I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 252 Misunderstanding

Chapter 252 Misunderstanding (Part [-])
The entire inner city was in chaos, and all the soldiers were gathered in one place as if they were facing an enemy.

A shadow flashed into the warehouse where there were not many people guarding it. After only a moment, all the people in the warehouse were knocked out.

That's what Zhang Yi did, and then he opened the space backpack, frantically absorbing all the food in the warehouse, and the speed of collecting seems to be faster at this time.

He didn't care about the noise outside, and collected all the food here without any scruples. You must know that there are five thousand carts of food here, not just a little. If the food here is collected, how long can the [-] defenders in the city last?
Even if they can persist, but now that Zhang Yi is dead and the dragons have no leader, as long as some rumors are spread, the city may be destroyed in a short time. No one else can do this, but Zhang Yi can can do it.

It took a lot of time to collect [-] carts of grain. There was already a mess of porridge outside, and Zhang Yi was not idle. After collecting part of the grain, he asked Jinlong to release it into the cave, and he was the first to arrive. In a high place nearby, some firewood was prepared, and when the time came, he went to light the firewood and let off smoke, forcing Zhao Zilong to drive ten thousand people into Jinyang.

Soon, everything was ready, and he came back to the warehouse. Unexpectedly, the warehouse was already full of soldiers. Obviously, he didn't clean up just now, and people found several people who had fainted.

At this time, there was a large army outside the warehouse, and if he wanted to enter, it would definitely cause some commotion.Cause some huge troubles for collecting food for yourself.

"It seems that all of this has to be done in advance!"

He murmured, and then left here again, flashing into places where there were a lot of people.

The clothes he was wearing were still the soldiers' clothes of the Han army. The Han army inside was in a mess, so his joining did not attract much attention.

After he placed the firewood, he lit a torch, and the fire appeared immediately, and a lot of wolf smoke began to appear in the sky.

Such behavior directly attracted the attention of the Han army, and a large number of Han troops were really approaching here.

However, he left here before they arrived, and returned to the warehouse...

This back and forth made the Han army dizzy, not knowing why.

But at this time, the chaos in Jinyang City became more and more chaotic, and there were people shouting that an army was found ten miles away, approaching Jinyang!

This is terrible, now there is no leader in Jinyang City, and the whole army is in panic.

But the times make heroes, and some people took the initiative to take over the heavy burden. They directly took over the power of command and controlled the direction of the entire Han army. Not only was there an army, but the entire Han army was divided into countless small teams, each doing its own thing. .Since there is no one to lead, in other words, as soon as those who can lead appear and form an army, they are all killed by Zhang Yi, and the rest are all splitting up.

Zhang Yi didn't stay any longer, but gave some money to the people nearby, and told them to light up the smoke in an hour. These people are of course willing to do these things if they have money.

And he went to the warehouse. There used to be thousands of people here, but because of what he did just now, there were less than 100 people left.

He had Gu Yi Dao in his hand and flashed into it.

After a while, there were sounds of rushing and killing in the warehouse, but no one could resist Zhang Yi's Gu Yi Dao. Wherever his Gu Yi Dao went, there were no survivors.

If these people are not killed, he will not be able to collect the five thousand carts of grain.

It's just that they came at the wrong time.

Soon, he flashed into the warehouse again, and pulled the door panel, and blocked it with many things, and he collected a large amount of grain in it.

Back and forth again, the spatial backpack was full and then empty, empty and full again.


An hour later, Zhao Zilong led a large number of troops outside Jinyang City, and Wang Yi was also riding behind him at this time, looking at the city, his eyes turned red.

At this time, smoke was ignited from inside the city, and Zhao Zilong gave an order: "The whole army obeys the order! Attack into the city!"

The Dragon Army began to advance to Jinyang City. They set up trebuchets and prepared ballista carts one mile away from Jinyang.

They made all preparations, but a voice came from inside the city.

"Zhang Yi is dead! Jinyang City is destroyed! Zhang Yi is dead! Jinyang City is destroyed!"

When these words came to Zhao Zilong and Wang Yi's ears, they were shocked.

Zhao Zilong obviously misheard, because the pronunciation of their names is the same.

He suddenly shouted: "Zhang Yi is dead! No! The lord is so powerful, how could he die? I'm going to have a look, come here! Break into the city!"

On the other side, Wang Yi was in a daze, and kept muttering: "I killed the Lord City Master..."

In order to confirm the authenticity, the people of the Dragon Legion have already launched an attack. They are constantly attacking the north gate, but to their surprise, no one in the entire Jinyang City came out to resist. This city is like a city. Like a dead city.

Therefore, the Dragon Army's attack was very smooth, and it took less than an hour to blast through the north gate of Jinyang.

All the soldiers frantically poured into Jinyang City, and at this time all the Han troops had long since disappeared.

At this time, a person came from a distance, it was Zhang Yi.

A ray of light from the sky shone on him, and he appeared on the stage like a hero, which inspired the whole army.


Zhao Zilong rode forward and shouted excitedly.

Zhang Yi was at a loss. "Do you need to be so excited to see me?"

Wang Yi said, "Just now we heard someone in the city call Zhang Yi dead, we thought..."

When Zhang Yi heard this, it turned out to be like this, and he quickly said: "Hahaha, the governor is called Zhang Yi, and he is a little different from my Yi. I was the one who called people to shout just now. I didn't want to let you misunderstand me, but I didn't want to. , this city is considered broken. Send an order to occupy the whole city and take away the grain of the Han army!"

Although the amount of these grains was not much, and more than half of them were taken away by him, there was still some.


Zhao Zilong then went down to prepare for one or two.

And Zhang Yi said to Wang Yi: "Wang Yi, where is your father locked up? Take me there! Let's rescue your father."

Wang Yi was overjoyed that Zhang Yi was indeed a trustworthy person, so he said, "Yes! Lord City Master! Please follow me!"

Wang Yi always remembered the location of that place, and she visited it a few times, but she couldn't save her father by herself.

She walked ahead, and Zhang Yi followed with a thousand people.

A group of people waited in a mighty way to go to the prison.

(End of this chapter)

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