Chapter 254 Fusion Skills

When Zhang Yi communicated with the Golden Dragon, its momentum suddenly rose, and the numbers above its head began to change.

Immediately afterwards, it took a wild breath, and all the white snow in front of it was sucked away by it in an instant, revealing a large number of mountain ridges.

A sense of power was sensed from Zhang Yi, and at the same time the dragon's blood in his body boiled again, and he felt like he was about to explode.

At this time, the golden dragon had no intention of stopping, and was frantically absorbing the aura on the Kunlun Xu. The aura here was rapidly decreasing, which gave Zhang Yi an illusion that if this continued, the entire aura on the Kunlun Xu would be destroyed. Will be sucked up by it.

So in the end, what about Jinlong's rations?

Future upgrades will be slower.


The golden dragon finally let out a huge dragon chant, but fortunately there was no one around here, otherwise he would have been frightened out of his wits.

boom boom boom

The sound was so loud that an avalanche had already begun in the surrounding mountains.


Mieshi seemed to be released in a hurry, and a rootless fire the size of a small plate was spewed out by it.


The fire scorched the air, and there was a sizzling sound. At the same time, it flew towards the nearby mountain range. When it arrived, the mountain range was instantly disintegrated into a big hole.


Such a huge power simply refreshed Zhang Yi's cognition.

Finally, Mieshi went one step further and rose to level 14.

boom boom boom

Everywhere is surrounded by rootless fire, so powerful, I am afraid there is no opponent in this world.

Mie Shi didn't even pay attention to Zhang Yi's existence, but concentrated on watching some changes in his body.

At this time, its body grew another three meters, reaching a length of ten meters.

The scales on his body also began to glow with colorful lights, but they were only faint. However, in Zhang Yi's view, there were two colors that were particularly obvious, that is, red and gold were formed in the scales of Mieshi, and they were particularly bright. nice.

At this time, the space backpack was suddenly opened, and all the ginseng inside was sucked away by Mieshi.

It swallowed all the ginseng in one gulp, and then the whole dragon became calm again, it seemed to be consolidating its rank.

Zhang Yi remembered that last time, it took half a day for Mieshi to stabilize to level [-].This time I don't know how much time it will take.

At this time, the dragon blood on Zhang Yi's body seemed to respond again. This reaction was the same as when the golden dragon was upgraded last time. He needed it very much...

But until then, he has questions to ask.

"Mie Shi! How do you feel?"

"Father, you are here. I was too focused just now to notice you."

"Nothing, how are you doing now? Can you awaken new attack skills?"

"Attack skills? No, but the memory in my mind has become more obvious."

"About last time memory?"

"Father, look."

Immediately, a scene appeared in front of Zhang Yi. The three shadows of gold, silver and white that I saw before seemed very clear now.

"Three dragons? This..."

"Yes, father, now my memory can only perceive this place. Dragons of different colors have different abilities, and I have the feeling that there is a white dragon nearby in Jiuyuan City."

"What! Jiuyuan City! That means Jiuyuan may be in trouble?"

"The white dragon is also manipulated by people, and the person who manipulates it seems to be a powerful existence. I vaguely feel that its power is not much inferior to mine, but my blood is definitely crushing him."

When Zhang Yi heard this, it was interesting. There is more than one golden dragon in this world. There are also white dragons and silver dragons. This is interesting. If these dragons are manipulated by others, then he wants to get all The difficulty is naturally not small. After all, everyone has the same dragon, but the color is different.

"Then let's go find it! I want to see who it is!"

"Wait a minute, father, let me strengthen myself. Another point is that the aura on Kunlun Xu is no longer suitable for me. After all, it's a bit thin! It will be about a year before I go to the next level."


Even Kunlunxu's aura is not enough for the golden dragon to absorb, so when he reaches the next level, it will be the year of the monkey again.

"But father don't have to worry too much, because I have awakened the fusion skills."


"Yes, as long as I find the same kind, I can fuse them, use them for myself, and achieve the same result!"

As soon as the words of Mie Shi came out, Zhang Yi was shocked, and merged!Isn't this the same as the method of attracting stars?
"Hahaha, if that's the case, then tomorrow I will go back to Jiuyuan to find the whereabouts of that dragon, and I will let you fuse it!"

"Thank you father, I still have some areas that need to be consolidated, so I won't talk to my father."

"it is good!"

Zhang Yi then withdrew from the vision of Mieshi. At this time, the space backpack has been greatly improved. Now it can hold nearly [-] carts of grain at one time. This is not a small improvement. Said, he can at least take one less trip, then in this case, there will be less danger.

He roughly checked, and when he was about to turn around, the dragon's blood in his body started to boil, feeling like it was going to burst out, the thing he was worried about finally came.

Cai Wenji, Xiao Zhao, and Luo Jing are not here, what should I do?Do you want to find a private one?But there is no love, so he thought of Wang Yi.Such beauties will surely relieve the heat in his body, and Wang Yi is also a martial artist, so his physical fitness must be much better than that of the three women.

So, he went down to a wing room and ordered his subordinates to call Wang Yi.

As soon as the wing room opened, Wang Yi walked in.

"My lord, call me?"

"That's right, Wang Yi, if I take you as my wife, you are willing."

Being so straightforward made Wang Yi a little panicked, but seeing Zhang Yi's face flushed and his hormones soaring, Wang Yi looked at Zhang Yi and was attracted by him.

"The Lord City Master is my savior and my father's savior. I, Wang Yi, are willing to..."

Although bluntly, that was Zhang Yi's helpless move. If he didn't do this, the dragon's blood in his body would be uncontrollable, and it would probably backfire. At that time, he might also end up in a bad end.

Wang Yi's promise made Zhang Yi happy. It would be great to be able to marry this famous beauty in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Moreover, both of them are satisfied with each other, which is also the basis of their relationship.
Zhang Yi was overjoyed, and immediately went up to take off Wang Yi's clothes, revealing his snow-white skin...

[-] words are omitted here.

In the wing room, there was a sound of buzzing after a while, and the waves of the sound were overwhelming.

If Zhang Yi hadn't sent all the soldiers away in advance, I'm afraid that the sound would inevitably cause some unnecessary prying eyes.

In this way, until the third morning, Zhang Yi put his arms around Wang Yi. The woman's face was like peach blossoms. She was snuggling tightly in Zhang Yi's arms, her face was full of satisfaction. At this moment, she was even more touching.

This woman is very powerful, more than enough to beat three women by one person, and she still has energy on the third day. If Zhang Yi didn't see some changes in the golden dragon, I am afraid he would fight another [-] rounds.

So he got up and arranged:
"Pass down the order, let Zhao Zilong stay in Jinyang! Call another thousand people, and follow me back to Jiuyuan!"


There are more important things to deal with right now, that is Bailong of Jiuyuan, he wants to know what is going on.

(End of this chapter)

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