I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 260 Bailong's Worries, Zhu Jun's Return

Chapter 260 Bailong's Worries, Zhu Jun's Return
There is a hidden cave under the cliff, except that there are a lot of vegetation, this is a good place to hide, so when Zhang Yi searched for it for a while, he completely lost sight of Lu Bu.

In the end, he had to rely on Jinlong's induction to move in the right direction.

Finally, he caught up with Lu Bu, but tried to follow Lu Bu's footsteps as much as possible, not daring to get too close to him.

Right now, I'm afraid I can't push Lu Bu too hard. I'm afraid this person doesn't have that much heart. He was so anxious to leave more than half to seek help, but he didn't expect Zhang Yi to know his secret, that's why he did this. so-so.

Lu Bu will 100% look for the white dragon, so Zhang Yi is not in a hurry this time. With the golden dragon, he will be able to track down Lu Bu's location.

At that time, if you really find the white dragon, let the golden dragon appear and fuse it directly. In this way, you can upgrade to another level. At that time, you will have the trump card even more. In this world, I am afraid that no one can be his. opponent.

He chased all the way without any pause. In this way, until evening, he stopped in front of a cave entrance.

This place is uninhabited, but there is an aura familiar to Zhang Yi.

According to Jin Long, the Lu Bu people were inside.

Then, a voice came from the cave.

It was Lu Bu's voice, he seemed to be talking to someone.

In the discourse, he said something like hurry up.

When he arrived, there was a movement in his heart, and a special feeling appeared, and the things in this cave attracted him to go.

He didn't think too much, and went straight into the cave.

But before entering the cave, a white light flashed past him, so that he couldn't open his eyes. This white light was similar to the golden light before. You must know that he is in ancient times, and he doesn't have any lighting. Needless to say, this white light It was issued by Bailong.

When he could open his eyes, the voice inside had disappeared.

He didn't think much about it, so he stepped into the cave.

It was empty.

I only saw some torches in the entrance of the cave, under the firelight.There is a white eggshell.The eggshell was exactly the same as the one left when he saw the golden dragon for the first time, except for some differences in color.

Obviously that is the eggshell of the Dragon Clan.


He looked around, but there was nothing in the cave, and there was no trace of Lu Bu at all. Obviously, they ran away.

"Mieshi, can you feel their presence now?"

"Father, no, I didn't expect this white dragon to have the ability to hide. They don't know where they escaped."

If this is the case, it becomes very difficult to find them.

But Jin Long's words directly ignited Zhang Yi's passion.

"If I can fuse its body, in addition to my level will increase, its cloaking form will also be absorbed by me and used by me!"

"Is that so? That's great. I will definitely chase after Lu Bu at any cost!"

Jinlong also expressed his excitement. After all, it is very slow to absorb spiritual energy, and it will take a year of the monkey to reach the top level.

As for why the two ran away, it was probably because Bailong sensed Zhang Yi's arrival.This is a kind of crushing of the blood, and the white dragon has already sensed the danger, so it took Lu Bu away directly, because they did not dare to face Zhang Yi face to face.

Whether it is Lu Bu vs. Zhang Yi, or Bailong vs. Jinlong, they have no chance of winning at all.

Since there is no chance of winning, why not run away?Do you still have to wait here to be slaughtered?

Smart people know how to choose, so they run.

Since they all ran away, Zhang Yi didn't stay here any longer, but went directly to the city.There will be plenty of opportunities to arrest this dragon in the future.

When he left, a ten-meter-long white dragon appeared from the darkness, along with Lu Bu's figure. Three colors faintly appeared in the scales of this dragon, just like our anti-counterfeiting lasers. The color is very nice.

"Why are we hiding?"

Lu Bu was puzzled.

The white dragon actually spoke.

"This person's body and blood are two levels higher than mine. I'm afraid that the power behind him has grown up at this time. If the power behind him appears, I'm afraid we will all die here!"

Lu Bu obviously didn't believe it. "What! So powerful? I don't think the breath on his body is very good!"

"That's because you haven't seen him explode yet. Don't underestimate this person! Dodge if you can. Before I grow up, I can't be tough with him!"

"What about the ginseng? It took me a lot of time to obtain it. Let's find some time to find it?"

"Ginseng can be obtained again, and the aura of these ginseng is not enough for me."

"They are so powerful? Don't we have the ability to hide? We can run at any time!"

Bai Long didn't explain too much, but said:

"Just in case, don't stay here for long. My life is important. Let's go to Luoyang, that's our paradise! The aura there seems to be good, let's go there and get a place!"

Bailong murmured.

Now Lu Bu said nothing more.

"As you wish! Let's go there!"

As soon as Bailong turned around, he turned into a suit of armor and attached it to Lu Bu's body. The armor was all white with a dragon's head in the middle, which looked very mighty.

Then a white light flashed, and the two disappeared immediately. Obviously, they had escaped elsewhere.


Let's talk about Zhang Yi, when he arrived in Jiuyuan City, it was already very late.As soon as he arrived, Huangfu Song came to look for him.

"My lord! Zhu Jun let go!"

When he heard that, he was overjoyed.

"That's good! Call him over!"

Zhu Jun finally gave up on the Han court, and now his family members are also in Zhang Yi's hands, and they treat each other with courtesy.


Then someone brought Zhu Jun here, and he was a little fatter than before. It can be seen that Zhu Jun ate well during this period of time, which also showed that they entertained well.

As soon as Zhu Jun entered the meeting hall, he saluted.

"I, Zhu Jun, would like to serve you as my master. From now on, I will follow you to the death!"

Such a change makes people happy.

"Okay! If you can get Zhu Jun alone, my Dragon Legion will be able to survive in this world. I am afraid there are not many people who can stop my Dragon Legion!"

He was happy, and said again: "Now I am named Zhu Jun as the school lieutenant! You can command an army of 1 people!"

This letter was the same as Huangfusong's, which showed that he also valued Zhu Jun very much, so he gave him this position.

Zhu Jun thanked immediately: "Thank you, my lord!"

"Today is a day of great joy. Let the order go down, and the three cities will celebrate three days together! Add food to the army!"

As a result, all the people in the three cities of Golden City, Jiuyuan City, and Jinyang City cheered and celebrated Zhu Jun's joining together.

With such a big fanfare, it can be regarded as very respectful of Zhu Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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