I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 248 Wang Yi's Temperament

Chapter 248 Wang Yi's Temperament

"Sir, what are you looking at?"

Regarding Zhang Yi's sizing up, Wang Yi was a little surprised, what exactly was he looking at.

Little did he know that Wang Yi had an attraction to Zhang Yi, which made it difficult for him to avert his eyes.


"Young Master, I advise you to leave. The officers and soldiers will really come in a while, and none of us can escape."

"Nothing, tell me, why are you here?"

Zhang Yi remembered that this Wang Yi was not from Jiuyuan.

Wang Yi didn't know why Zhang Yi stayed here, she wasn't afraid at all, but seeing that his clothes were very ordinary, since she was rescued by him, she said: "Young master, to tell you the truth, I am originally from a noble family in Hanzhong. But because my father was captured, I escaped by chance and passed by Jiuyuan. I didn’t want to run into these bandits who wanted to rob me of my belongings. Fortunately, I was clever and disguised myself as a man and entered the city. Unexpectedly, they refused to let go and chased me into the city Come here. Fortunately, I met you, but I have to leave now, I have nothing to repay, I just hope to see you again in the future, in order to repay today's kindness."

Wang Yi spoke very emotionally, but Zhang Yi said: "It's pitiful, where is your father?"

"My son is this?"

"If possible, I can rescue your father. As long as you promise me to follow me!"

For nothing else, this person is considered a good general even for Wang Yi. Women are generals. Throughout the ages, there are relatively few of them. Today, it is because of his beauty on the one hand, and on the other hand, that this person's personality is very good. appreciation.He immediately had the idea of ​​wanting to take him under his command.

That's why there was such a rhetoric. Wang Yi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"My lord...thank you for your kindness. It's just that my father was imprisoned by the government, and it's hard to rescue him alone. It's not that I don't believe in the force of your lord, but I'm too weak compared to thousands of troops."

Wang Yi didn't know that the person standing in front of her was the Lord of the City. If he knew, he probably wouldn't say that.

"I said yes and yes."

"My lord, don't make fun of me. The enemy has thousands of troops. How can I rescue you? My lord, Wang Yi, will definitely repay your life-saving grace in the future!"

"Miss Wang Yi, you will find out when you come with me."

Wang Yi was skeptical, but Zhang Yi looked confident and was walking ahead. At this time, she unexpectedly followed up.

The two headed towards the inner city, when they were about to reach the inner city.

But Wang Yi shouted: "This is where the government is located. I heard that the new city lord is very vicious. Zhang Yi, what are you going to do? Are you throwing yourself into a trap?"

Zhang Yi ignored it, but continued to walk forward, when he reached the inner city.

Wang Yi didn't dare to move forward, he just watched from a distance.

Suddenly, a group of people quickly approached them.

A man in white fell from the horse, this person was Zhao Zilong.

As soon as he saw Zhang Yi, he said, "My lord! All the captives have been arranged properly! Some surrenders have also been recruited. How should those captives be dealt with?"

Zhang Yi smiled at Wang Yi and said, "Let them repair the city walls, dig mines and cut down trees!"


Zhao Zilong retreated at this time, while Wang Yi stayed there alone like a wooden chicken.

Zhang Yi walked up to her, facing Wang Yi's shock, he asked:
"How? Did I lie to you? Am I going to be cruel?"

Embarrassed, Wang Yi looked shocked and embarrassed.She wanted to take back what she said before, but it was too late.

She was about to kneel down, but Zhang Yi helped her up.

With this help, I felt a softness.

This woman's bones are clear and strange, and there is a little fragrance on her body, which makes people linger and forget to return.

"Don't be too polite!"

"Are you really the City Lord?"

"It's guaranteed to be fake, Wang Yi!"

"I'm here!"

"If I save your father, are you willing to follow me?"

Wang Yi thought for a while, then said: "Your Majesty, the city lord, has a great reputation. If you don't dislike the little girl, after you rescue my father, I, Wang Yi, will follow you."

Zhang Yi's reputation was great, especially his Golden City was even more famous in nearby places. More and more people knew about the existence of this place, which also aroused the interest of the imperial court.

"Hahaha! Good! You go and change a set of clothes first, and then slowly talk to me about the cause and effect!"

"Yes! Lord City Lord!"

Zhang Yi led Wang Yi into the inner city.


There are also some maids in the inner city, and there are also many clothes to wear.

After a while, Wang Yi appeared in front of Zhang Yi in a woman's attire.

When she appeared, there was a touch of femininity on her body, not as indifferent as she had seen before.

Her skin is more than snow, and her eyes are like a pool of clear water. When looking forward, people's minds are captured by it.

She stepped into the hall lightly, and the people around were attracted by her beauty. She bowed slightly and saluted Zhang Yi.

At this time, the dragon blood on Zhang Yi's body began to boil, making him feel hot all over, but in front of so many people, he immediately suppressed it.

At this moment, Zhang Liao stepped forward to stand in front of Wang Yi, saying, "Girl, please hand over your weapon!"

Wang Yi was unmoved.


Zhang Liao urged again.

But Zhang Yi waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let him carry the weapon."

"My lord..."

"Go down!"


Zhang Liao was speechless and went down.

"Thank you, Lord City Master!"

"Sure enough, it's for a beautiful woman. You still look good in women's clothing."

Wang Yi blushed, shy.

"Okay, tell me where your father is?"

"My lord, my father is now in Jinyang City (Taiyuan)! The distance to the south of Jiuyuan City is less than 130 miles."

When Zhang Yi heard this, it was fine.

"In a few days, I will march south and occupy Jinyang!"

Having said that, everyone was puzzled.

Zhao Zilong said: "Master, who is this person?"

Facing this sudden woman, the generals did not know.

What Zhao Zilong wanted to say was, why should he help her.

"This is Wang Yi, with extraordinary martial arts. She is as good as a woman. I admire her very much, so I decided to take down Jinyang. Of course, this Jinyang is just one of our expansion routes."

This explains why Zhang Yi agreed so quickly. If it was in other, more distant places, perhaps the rescue would not be the army going south, and it is possible that Zhang Yi would go there by himself.

After saying that, everyone had nothing to say, but Zhang Liao said, "I wonder if Wang Yi can perform for us? Let's see if it's just a show!"

If Wang Yi didn't behave, it might be difficult to convince the public. It wasn't that people doubted Zhang Yi's vision, but that people suspected that this woman had something wrong with her.

Wang Yi also had a fiery temper, so he said, "Dare to ask your name?"

"Zhang Liao!"

"Okay! Zhang Liao, you can fight me and you will know whether I am strong or not!"

Wow, this girl is really strong, even Zhang Liao dares to challenge her.

Now everyone turned their attention to Zhang Liao.

(End of this chapter)

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