I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 26 Tianshan Snow Lotus

Chapter 26 Tianshan Snow Lotus
These bandits ran faster than rabbits, and soon the entire cottage was empty, and Zhang Yi didn't have time to take care of them, after all, these people were not his target now.

He walked over from the direction that Village Master Sun came out, and that was where Village Master Sun's room was. Under such circumstances, as the Village Master, there must be some good things in the room.

He did it purposefully. After walking a few steps, he saw a house, which was different from other houses. The decoration of this house was a little more luxurious.

Needless to say, this house must belong to Zhaizhu Sun.

So he entered in a flash, directly entered the house, and began to rummage through the boxes.

This person surnamed Sun is really bold, he put a large amount of money in a conspicuous place in the room directly, saving Zhang Yi a lot of time, but the amount of money seems a bit large, if it was him, he might not be able to get it Walk.

Therefore, I temporarily gave up such copper coins and turned to other places.


Inadvertently, he found a strange place in the pile of money, there are a few shiny things, that is gold!In modern times, it is very valuable!

He immediately picked apart the five baht coins and picked out four ingots of gold. Each ingot was at least ten taels, a total of 40 taels, which was much more valuable than this pile of money.

"Hanshu Shihuozhi" "a catty of gold is directly worth 4 yuan." Then these four ingots of gold are worth about 8 yuan, which is much more valuable than the two hanging coins in your waist. A five baht coin weighs about 16 gram, two cranes cost 16 kilograms, [-] catties!With a [-]-jin thing hanging around his waist, I am afraid that only Zhang Yi can do it.

He didn't stay here for long, but turned elsewhere.

Soon, something useful was found in a small room.

There are several things in this small room that are very conspicuous, and they are all packed in small long boxes.

He took one of them and felt a little light, thinking that it must be ginseng.

Or some medicinal materials and other things, because expensive things are relatively heavy.

When I opened it, I was stunned. The first box turned out to be a 70-year-old ginseng. This is amazing, because the older the ginseng, the harder it is to find, and it often takes tens of miles to walk. It is possible to collect ginseng with a long history.Of course, there is another situation, which is a dangerous place.

He thought the box was too troublesome, so he threw the box away and took out the ginseng.Then went to open the second box.

This second box is also a surprise, because it is another ginseng plant that is also not bad, about 60 years old.

The years in the next few boxes are relatively poor, but there are also 50 years like this, and there are two plants in total. Anyway, the harvest of these four ginseng plants is almost the same.

These ginseng can at least make the current little golden dragon go up two levels in a row, which makes Zhang Yi look forward to what kind of form it will be when it reaches the second level and third level.

When the eyes move to the last two boxes, the two boxes are obviously bigger.

When I opened it, there were actually two Tianshan snow lotuses inside!Tianshan Snow Lotus is known as "the king of all herbs" and "the best medicine!"

Snow lotus is generally eight years old, so snow lotus and ginseng are not the same, and cannot be equated with ginseng. In terms of effect, ginseng is still higher.

Judging from the reaction of the little golden dragon in its arms, the two snow lotuses didn't seem to be able to attract its attention.

He didn't care so much, he just picked up a piece of cloth from the side, put all these things into the cloth, and tied it to his body, like a burden.Because at this time, I couldn't fit too many things in my arms, so I had to mix these things with my original ginseng.

He looked through the cabinets in the small room again, but there was nothing else of value.

In the end, he couldn't find anything that suited him anymore.Then he left the room and went to the third master's room.

But when he passed by a house, he smelled a foul smell, so he stopped.

As soon as he stopped, he heard the sound of someone calling for help.

He immediately went around to the door of the house, the door was locked, he kicked the door open without thinking.

Sure enough, the stench came from inside.

Of course, there is sound too.

It is very dark inside, and there are several iron railings in the room.

His appearance directly caused chaos inside.

When he understood what was going on, he knew that there was a prison inside.

Some people were imprisoned here, and these nasty bandits didn't even clean up their excrement, so the stench came from here.

Due to the sudden darkness, he did not recover for a while.Until I saw the cheeks inside, the faces of these people were full of panic. Since he was holding an ancient knife in his hand, these people were probably afraid, for fear that Zhang Yi was also one of the bandits. member.

Instead, he spoke first.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

These innocent people must have been imprisoned here by bandits.

As soon as the words fell, the people inside calmed down a little.

So, Zhang Yi walked in front of the iron railing, and there was a lock locked there. He swung his sword with the ancient intention, and the lock was chopped into pieces, and the door opened in response.

Only then did the people inside begin to come out. Because they had seen the sun for too long, these people were a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that the clothes they were wearing were very thin, and their faces were dirty and black.These people don't know how long they have been locked up to become like this.

There were 20 people inside. They walked out and calmed down for a while. When they saw Zhang Yi standing there, they looked around and saw that there was no one else except Zhang Yi.

Only then did they kneel down one by one, and one of the old men said:
"Thank you benefactor for saving lives!"

"Get up, I'm just going to save you."

This is when people looked at each other in blank dismay. This young man just saved them casually. It's hard to say that.

But the old man has seen a lot of people after all.

"Benevolence and kindness, the inadvertent rescue, but I am grateful."

"You all go, I'm going to set this place on fire in a while!"

Why did Zhang Yi do this? It was because only by burning this place could the bandits who had fallen into bandits have no base. In this way, the power would be gone, lest bandits come back.

The old man still asked: "Don't you know the name of your benefactor?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, you guys go away."

"Oh, by the way, there is some money in that room, you twenty or so people go to share it equally. Then leave here quickly."

"Thank you Engong!"

These people couldn't continue chatting with Zhang Yi, because Zhang Yi didn't play cards according to the routine.

(End of this chapter)

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