Chapter 261 Beigong Boyu Attacks Sansuke
In the next period of time, Zhang Yizhang announced to the world that all news related to Lu Bu would be followed by him, and he even offered a large reward, as long as anyone who could provide information about Lu Bu would be rewarded once verified!
All of a sudden, all the people in the world joined in the search for Lu Bu. After all, as long as you find someone, you can get money, so why not do it?
In order to find Lu Bu, it can be said that he used all the power he could use, for the matter of Bailong. Of course, this matter will not be settled in a short time, sometimes it will take months or even years. .

In today's chaos, traffic and news are very blocked, and it is very difficult to find Lu Bu.

So, this is a long-term project.

Today, the weather turned hot, and it was already June.

Zhang Yi did not go back to the Golden City, but listened to Huangfusong's report in the Jiuyuan Council Hall, especially the news about the imperial court.

At this time, Cai Wenji was sitting on his left, and Wang Yi was on the right. Earlier, he also celebrated in a big way, giving Wang Yi a title, and the two daughters complemented each other. He was really envious of everyone.

And during this period of time, he also transformed Jiuyuan City to a great extent, especially the introduction of Jinyang's volume and Jiuyuan City, so that after being carried by him, Jiuyuan City began to develop rapidly, and people also forgot After the pain caused by the locust plague, it is stepping up production.Fortunately, he solved the food problem, otherwise how would he feed 6 people?
That's right, what Huangfusong was talking about at this time was the total population of the army today.

"6 people? Very good! The larger the army, the more elite soldiers are needed. For some unqualified people, they will be demoted directly to the civilian population, let them go into production, and give them appropriate subsidies."

Zhang Yiru said that if these soldiers can't exert their strong combat power, they can't let them go back, give them some money, let them contribute to the three cities, and they will live better.

"There are still some changes in the imperial court!"

"Huh? What's changed, let's hear it!"

"My lord, do you think why the imperial court hasn't sent troops over since we captured Jinyang! This is not normal!"

Jinyang is already very close to Luoyang. Compared with the Golden City, this distance can send troops.

Zhang Yi also noticed this situation, so he said:

"I've thought about this, probably because the emperor doesn't have the heart to chat with us."

"That's right, that's the case. According to the news from the front line, Beigong Boyu is adding troops to the Sanfu area at this time! And the Emperor Han sent General He Jin to the Sanfu area to support."

Beigong Boyu, also known as Beigongyu (or named as Boyu, unknown), was the leader of the Qiang and Hu tribes in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and one of the Liangzhou warlords.In 184 A.D., in response to the uprising of Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Taiping Road, he jointly launched a rebellion with Xiliang local tyrant Song Yang and others, and later recruited Han Sui, Bian Zhang and others to join the gang.

Sanfu, also known as "Sanqin", originally refers to the three officials Jing Zhaoyin, Zuo Fengyi, and You Fufeng who governed the Gyeonggi area of ​​Chang'an during the period from Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (104-220 BC). The areas under the jurisdiction of the officials are Jingzhao, Zuofengyi, and Youfufeng.After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was called "Fu".

"Are you saying that the imperial court has no time to pay attention to us at this time? If their main force protects Sansuke, they will not be able to distinguish their strength."

Huang Fusong said:
"It's not all. Dong Zhuo's adding troops to Changshan County may be disadvantageous to us!"

It turns out that there are still great changes, Zhang Yi murmured:
"Dong Zhuo? Don't be afraid of him! I don't think he would dare to march into our three cities! If he dares to come, he will never come back!"

Zhang Yi is indeed very confident, but he has the capital of self-confidence.

"Although I said so, I have to be on guard. I have ordered the whole city to be on alert. If there is any trouble, immediately defend!"

Huangfusong's way of doing things is deeply appreciated by Zhang Yi, and it seems right for him to join the Dragon Army.

"You did a good job! It depends on Dong Zhuo's performance in the future. If he insists on attacking us, we may be able to take the initiative to attack. After all, Changshan is less than 350 miles away from us."

Zhang Yi showed his determination. Of course, if Dong Zhuo was doing well now, he would not care about it. After all, going to war would consume a lot of troops and money. He only has three cities, which is no better than a court with a hundred cities!
But if Dong Zhuo is going to die, I'm sorry, I will only let you disappear in this world early!

"There is one more thing I have to talk about! It's about Emperor Han."

When Huangfusong said this, his expression was a little strange, probably also a little angry.

Seeing him like this rarely, Zhang Yi asked, "What else?"

There are not many things that can make Huangfusong angry, at least Zhang Yi has never seen him like this.

Huangfusong took a deep breath and said, "In the name of meritorious service against Zhang Jiao, Emperor Ling granted Zhang Zhongchang Attendant Zhang Rang and other 12 people as marquises, and received a lot of rewards."

Obviously, Huangfusong, Zhu Jun and others deserve the credit for the crusade against Zhang Jiao. Even if they are no longer assisted by the court, it should be someone else who got the reward. Why did Zhang let them get the reward?

Zhu Jun could see it clearly, he said:

"Zhang Rang and other regular servants are suspected of covering up the holy hearing. It seems that we are right to go out of the court. Otherwise, we may not get any benefits until now! We will also suffer from treacherous ministers, and we will not die well!"

It is true that those who have merit do not receive awards, but those who do not receive rewards for being able to say a few nice words, this makes everyone in the world feel unfair.

Hearing what Zhu Jun said, Huangfusong seemed a little relieved.

Zhang Yi said: "Zhu Jun is right, that will speed up the demise of the court! This is exactly giving us a chance!"

"My lord's words are very true! I didn't see through!"

Cai Wenji agreed with Zhang Yi's statement, she said: "My husband is right, this world will still be ours in the future, let him make troubles, the more chaos the better! Our chances are greater!"

The more chaotic the world is, the more uprisings there are, and the more severe the warlord separatism. In this way, I am afraid that no one will pay attention to Zhang Yi, a time bomb. Of course, except for one person, that is Dong Zhuo, but Dong Zhuo is also powerless now. It has some influence on Zhang Yi.

But at this moment, someone came in and said, "Paper, someone claims to be Dong Zhuo's envoy, please see him outside the door!"

Zhang Yi shouted fiercely.

"What! This Dong Zhuo sent someone over again? Then I want to see what he will do this time!"

The last time the arrogant emissary had already been hacked by him, and this time the emissary did not know what to do.

Zhu Jun said: "Then we have to meet this person!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

Huangfusong replaced Zhang Yi and said:
"Let him in! See what this man will say!"


(End of this chapter)

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