Chapter 250 Food Is King (Part [-])
The news spread quickly, and I believe that it won't take too long, then Zhu Jun will know how powerful it is, and then he can persuade him, and the problem will be solved easily.Before that, Zhang Yi tried his best to treat Zhu Jun kindly, not daring to neglect him in the slightest.People like him have a big temper, so don't provoke them this year before they figure it out.

The entire Jiuyuan City began to enter into rapid development, and the situation inside and outside the city was peaceful. Jiuyuan, which was short of food, now seemed to have no shortage. Of course, all of this was done by Zhang Yi.

But food is not endless, and there will be a day when it is eaten up

Some time ago, Huangfusong said that there will always be a day when the food in the city will be short, and it can only last for a month. With the addition of refugees, there may be no food in half a month, so he has to think of a way. .

At this time, the distance to the Golden Dragon's upgrade is getting closer and closer. In less than seven days, the Golden Dragon will probably be upgraded to another level.At that time, he didn't know if he could suppress the dragon's blood boiling in his body. He regretted not bringing Cai Wenji, Xiao Zhao, and Luo Jing out, otherwise he might be able to stand on top. For now, he didn't think much about it for the time being, the big deal is as soon as possible Solve these battles and go back to the Golden City, otherwise you will start from...

This morning, Zhang Yi led a group of guards out of the south gate, and happened to see a woman not far away, with light green clothes fluttering in the wind, that feeling was very charming, like first love, who did he think it was, but Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Wang Yi, who was looking to the south, thinking a little.

As soon as Zhang Yi saw this situation, he asked the guards to retreat, and he walked to Wang Yi's side.

Wang Yi didn't notice it for a while, when Zhang Yi said: "Thinking of your father?"

"I have seen the Lord of the City!"

She bowed politely, then nodded.

"Yeah, I don't know how my father is doing now."

"Auspicious people have their own celestial features, so don't worry too much."

"Hope is like the city lord's auspicious words!"

Wang Yi's beautiful eyes turned around, staring at Zhang Yi for a while.

The two looked at each other. At this time, Zhang Yi was full of masculinity, and his body was full of hormones. Not many women could resist it, even the indifferent Wang Yi.The beauty like the tip of the iceberg is about to melt now.

This kind of four-eye contact lasted for more than a minute, and it felt like sparks would burst out from both sides. If it continued, something might happen. Later, Wang Yi felt a little embarrassed and quickly lowered his head.

The two of them knew that it was a very strange feeling, like an electric shock, and it was also very wonderful, pleasantly wonderful.

Wang Yi took a few steps forward. Her figure is very good. It can be said that there is no trace of fat on her body, and more of it is replaced by muscles. Now, she has a healthy body. To put it bluntly, she needs to use this kind of Form the muscles to maintain their agility and strength.Otherwise, it is impossible to live to the present.

The wind was blowing her clothes, which were tightly attached to her body, making Zhang Yi feel hot all over, and the blood in his body was surging.

Zhang Yi also followed, and Wang Yi said while saying, "I never thought that Lord City Master is such a young man!"

"If you want to make a name for yourself, don't wait until you're old. If you can't move, you have no energy or physical strength. How can you compete with others?"

Zhang Yi gave a brief summary, and Wang Yi sighed.

"Your Majesty, the City Master really has great ambitions! He is a great talent!"

"Where, I'm not used to this world, it's in chaos, if I don't make a move, who will do it?"

"Master City Master has such ambitions that people yearn for. I'm a poor girl, and I can't make contributions like you men."

"As long as you dare to think, there is nothing you can't do, and under my command, everything is possible, no matter what your origin is, whether you are a man or a woman, or whether you are ill or not, as long as you have an ambition and dare to fight, the result will be all right." Not too bad!"

"After chatting with the City Lord, I realized how narrow my vision is! Today, the City Lord has benefited me a lot!"

Zhang Yi tied his hands behind his back, looked to the south and said, "One day, I will also be the emperor of this world and enjoy the feeling of being above a million people."

If someone else said this, he would be regarded as a lunatic.

But in Wang Yi's opinion, Zhang Yi's words are not false, and it is really possible to realize them.

Wang Yi didn't know what was going on, but he believed Zhang Yi's words.

"With the management ability of the city lord, I will definitely be able to win this world!"

"Hahaha! That's it!"

Zhang Yi is not too polite, he also believes that he can win this world, after all he still has a golden dragon that exists like a cheat!

The two chatted for a while, but the happy time was always short, because a spy came to report at this time.



"According to the news we got into Jinyang City, there are five thousand carts of grain in the city!"

"What! Five thousand carts of grain! This Jinyang must be taken!"

This amount is huge, it can feed 2 people for more than four months!It seems that Wang Yi is really a lucky star. After getting such information, he is more determined to take down Jinyang City!
When Wang Yi saw that Zhang Yi was so caring, he couldn't help being moved, after all, he didn't need to care about it.

But having said that, war food is king, and whoever gets the food will have a way to live longer!
"What more news! How many garrisons?"

"Nearly 3 troops are stationed in the city!"


This made Wang Yi gasp, 3 people!That's not a small number. If 3 people were to defend a city, I'm afraid it would be quite difficult for more than 2 of them to break into it.

But in front of Zhang Yi, all these problems are not problems.

He naturally has his own method.

"Okay, pass on the order! Leave 5000 people to guard Jiuyuan, and the rest will go out and go to Jinyang City!"


This time Zhang Yi made up his mind, just take Zhao Zilong alone, and Jiuyuan will be guarded by Huangfusong. Five thousand elite soldiers guard the city, which can be described as very powerful. He took away about 8000 people, such a number is only in Jin About half of Yangcheng.

Wang Yi still knows a little bit, she said: "My lord, if you want to attack this city guarded by... 3 people, it will be difficult to break into it without having three or five times as many people!"

What she said is considered conservative, and what is even more powerful is that ten times can be used.

"Don't worry, I have a way to break the city! You follow me this time!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

Wang Yi had no choice but to agree. After all, Zhang Yi might really have a way.

That afternoon, Zhang Yi left with the army, but he only asked Zhao Zilong to protect Wang Yi, and he himself rushed to Jinyang City first. Needless to say, his approach this time was the same as that of Jiuyuan.

Because he has a space backpack, he can accept everything!
(End of this chapter)

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