I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 256 Meeting Lu Bu for the first time

Chapter 256 Meeting Lu Bu for the first time
Lu Bu was born in poverty, and he regarded himself as a swordsman in the early days. This is different from a knight, they are more of a secular concept, and they have a smell of money.

After all, they are mercenaries covered in blood.He is the kind of person who fights for whoever pays more money, which is why the infamy continues in the later period.

Zhang Yi doesn't care about these, he thinks, maybe it's because of his later life that he changed his temperament, if he can take it for his own use, why not a good thing?

He had this idea and implemented it directly.

Two miles away from the east gate, there are several families, one of which is even more dilapidated, but at this moment, there are a few brightly dressed men standing outside the gate. .

One of the old men said: "Fengxian, here is the deposit of ten guans I handed over, as well as some information that I want to kill someone. If you are willing to accept it, I will send another [-] guans after the matter is completed!"

A thousand coins for a consistent price, and a hundred thousand coins for a hundred coins. These money are still worth something now. When the war continues, sometimes the consistent money can't buy much rice.

"You just want me to kill someone with a mere [-] points. You really look down on me, Lu Bu, don't you?"

At this time, a voice came from the hut.

This voice is very thick, it is the words spoken by a martial artist.

The person who spoke here was undoubtedly Lu Bu, but why did he live in this dilapidated place as a mercenary?People can't figure it out, maybe, this is just a place where he lives temporarily.The thoughts of an expert cannot be guessed by ordinary people.

His words directly made the people outside the door a little embarrassed, and these people seemed to be in the same group.Someone saw the old man just now and said: "What if I add another fifty guan?"

It can be seen that the old man hated that person deeply, paying 150 pennies to kill a person is considered a big deal, but some people don't think so.

But Lu Bu said: "Not enough, at least 1000 guan. Otherwise, nothing will be discussed!"

Now the people who were traveling with me said angrily: "Lu Bu! You call it sitting on the ground. Ordinary swordsmen, if I give him 50 guan, they can complete the task, but you want [-] guan! Isn't this sitting on the ground and starting the price?" ?”

"If you want someone else to kill you, then you can pay them 50 guan. I, Lu Bu, will not bow down for this money! You all go away! I don't want to see you."

These words made the people outside the door directly embarrassed. After all, they must have gone through many considerations when they came here. Now it seems that they are a bit beyond their resemblance. What should we do?
These people didn't want to leave here, they just stayed outside the door and whispered to each other.

Zhang Yi understood all this, but he didn't expect that Lu Bu's fortune was obtained through mercenaries, which is interesting now.

So, he went to the front of the thatched cottage.

His arrival made other people's hearts tense.

In their opinion, Zhang Yi must have come to find Lu Bu to kill someone.

So the old man said again: "How about I add another five hundred guan?"

"One thousand guan, if it is lower than this number, there is no need to talk about it!"

Zhang Yi kept shaking his head, these guys really regarded him as someone who spent money to buy murder, but he didn't care so much, he went directly to the door and shouted: "Is Lu Bu inside?"

"Want to kill someone? One thousand strings! Otherwise, it's out of the question!"

Lu Bu also thought that Zhang Yi wanted to kill him.That's why there is something to say.

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"I give out a thousand guan, how about letting you fight with me?"

When this word came out, everyone was shocked.

"What!? Paying money to fight? I'm afraid this kid has a mental illness? That's Lu Bu!"

"Look at this kid's body is not too strong, but Lu Bu is a strong man with boundless strength! Isn't this courting death?"

Everyone's eyes showed contempt, thinking that Zhang Yi must have come to seek death, or he would be a person whose self-confidence exploded.

Zhang Yike doesn't care what the people outside say, he only cares about what the people inside say.After all, he wasn't looking for them to fight, he was only looking for Lu Bu!

"If I beat you to death, how will I get the money?"

Lu Bu probably saw that Zhang Yi's hands were empty through the gap inside.

"You can't beat me! Therefore, there is no way to get money!"

Lu Bu laughed wildly when he heard this.

"It's a joke, many people have said the same thing before, which made me lose a lot of energy. But since you want to try it today, I have not been able to open the shop for a long time at home, and I am tied up tightly, just to catch you! Let these The old guys know that the thousand pennies are well spent!"

Lu Bu's voice was very strong, but he couldn't see him from the beginning.

"Hmph, let's come out and compare! Don't just talk but don't do it!"

Zhang Yi showed the ancient knife in his hand, the light of the knife was cold, even under the sun, there was still a hint of chill.

This ray of light directly rushed into Lu Bu's house, and he said coldly: "Your saber is worth a thousand guan, I don't want your money anymore, I want your saber!"

After all, as soon as the door of the thatched cottage was opened, a person walked out of it. He was more than two meters tall, with two sword eyebrows, a pair of big leopard eyes, and a clear bridge of nose.

Needless to say, this person must be Lu Bu, and if you look closely at him, what you are holding is actually Fang Tian's painted halberd, such a weapon complements him perfectly.

His appearance caused those old men to retreat quickly, for fear of getting close to him, they were suppressed by Lu Bu's aura.

But in Zhang Yi's view, although Lu Bu was much taller than him, there was a surge of power in his body, which felt like crushing blood. Dragon blood was originally noble and could crush all blood.

This feeling was even more obvious in front of Lu Bu. He was puzzled, but he didn't think too much about it.Maybe it's an illusion.

When Lu Bu got closer, there was a feeling of repulsion between him and Lu Bu, as if fire and water were incompatible.

Therefore, from Zhang Yi's heart, Lu Bu cannot be subdued.

But he has already fought here, and he also wants to give it a try, how powerful the number one warrior of the Three Kingdoms is.So this challenge has to be continued.

"Huh? It's you? What's your surname? Tell me your name! I, Lu Bu, don't kill nameless people!"

"My name is Zhang Yi, remember it!"

Lu Bu didn't think too much, he didn't expect that standing there was the owner of Jiuyuan City.

"Okay! Zhang Yi is right, come on! Fight me, Lu Bu!"

Lu Bu said again: "You guys step aside, don't let me kill you!"

These people are his source of income, if he is killed by mistake, it will not be in vain to cut off his source of income, hence the above words.

Those people immediately hid away, not daring to say anything, just watching Lu Bu and Zhang Yi.

But in their hearts, this young man named Zhang Yi probably won't be able to last for a few rounds before being killed by Lu Bu, and at the same time they feel very regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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