I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 251 The Land of the Dragon Dive

Chapter 251 The Land of the Dragon Dive (Second Change)

From the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to 1500 years before the Song Dynasty, Jinyang was a city of national importance in Chinese history and experienced countless glory and splendor.

During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty took Jinyang as an important town in the north, and granted Liu Heng the title of Daiwang, and Jinyang was the capital of Daiguo.Later, Liu Heng went to Beijing to inherit the throne, and Jinyang became the "Land of Dragons".

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jinyang, as the state government of Bingzhou, was also extremely prosperous.The economic level is comparable to that of Luoyang.So there are [-] carts of grain in this city, but it's nothing, maybe there will be more grain.

Because it is so special, there are heavy troops stationed in it. 3 people are actually not many people. Their number will do.

But Zhang Yi just doesn't believe in this evil, who let him have a space backpack that exists like a plug-in, and takes it with him wherever he goes.Gather everything, especially food, the food in the war, no one can survive without food.

Therefore, the next thing he wants to do is to harvest food. For such a huge city, if the food runs out, then he will not be able to support 3 people. After a long time, the city may be destroyed.

But there is another possibility, that is, these armies will ask people for food.

How do we do this?How about blocking these one after another roads?

Zhang Yi thought for a long time, and finally let him think of a good way.Because he remembered the refugees from Jiuyuan...

What he does next is interesting.

He ordered Zhao Zilong to lead the army in the rear, under the name of wolf smoke, when the wolf smoke rose in the city, Zhao Zilong would camp ten miles away from Jinyang, ready to launch an attack.

When the wolf smoke rises again, it is the time to attack the city.He will raise a large army to attack Jinyang City.

This time, he wants to cooperate internally and externally.

After the confession, he hurried to Jinyang City, alone.And let the large troops move slowly.


In Jinyang city, in the main city.

At this time, a group of generals of the Han army were discussing some things.

Zhang Yi had already entered the city, and hid on the roof ahead of time, lying on the roof and looking down.

Through the chats of these people, Zhang Yi knew that one of the old men turned out to be Zhang Yi, the governor of Bingzhou.

At this moment, these people were chatting about Zhu Jun.

"Lord Inspector, Zhu Jun borrowed a large amount of food from our Jinyang. According to reports from the spies, Zhu Jun and his 5000 troops were annihilated at this time. They have already been trapped in Jiuyuan City, and all the food has been destroyed." Take it away! I heard that it was the chief of the Golden City who did it. At this time, the court was furious and said that he wanted to skin him and convict him, and ransacked his house. None of his family members are in Luoyang. Some people say that he has returned to the Golden City, so it seems that this news is not groundless."

Zhang Yi is a very energetic old man.

"The food that I worked so hard to produce in Jinyang City was taken away by him. If he wasn't a chariot general, I wouldn't bother to care about it!"

Zhang Yi said again: "Who are you and me to find out who is the owner of this golden city?"

Someone said:

"It is said that a young man from the north went from nothing to a huge city within a year. This man is quite talented, and he even gathered a large number of people in a short period of time. According to what we said at this time, there are probably About [-] troops. It’s not a small force.”

Zhang Yi said: "This person must be killed! Tomorrow I will report to the imperial court and ask the imperial court to send another [-] troops. I will go and wipe out Jiuyuan City, and then take down the Golden City!"

Zhang Yi spoke so confidently that he felt like he was going to kill Zhang Yi.

"If an adult steps out, that clown will surely die without a place to bury him!"

Below, someone flattered me.

These people had known Zhang Yi's news for a long time, and Zhang Yi, who was hiding on the roof, smiled coldly.

"Hmph, want to kill me? Then I will appear in front of you and see how you kill me?"

So he jumped down the building, and everyone was stunned by his sudden appearance.

There were about twenty people inside, all looking at Zhang Yi, the man who fell from the sky.

A strong weapon picked up a long gun and shouted: "Who is coming, please report your name!"

"I am the owner of the Golden City, Yi, you are looking for!"

When Zhang Yi's words came out, everyone was shocked.

Someone shouted:

"Which family's child, you don't know that this is the crime of beheading?!"

"I'm Zhang Yi, by the way, I'll correct it now, now I have [-] troops!"

Zhang Yi said at this time: "Whether it's true or not, kill him!"

After saying that, some people stepped forward with long knives, long spears and various weapons, intending to kill Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled coldly.

"You want to kill me? You're still young!"

He didn't move, just stood there.


People's weapons are like hitting something hard, and they can't pierce the slightest.

"What! This..."

"Master Inspector, let's go!"


When people attacked Zhang Yi, they realized that something was wrong. Someone first thought of Zhang Yi, and told him to go first.

The old man looked very upset. Just now he vowed to kill him, but now he ran away because of the strength he showed.

At the same time, he yelled: "Come on, hurry up and kill him!"

After speaking, he was about to go out, but at this moment the door was suddenly closed.

A big knife suddenly appeared in Zhang Yi's hand, and the light of the knife flashed and fell, and someone died because of it.

There was a lot of wailing in the entire room. This is probably the leader of the entire Jinyang City. When these people are all dead, who can compete with the Dragon Army?No!not a single one!Even if there is, with him, it will make him no longer exist.

Facing Zhang Yi who was like a killing god, Zhang Yi panicked at this time, because all the generals around him were killed by Zhang Yi.

"Boy, don't come here, you will die!"

"is it?"

Zhang Yi wiped off the blood on Gu Yi's knife, and walked towards Zhang Yi slowly.

"Aren't you going to kill me? I'm here now, how do you want to kill me?"

Zhang Yi's strength is in Zhang Yi's eyes. The two names have the same pronunciation, but they have different fates.

"You! Come! Come!"

At this time, the voices of soldiers came from outside the door, and Zhang Yi shouted that there was finally support.

But he couldn't wait for the soldiers to enter it, Zhang Yi had already swung the sword, and when the light of the sword fell, Zhang Yi had already fallen into a pool of blood.

At this time, all the soldiers also rushed into it. At this time, no matter where Zhang Yi was seen, the entire inner city became chaotic, and everyone was looking for his trace.

But in an inconspicuous place, he changed into Han army uniform and walked towards the warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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