Chapter 257 Against Lu Bu
Lu Bu seemed to be in his early twenties, but he also looked much older than Zhang Yi. When the two stood together, there was an obvious gap in height and maturity.

But in terms of momentum, Zhang Yi is not weaker than Lu Bu at all, and he even feels like he is on par.

"You boy, I will kill you in one round, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it! It won't work for a thousand rounds!"

"Very well, I, Lu Bu, like you who are blindly confident, and I want to order the knife in your hand!"

"Then come on, Lu Bu! My Guyi Dao is extremely hungry!"

Zhang Yi picked up the ancient sword, and the light of the sword flashed coldly, while Lu Bu picked up his Fangtian painting halberd.

"Guyi Dao? That's a good name! I like it! No wonder it's so simple and unsophisticated, it's just what I want!"

Lu Bu accidentally said what the meaning of the Guyi Dao is, and the simple and simple Ruyi is the intention of taking this name.

The two stood facing each other, only to see Lu Bu coming first, and a Fang Tian painted halberd coming towards Zhang Yi.

Some people have studied why Fang Tian's painted halberd is so strong.

First of all, like a spear, it is a pole weapon.The ancients said: An inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.Therefore, a long weapon such as Fang Tian's painted halberd has an advantage in confrontation.Second, it is different from a long spear. A spear is more about skill, while Fang Tian's painted halberd can be used not only as a spear, but also as a hammer.The head end of Fang Tian's painted halberd is not much different from a sledgehammer.

Of course, this kind of weapon can only be used by someone with strength. With his strong physique, Lu Bu is not weak when using Fang Tian's painted halberd, and even stronger.

Although Fang Tian's painted halberd was bulky, it was driven by Lu Bu at such a high speed that Zhang Yi could feel the whistling of the wind in his ears.


After a gust of wind, Fang Tian's painted halberd came in front of Zhang Yi, and everyone's hearts were raised. If the weapon touched a little bit, even if Zhang Yi had nine lives, it would not be enough to kill him!

Boom... bang...

It seemed that there was a sound of something being hit by a heavy object. When everyone settled down and took a look, it turned out that Fang Tian's painted halberd hit the ground directly, and a hole was directly blasted into the flat ground. It can be seen that the attack was not small. .

People's first reaction was to find Zhang Yi's whereabouts. After all, Lu Bu was in front of them intact. In their opinion, Zhang Yi was probably in danger.

But at this time, I don't know who yelled.

"That guy is over there!"

Following the direction he pointed, Zhang Yi was unscathed three meters away.

This time, it directly refreshed people's cognition.

This is especially true for Lu Bu.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that your strength is not weak, not bad, not bad, no wonder you dare to challenge me, if this is the case, I will be excited now, you have to take my second move!"

Lu Bu showed shock, and at the same time became more excited. According to his words, he didn't use his full strength just now, but now it is different. He is going to use his full strength to keep Zhang Yi here.Of course, the reason why he wants to fight Zhang Yi is because the Guyi Dao in Zhang Yi's hand is too attractive. If you can get such a magical weapon, it is of course the best.

"Really? Then I want to see your second move!"

Judging from the move just now, Lu Bu's attack is very sharp. Even Zhang Yi's strong defense probably cannot last for a few rounds under his Fang Tian's painting halberd, so he didn't choose to be tough, after all This body is one's own, and if the body breaks, it is a loss.

Therefore, he prepared to use his agility to defeat Lu Bu with four or two moves, and he would definitely get a miraculous effect.

"watch out!"

Lu Bu didn't stop, or in other words, didn't give Zhang Yi any chance to breathe, and attacked with Fang Tian's painted halberd again.

Fang Tian's painted halberd has a variety of attacks. The tip of this weapon is sharp everywhere. Once it is scratched, it will probably be torn apart, and the end will not be good.

This time, Zhang Yi's Guyi knife swung, like a snake, bypassing Fang Tian's painted halberd attack, and attacked Lu Bu's body.

Such a change caught Lu Bu by surprise, but after all, he has gone through a lot of battles, and he has already dealt with this situation.

Therefore, he took back Fang Tian's painted halberd. This long halberd can be attacked from a distance and defended from a distance. It is simply perfect.

"That guy is so powerful!"

"If he survives, maybe we can pay him to do it for him!"

Those people actually came up with Zhang Yi's idea, but they didn't know that no matter how much money they paid, they couldn't get Zhang Yi to do things for them. After all, the whole city belongs to him, and he still needs you a hundred pennies ?
As long as he gives an order, all your property will directly become his, so why does he need your money?

Then the line of sight returned to the competition between the two.


Zhang Yi did not become passive again, but turned passive into active. He played with a big sword superbly. He used to understand swords and guns, but now he is different, because he has also learned a lot with the major generals, especially for swords. In terms of research, he is even better than many people. Coupled with his reaction ability and strong defense, the entire dragon army is invincible.Of course, this is due to his strong receptive ability, he can quickly learn something and use it for himself.

"Zhang Yi, you are very strong!"

Lu Bu said this, and when he said this, he probably admitted that Zhang Yi's level has been recognized by him, but he only thought it.

"Hmph, I'm already strong!"

Zhang Yi bullied himself and bypassed Lu Bu's Fang Tian painting halberd, so he wanted to take a close approach to attack Lu Bu.

But who is Lu Bu?If he was defeated by Zhang Yi so quickly, then his reputation would be for nothing.

He jumped up and jumped out of the battle circle. This time, the distance between the two was widened.

Lu Bu knew where his weakness was. If he wanted to increase the distance, then Zhang Yi would need a lot of luck to attack.

Otherwise, he would have to push hard to get in, but if Lu Bu had always wanted to keep this distance, there was nothing he could do.

Of course, there is another point, which is consumption, consumption of Lu Bu's strength and endurance, until he can't stand it anymore.

But this style of play has the feeling of killing [-] enemies and losing [-], which is not a good thing for both sides. The best way is to make a quick decision.

"Lu Bu stop running!"

"Hmph, look at my Fang Tian painting a halberd!"

Lu Bu became much smarter, and kept a distance from Zhang Yi all the time, not daring to let Zhang Yi get too close.

People on one side were dumbfounded by such a fight. They thought that Zhang Yi would lose in one round at most, and even lost his life. Now it seems that this is not the case. How could this young man who is too young be so powerful?

(End of this chapter)

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