I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 25 The Death of the Lord of Sun Village

Chapter 25 The Death of the Lord of Sun Village
It turned out that this person named Sun Zhaizhu had been hiding his strength. When he had no choice but to take Zhang Yi, he finally broke out with all his strength, making Zhang Yi fight repeatedly and retreat, and his fight became more and more powerless.

This is probably the first time Zhang Yi has been in such an embarrassing situation since he obtained the Dragon Blood.

But he wasn't in a hurry, the dragon's blood had endowed him with strength, as well as some things in his thinking. It could be said that he had been completely reborn.

He wanted to stir up the entire existence of the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. If he was forced to have no way out just because of a village owner, how would his future stir up this terminally ill society?How can one stand as king?
At the same time, none of the people present dared to underestimate Zhang Yi, because Zhang Yi's strength has already shown a strong side, and people are still full of awe for the strong, although compared to Sun Zhaizhu, it seems a little Weak.

The two fought for another ten minutes, and the victory or defeat gradually became apparent.

At this time, Zhang Yi instantly felt a sense of powerlessness, and he was already a little weak at this time.

"It's no wonder that my strength has directly weakened. It turns out that I used too much force just now, and directly consumed the ginseng I ate just now."

So he jumped out of the battle circle, took out a 20-year-old ginseng from his arms, and stuffed it into his mouth. However, the ginseng had just reached his mouth, but was discovered by Zhaizhu Sun.

"You kid is about to die, and you're not paying attention! Why do you still eat ginseng at this time? I'll let you eat it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Silver Dragon Spear stabbed Zhang Yi's mouth. If he was stabbed, his mouth would probably rot.

But the speed of the Silver Dragon Spear was still a bit slower, because half of the ginseng had been eaten away.

As the ginseng entered his abdomen, Zhang Yi's aura was shocked, and a strong force rose directly, and then, like a swimming dragon, he directly avoided the attack of the silver dragon gun.

Zhaizhu Sun was a little puzzled, and at the same time gave out a sound of admiration.


Obviously Zhang Yi was already at a disadvantage, so why did his momentum suddenly rise later, and he escaped the attack of the Silver Dragon Spear.This speed is much faster than before, because the two of them have fought dozens of rounds, and they should be a little weak in physical strength, but they are not!

Only at this time, Zhang Yi only swallowed half of the ginseng.

He was overjoyed, the effect of the medicine happened too fast, he immediately put the other half of the ginseng in his mouth, and was about to swallow it.

At this time, someone discovered some clues.

"There must be something wrong with the ginseng in that kid's hand."

It seems that there is only this kind of explanation, because such a weak person, after eating ginseng, his aura has changed in vain, and he is completely in the form of a master.Make people have to raise doubts.

Everyone stared at Zhang Yi, and at this moment the whole ginseng had been swallowed.

His momentum rose a little more, and at this moment he yelled: "Come again!"

So he picked up his Guyi Dao and charged forward, at this time, Village Master Sun was still in doubt.But Zhang Yi didn't give him too much time.The big knife had already cut off his face, if he didn't respond in time, his head would fall off as soon as the knife arrived.

So he dodged back for a while, and barely escaped the attack of the big knife.This made everyone feel puzzled. Zhang Yi, who was originally at a disadvantage, suddenly turned his back on the guest, and directly adopted a proactive attack mode, which achieved certain results. However, Sun Zhaizhu, who was in the advantage just now, was beaten a little bit powerlessly. .

They fought for ten rounds in a row.Zhang Yi seemed to have inexhaustible strength on his body, constantly forcing Village Master Sun to retreat.This is what everyone expected, and Zhang Yi has become invincible at this time.

At the same time, Zhaizhu Sun sensed that defeat was coming, and before he was defeated, he yelled. "Shoot this guy to death."

He didn't even care what he said just now, as long as Zhang Yi died now.His true nature was undoubtedly revealed, which made Zhang Yi directly change his opinion of him. He had some good feelings for him before, but now this kind of good feeling has disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Yi thought that the time had come, because Zhaizhu Sun had already lost his strength, and it was a good time to kill him.

"Then don't blame me for being rude, so go to hell!"

So Zhang Yi suddenly accelerated, and his strength also increased. He greeted Village Master Sun, and beat Village Master Sun so hard that he couldn't parry at all.

Zhaizhu Sun is Zhang Yi's first powerful enemy after obtaining the blood of the dragon.But due to his physical strength, he couldn't be compared with Zhang Yi, and he was doomed to fail.

It's not that Zhaizhu Sun's martial arts is poor, but his physical strength is weak, which is very fatal. When the strength of the two sides is equal, the winner will be the one who can persist until the end.

"go to hell!"

Zhang Yi didn't want to fight any more, so he slashed with Gu Yi's saber.

But there was only a click, and the Gu Yi knife directly slashed to the Silver Dragon Spear.

The Silver Dragon Spear broke into two pieces under the eyes of everyone, and everyone gasped.Because it takes so much force to cut the spear in half.

The Silver Dragon Spear couldn't beat the Gu Yi Dao, which directly refreshed everyone's perception.

At the same time, for Zhang Yi, they all felt a little startled.

At this time, the archers realized that they took up their bows and arrows one after another, aiming at Zhang Yi and shooting randomly, but the speed of this kind of bow and arrow is really nothing to Zhang Yi, he has completely seen the attack of the bow and arrow The trajectory, and prepared in advance, and at this time he was close to Village Master Sun, no matter how hard these bows and arrows dared to attack Village Master Sun.

So the effect of these bows and arrows is equivalent to nothing.

Finally he picked up speed, trying to settle the fight.

But Zhaizhu Sun picked up the Silver Dragon Spear that had been broken in half, and confronted him directly.

But how could Sun Zhaizhu beat Zhang Yi now? In less than three rounds, he had already been stabbed in the chest, and blood was dripping at this time.

Then, one fell to the ground in pain, and everyone was stunned.

Because the invincible village master in their hearts was defeated, and he was still defeated by a young man who looked so weak. This kind of battle ending directly refreshed everyone's perception.

Some people even started shouting: "Go! Let's go help and kill this kid."

But these people are not worth mentioning in Zhang Yi's eyes.

At this time, Guyi knife slashed and slashed, and someone was thrown out, and his breath died away.

Three of the twenty or so people died in an instant, and the others who were less courageous shouted directly: "Quick retreat! We can't beat him."

These people scattered like birds and beasts, how dare they fight Zhang Yi face to face, if they can't beat them, they will run away, otherwise their lives will be gone.

He didn't care about these people, but walked up to Village Master Sun. At this time, Village Master Sun was dying. He looked at this young man who was too young in front of him with incredible eyes, why was he so strong.Zhang Yi directly refreshed his decades of cognition

But in the end, he gave up his breath and left with regret.This man has done many evils in his life, and this is his punishment.

Now, Zhang Yi is the only one left in the entire cottage, and all the bandits left in fright.

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(End of this chapter)

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