I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 24 Silver Dragon Spear

Chapter 24 Silver Dragon Spear

Upon hearing that Zhang Yi was so presumptuous, Zhaizhu Sun immediately raised a long spear in his hand, and said coldly: "Boy, you have successfully provoked me, so, go to hell!"

Someone echoed, "That kid's luck is over. Once our Village Master Sun gets angry, there is probably no one in this world who can stop the Village Master's Silver Dragon Spear."

"That's right, that Silver Dragon Spear shows its sharpness, if it doesn't come out, it will sweep the world!"

"That's right, Village Master Sun's martial arts can be said to be the strongest existence in our cottage. Even the nearby officials dare not confront him head-on!"

The subordinates of Village Master Sun boasted to their heart's content about the power of the Silver Dragon Spear, and of course, Village Master Sun's force is also amazing.

The words of these people are not groundless. Although Zhang Yi is very confident in his own strength, it is because he has not really encountered a master. He has a feeling that this person surnamed Sun is a master.

However, he has a lot of ginseng. Through these several competitions, he has come to a conclusion that ginseng can improve his strength in a short period of time. break out.It is precisely because of this that he dared to yell at the entire cottage by himself, which he would not have dared to do before.

"Then I'll meet you and see if you're as powerful as they say!"

Zhang Yi didn't have a trace of fear, but was very excited, which has never happened before.

Suddenly, someone shouted:
"Kid watch the arrow!"

At this time, there were more than a dozen people holding bows from the side and shooting towards Zhang Yi.

As soon as Zhang Yi saw the cold arrow coming, he picked up Boss Lin and used that guy's body to block the cold arrow. The dozens of cold arrows pierced directly into Boss Lin's body, and one directly hit the heart. Boss Lin even Before he could cry out, he was shot dead on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Zhaizhu Sun lost another helper and shouted: "Who! Stop it for me! It's really not enough to succeed, and more than a waste to fail!"

The dozen or so people lowered their heads. They didn't expect such a thing to happen. These people just wanted to shoot Zhang Yi to death with arrows. It's good, I lost another brother on my side, and it was done by my own people, so I'm not afraid of others' jokes when I tell it.

It's no wonder Village Master Sun is so angry.

"From now on, without my order, you are not allowed to shoot cold shots again! Do you understand?"


Those people retreated outside, not daring to take up bows and arrows again, for fear of offending the village owner.

Zhang Yi listened to Zhaizhu Sun's words, and felt that this guy had his own principles when he was a bandit, unlike some people who had no principles, even if they beat one more, they didn't feel wrong.

But bandits are always bandits, and what they did was despised by others. These people should die, because killing people and setting fires is commonplace for these people.

Zhang Yi is not a hero, but he feels very disgusted from the bottom of his heart for those who arbitrarily take the lives of innocent people, and he came here this time only for money and ginseng. Not even a penny.

"Come on, don't waste your time."

Zhang Yi threw Boss Lin's body aside. That guy was already dead and had no use value.

Village Master Sun smiled coldly.

"That's what you wanted to die! Let me test your strength? You actually killed my third brother!"

Zhaizhu Sun's Silver Dragon Spear gleamed in the sunlight, and the ancient sword in Zhang Yi's hand became a little illusory in the sunlight.

At this time, everyone moved out of the way, leaving only two people to compete in the middle.

The snow suddenly fell more and more heavily, which seemed to add some atmosphere to the competition between the two.Through these snowflakes, what everyone sees is foggy.

Village Master Sun finally moved first, and saw the Silver Dragon Spear stabbing towards Zhang Yi's chest like a wandering dragon. In Zhang Yi's eyes, this person called Village Master Sun was even more powerful than the previous two Some, because judging from his speed, he is indeed an opponent.

But for Zhang Yi, this speed can still be avoided, but it's not as easy as before.

This time Zhang Yi has encountered a master, but he is not an invincible master. With his strength, it will probably take a little time.

The Guyi knife and the silver dragon gun collided for the first time, and a crisp sound was found.

This round, the Silver Dragon Spear was blocked and flew out along the right side of Village Master Sun. Make is superb.

In contrast, although Zhang Yi has learned Sanda, he still lacks experience in the use of broadswords.

So, this time, he hit a snag, only to see that Zhaizhu Sun was aggressive, pushing Zhang Yi to the corner again and again.

But Zhang Yiqiang's reflexes and strength, although his saber skills are not very good, but if he blindly evades, Sun Zhaizhu still can't be hurt.

Village Master Sun shouted out of embarrassment, "Boy, don't hide if you have the guts!"

But Zhang Yi shouted: "You have the guts to kill me! If you can't kill me, it's useless to say anything!"

Of course, being able to dodge is also considered a kind of strength.It seems that he can only grind the guy until he loses his strength, maybe he still has a glimmer of hope to defeat Village Master Sun.

But looking at this guy, it seems that he has no intention of slowing down. This guy's physical strength is really amazing.

The competition between the two is seen in the eyes of the people around them, and these people's eyes are dull, because they know that Village Master Sun is powerful, but Village Master Sun will not be able to take down a weak boy for a while, it is Village Sun Has the Lord regressed, or was that young man already strong?

People would rather believe in the second possibility, because the young man also killed the third master and crushed Boss Lin. This kind of strength is placed in the cottage. I am afraid that only Sun Zhaizhu can be compared with Bi, and they are also fighting. bingo.

"You kid, you're quite smart, you just ran blindly! But if you think my strength is like this, then you're wrong!"

Village Master Sun said coldly.

Suddenly, Zhaizhu Sun's aura suddenly rose, an aura that surpassed Zhang Yi's soared, and Zhaizhu Sun was rapidly becoming stronger.

"Master Sun is angry! That kid is in danger!"

"That kid's luck is coming to an end!"

"This is the second time I've seen Zhaizhu Sun so angry."

Zhaizhu Sun's Silver Dragon Spear attacks became more and more intensive, which made Zhang Yi unable to react. At this time, Zhang Yi was thinking.

"Huh? This guy is so powerful!"

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(End of this chapter)

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