Chapter 255 Lu Bu
That day, Zhang Yi brought Wang Yi back to Jiuyuan City, at this time Huangfusong came out to greet him with Zhang Liao.

When the two saw Wang Yi, they were standing in a unique position, but they didn't say too much, because Wang Yi was standing next to Zhang Yi, very close, like a husband and wife.

Zhang Yi is also a sensible person, so he said directly: "From today, Wang Yi is my wife, and I will hold a big wedding later. And tell the three cities!"

The two saluted Wang Yi as soon as they heard it.

Afterwards Zhang Liao first said: "My lord, I heard that Jinyang has already fallen at this time, and my lord will go out to fight. It is really invincible!"

You must know that there were 3 people guarding the city in Jinyang at that time, but Zhang Yi broke the city with more than 1 people. I am afraid that such a record will be praised by future generations.

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Once in a while, you can get it!"

It is indeed a small plan, but it still has his bravery and meticulous thinking, combined with Zhao Zilong's ability to lead troops, otherwise how could he win it?

Huangfu Song said: "The Lord's Battle is really powerful! My Dragon Army will have one more city! The strength will also be improved to a higher level!"

Zhang Yi spoke out his thoughts.

"Yes, in this way, our Dragon Legion will occupy three cities. I hope to establish trade between the three cities, and exchange the specialties of these three cities with each other to drive domestic demand! Also, the policies of each city must be unified, so For one thing, when we take down two hundred cities, it will be the day of our rule."

From zero to one, and then from one to three, this road has gone smoothly. If possible, he will continue to walk and occupy more cities.

Zhang Liao said: "It is definitely possible! Given the current situation, we are also full of confidence."

This matter, they will naturally do it when the time comes, it's just a matter of time and timing, and there is no rush.

Zhang Yi asked again: "How is Zhu Jun doing now?"

Huangfu Song said: "My lord, it seems that Zhu Jun is still unwilling to surrender!"

Zhu Jun was still a worry in his heart. It had been a long time since he had been defeated, but he still hadn't been able to surrender to him. This guy's mouth was still quite hard.In fact, he didn't want to kill him either, but the reality was like this, and Zhu Jun could only be blamed for being pedantic and ignorant of flattery.

He went on to say:

"What's the response from the imperial court?"

Huangfusong replied:

"The imperial court has already listened to our words and designated Zhu Jun as a repeat offender. Fortunately, we brought Zhu Jun's family members back to Jiuyuan City in time, otherwise his family members would definitely be slaughtered by the imperial court, but at this time his family members are still on their way back to Jiucheng City. "

"Has Zhu Jun already known?"

"I don't know yet! Because the news was uploaded in the morning, I haven't told him yet."

"Tell him that the imperial court wants to punish his nine clans at this time, because the words of Zhao Zhong, Zhang Rang and others shocked the emperor. It is best to say more and more serious! Persuading him to die belongs to the heart." My Dragon Legion will definitely not treat him badly. As for the family members, you should know what to do, right?"

Huangfusong was deeply aware of this relationship.

"Yes, my lord, I understand that."

"This is probably his last chance. If you don't want to surrender to me again, kill him!"

Zhang Yi had a fierce look on his face. It seemed that Zhu Jun would have a hard time if he didn't return.

It is impossible for him to have such patience, since you cannot be used by me, then I will not let you be used by the court!Kill and kill.


"Okay, let's go into the city and talk about it in detail!"

A group of people waited and entered the city.


As soon as he entered the city, Zhang Yi began to search for Bailong.

Jinlong once said that this white dragon also has some people's aura, so if you search for people as the main target, you will be able to find out why.

He first searched for some capable people. After all, he knew that if he owned a golden dragon, there would probably be some traces that could be found, such as powerful healing or powerful force.

A large-scale search was carried out in the entire Jiuyuan City. Of course, on the bright side, he did not directly state his reason.

In this way, it probably took several days.

Finally, some capable people were found, and the information of these people was recorded in the book.

This was sorted out by Huangfusong.

"My lord, there are about a hundred capable people in Jiuyuan City, please take a look."

Zhang Yi looked in front of him, a lot of materials made him dizzy, so he asked:

"Is there any particularly obvious figure? For example, in terms of force, or in terms of body."

"Yes, there is. There is a young man named Lu Bu. He is taller than ordinary people, and he is so powerful that he is a square-shaped halberd."

Lu Bu, styled Fengxian, was born in Jiuyuan County, Wuyuan County.Originally a general of Ding Yuan's department, he was instigated to kill Ding Yuan and submit to Dong Zhuo, and he swore to be father and son with Dong Zhuo. Later, he was instigated by Situ Wang Yun to kill Dong Zhuo.Immediately, he was defeated by Dong Zhuo's former subordinate Li Jue and others, and attached himself to Yuan Shao, who was also suspected by Yuan Shao, and attached himself to Zhang Yang.Finally, he was executed by Cao Cao.

In history, Lu Bu was famous for his bravery, and he was known as the "Flying General". It was sometimes said that "Lv Bu is among the people, and the red rabbit is among the horses".

Zhang Yi is also very sure of Lu Bu's combat power.

When he heard Lu Bu, he immediately became energetic, Lu Bu?That is not a generation of fierce generals, the number one existence.Bailong didn't find it, so he found Lu Bu first.

It was interesting now, he couldn't wait to see Lu Bu's true face.

According to ancient historical records, Lu Bu was about 25 years old at this time, and he was a young man. In a few years, it will be the time for him to fight for hegemony in the world. If he can get it before then, it will be a great thing.

It's just that this guy's loyalty is not high. People call him a slave of the three surnames, and he will go wherever there is benefit.

But if you can use it for yourself and control it properly, it is still possible.

But if you don't control it well, you may shoot yourself in the foot with a stone, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But no matter what, let's talk about this person first, and as for Bailong, we'll talk about it later.

"Where are the others?"

Huangfusong didn't know why Zhang Yi became interested in Lu Bu, but he didn't question anything, he just said:

"This person is withdrawn by nature and doesn't want to meet people. Right now, he is living in a house outside the east gate!"

"Where is it, tell me, I'll meet him!"

"This is his address, my lord, how about we go together?"

Huangfusong took out some information and said.

"No, I will go this time!"

Zhang Yi rejected Huangfusong's intention and said.

"Then my lord, be careful. It is said that this man is extremely powerful in force, and should not be underestimated."

"I'm done, okay, give me the address, and I'll go find him right away."


Zhang Yi took the note and went to where Lu Bu was.

He was a little looking forward to meeting Lu Bu, preferably a big fight.

At this time, his strength should be comparable to that of Lu Bu. If he could step on the number one warrior of the Three Kingdoms, how refreshing it would be!

PS. Thanks to all book friends for your support, the performance of "I Raise Dragons in the Three Kingdoms" has improved greatly!There are two consecutive shifts at around 8:0 from Monday to Friday, and four shifts will start at [-]:[-] on Saturday and Sunday.It is not ruled out that there is a recommendation to come back and update it.

(End of this chapter)

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