I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 262 What is Dong Zhuo?

Chapter 262 What is Dong Zhuo?
This order was passed on, and a messenger came up after a while.

The messenger this time was different from the last one. Before they arrived, there was no noise, nor was there any arrogance like last time. They probably really came to solve the matter.

This guy is dressed like a scholar, he only wears a short sword around his waist, and this kind of short sword is mostly just for decoration.At first glance, he was born as a scholar, but he was still a little proud in his bones, but he was not allowed to be proud on this occasion.So there is another reason for some restraint, that is, the current Dragon Legion is stronger and can be respected.

When he saw Zhang Yi, he saluted.

Said: "I am Zeng Ze, the envoy of General Dong, and I have come to meet the Lord Mayor. There are some things I would like to discuss with the Lord City Lord."

Zhang Yi thought that this person would be as rude as the previous one, but now it seems that he is not.

Being treated so politely, Zhang Yili should treat him politely, and asked, "Why are you here? Tell me directly!"

Zeng Ze said: "I was ordered to come here to discuss something with the city lord. Regarding your city's army, we are willing to open a door for you..."

From what he said, this man was here to persuade him to surrender, so there was nothing to say.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi blocked the conversation first, and said:

"If it is a surrender, there is no need to discuss this matter, so what is Dong Zhuo? How can He De let me surrender to him?"

He really has this kind of ability, so what kind of thing is Dong Zhuo?Why let him surrender?

This made Zeng Ze speechless, but he is always a man of words, he said: "General Dong has been favored by the Holy Majesty, and he has been named a Chariot General. , the city lord obeys, this city is still your city, you just need to obey and dispatch immediately. We coexist peacefully. Why not do it?"

This kind of surrender will definitely be taken away from power in the end. At that time, he will become a plaything in the hands of others. Since he is already the king of the world, what else is there to surrender?That's not what Zhang Yi wants, what he wants is that the whole world belongs to him!

Therefore, he didn't want to say too much on this issue, and said:

"Zeng Ze, go back and tell your General Dong, but say that I, Zhang Yi, don't want to fight him either, as long as he is good enough."

As soon as these words came out, Zeng Ze on the side was stunned. How can I say this is cute enough? It feels like Zhang Yi said it in an adult manner.It's like talking to a child.

The Messenger also advised:
"Lord City Lord..."

His words were directly interrupted.

"Enough, my lord has made it very clear, if you talk too much, I'm afraid you will get hurt!"

Huangfu Song said, such a statement made Zeng Ze speechless. In such a situation, if he continued to talk about it, his life might be in danger, so he, who was sensible, didn't dare to say anything.

But if he went back like this, he might also be scolded by Dong Zhuo, so he said, "My lord, maybe we can discuss it..."

But Zhang Yi said: "If you say any more! I will kill you! See you off!"

As soon as these words were released, Ceng Ze immediately shut up, because his life was more important.

Zhang Liao stood up and said, "Ceng Ze, please!"

Seeing that Zhang Liao was so powerful, Zeng Ze didn't dare to speak, and went out the door in desperation.

After he went out, Zhu Jun said: "I've seen Dong Zhuo, he has a violent nature. After this envoy returns, he might take revenge on us. I think it's better to kill this envoy..."

"No, this person is also ordered by Dong Zhuo, even if he is killed, it will be useless, and even if Dong Zhuo comes to attack me, I will definitely let him come and go."

"Your husband is right. Since Dong Zhuo wanted to surrender, he was not sure enough, or he did it because he didn't want to lose his troops. We are not afraid. If your husband is in need, I, Wang Yi, can also take command. !"

Wang Yi's face became more attractive after the cloud and rain that day. At this time, she deliberately showed it. After all, this is also her husband's career, and she should do her best to help.

Cai Wenji's gaze shifted at this moment.

He seemed to have his own opinion, so he said, "This Dong Zhuo represents the face of the Emperor of Han. We have slapped him in the face more than once, and the Emperor of Han may send someone to come."

This can be regarded as a normal person's reaction, and what Cai Wenji said is correct, if you hit them in the face two or three times, they will also feel pain, and if it hurts, they will naturally fight back.

"Madam's worry is not unreasonable, but the matter has already been like this. I have never been afraid of them since I established the Golden City. Since I have to do a career, I must go forward forever and not shrink back."

Zhang Yi's words have already shown his determination.

But Zhu Jun said: "My lord's words are very true! I support my lord!"

"Okay, that's all for today. As you deploy your troops, you must pay close attention to the threat from the southwest at any time! Once there is a situation, send a letter directly to dispatch troops from the Golden City or Jinyang City!"


"Also, Zhu Jun!"

"My lord, I am here!"

"I want you to bring some literati to Jinyang to assist Zhao Zilong! I'm afraid he won't be able to defend there alone! After all, the enemy is too cunning!"


Zhu Jun should be, expressing his understanding.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I'm here today, and everything is for you!"


Everyone retreated, and there were only Zhang Yi, Cai Wenji and Wang Yi in the entire meeting hall.

Zhang Yi gave another order, everyone is not allowed to step here without an order!
Because next he has something to do.

Zhang Yi couldn't move his eyes away from the two wives, as if they didn't know why, but they knew it well.

At this time, the dragon's blood in his body had already begun to boil. This feeling would come once a day, which made him a little miserable. Fortunately, there were two wives here, but he also enjoyed it.

He looked at the shy looks of the two, and said with a smile: "Madam, we have been husband and wife for a while, and we are still so restrained?"

It comes from women's reserve, so it's not their fault.

Cai Wenji first said: "My husband is alive and well, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it!"

But Wang Yi said: "My sister has worked hard, why don't you come to me like your husband!"

Wang Yi picked up the burden, and she really had to do it, otherwise Zhang Yi would have nowhere to release him.

"Then please trouble Madam to take care of it!"

Wang Yi nodded slightly.

"My husband is naturally full of energy, and the two ladies are so charming, I can't help it!"

The two girls lowered their heads, their faces flushed, and Zhang Yi became more and more excited.

Then, Zhang Yi hugged left and right, and put the two of them on the table in the meeting hall.

This will be a battlefield, let Zhang Yi fight here.

After a while, the buzzing sound continued... [-] words are still omitted here.

Zhang Yi has been living like a fish in water during this period of time, full of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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