in front of him.

Seeing this, the young man thought he was an accomplice, and quickly retreated, his movements were very quick, but the big man behind couldn't stop in time, but seeing Zhang Yi in front of him, he yelled: "If you don't want to die, get out of here! "

Now there was a hint of doubt on the boy's face, so it seems that the two parties are not in the same group.

So he kindly reminded: "Brother, run! These people are too vicious! Don't lose your life for this!"

This person's voice was very nice and pleasant, which made Zhang Yi reassure that he was a woman, not a man.After all, male and female voices are different, judging from his experience in two lifetimes, this is the case.

"Huh? Don't worry, I've never been defeated before!"

Zhang Yi remained unmoved, and the Guyi knife in his hand had already been revealed.

As soon as the knife flashed and fell, someone was injured and fell to the ground.

Such a huge change made the young man's eyes shine.

Because Zhang Yi's performance was too eye-catching.

The others also stopped. At this moment, the leader was a tall man about 1.9 meters tall. He was half a head taller than Zhang Yi.

This person held a long spear in his hand. Seeing how powerful Zhang Yi was, he pointed the spear at him and said:
"Boy! Don't meddle in your own business, or I will make you die ugly!"

Zhang Yi ignored him, and instead said to the young man, "Girl, why are these people chasing you!?"

The young man's beautiful eyes flowed, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"I'm a man, not a girl!"

At the same time, he said in his mouth.

"You can fool these logs, but you can't fool me! You are a woman!"

The boy finally admitted it.

"how do you know……"

At the same time, the man laughed.

"Girl? Let me tell you, it's impossible for a man to be so petite! The girl is just right! It's just right for our brothers!"

The man's words aroused the laughter of the people in the same industry, that kind of laughter is very obscene.

"Tell me, I will uphold justice for you!"

Judging from the performance just now, Zhang Yi definitely has this kind of strength to uphold justice.

"These people are robbers. They rebelled against Cai and chased me from outside to the city."

"Hmph, so it's a robber. I don't like robbers the most in my life. I, Zhang Yi, will take care of this matter!"

But in his own city, this kind of thing happened because of his negligence, and some evil forces must be destroyed.

"Young master... thank you!"


The two had a conversation, but they didn't care about the man next to him. At this time, the man was already trembling with anger. He must be upset if he was so underestimated and replaced.

"Brothers, kill them both! No! Women can't be killed, we'll kill them after we're done!"

These men let out lewd smiles, and unscrupulously looked at her from top to bottom.The ups and downs in front of her before her can be seen, and her figure is also good.

This made her so angry that she wanted to pick up the double blades and go up to fight.

But at this time, Zhang Yi had already gone up before her.

In front of her, Gu Yi Dao Dao flashed.


Some people have already been blasted tens of meters away, not to mention these dozens of people, even if there are hundreds of people, they may not be able to survive under Zhang Yi's hands.

Her eyes are full of disbelief, which has refreshed her cognition.It is impossible for a person to be so powerful, but today is indeed what I saw with my own eyes.

Facing this villain, Zhang Yi didn't hold back anything, and he cut each knife very neatly.

In just about a minute, more than a dozen people had all collapsed, some were wailing in pain, and some died directly.

Finally, he put the knife in front of the man, which made the man plop in fright, and knelt down, begging for mercy.

But Zhang Yike didn't hold back, these people should die!

With a flash of the knife, the man's head fell to the ground.

"Excellent! Young Master, your martial arts skills are really powerful! But if you kill them, if the government comes to find them, your life may be in danger."

Is the girl okay?

"Don't worry, no one dares to check me!"

In Jiuyuan City, he is the king of the city, whoever he wants to kill will die, so he dares to ignore the rules and kill these dozen bandits.

"Huh? No matter what, it's better to get out of here."

Her suggestion was not accepted by Zhang Yi.

I saw Zhang Yi staring at her all the time, and at the same time, there was a burst of dragon's blood boiling on his body, and his body became hot.

It's really not the right time, because at this time the Golden Dragon is infinitely close to upgrading, and it has brought some changes to the dragon blood in his body. This change is the same as last time, but fortunately, this feeling is very short-lived.

Zhang Yi asked, "Are you okay?"

"Thank you, my lord, for saving your life."

"You're welcome, my name is Zhang Yi, what's your name?"

"My name is Wang Yi."

She replied very generously.

Wang Yi was one of the few female generals in the Three Kingdoms period, and her appearance was not inferior to that of Cai Wenji, as can be seen from Zhang Yi's view just now.

At this time, Wang Yi was thirteen or fourteen years old, but he looked out of place.

Her reply made Zhang Yi pause for a moment, and he stared at Wang Yi without moving away.

(End of this chapter)

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