Chapter 264
The next day, in the evening.

Bao Xin led more than 1 people to the north gate of Jiuyuan City, and Zhang Yi led 1000 people to greet them.

As soon as Bao Xin arrived, he bowed and said: "My lord, I will bring an army of 1 people to support!"

When more than 1 people saw Zhang Yi, their faces were full of excited expressions. The legend about him had penetrated into the army, which made the army excited.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work, let the army enter the city! I want to treat them well!"

With the enemy now at hand, these people arrived at Jiuyuan City just before Dong Zhuo came, which was considered a good thing.It was also because when these people came, they went into battle lightly, did not carry siege weapons, nor did they carry a lot of food, so they arrived quickly.


With a big wave of Bao Xin's hand, [-] troops entered Jiuyuan City. In this way, Jiuyuan City has [-] troops.

That night, Zhang Yi asked the army to eat, drink, and sleep well in order to cope with the upcoming [-] army. No matter who it is, there will always be some pressure when encountering a [-] army.

But this kind of pressure is often not only pressure, but sometimes more motivation.

Before the enemy comes, he must have a good grasp of everything, especially the spirit of all soldiers.They want to meet the incoming enemy in the best condition.

It was night, and it was quiet until morning. Suddenly, a horn sounded in the city. This was the horn of the enemy's invasion.

Zhang Yi and the others got up straight away, and when they saw outside, there was a fire at the east gate.

They approached the east gate.


Above the east gate, Zhang Yi looked down, and there was a large group of people gathered about ten miles away. At this time, a soldier came to report: "Dong Zhuo led an army of [-] and set up camp ten miles away!"

"I know, let's go!"

In fact, Dong Zhuo's army can already be seen here, densely packed, and an army of [-] is really extraordinary.

If one soldier plus weapons occupies one square meter, the 100 army can occupy [-] square meters. The horizontal width of that army can reach [-] meters, and the vertical length can reach more than one kilometer. If siege weapons and war horses are added, the number Even more astonishing, such a large number of troops is really daunting.

"Pass down the order, let the guards of the four gates get ready! The catapult is mainly based on the east gate, and the other three gates are supplemented, waiting for the enemy to choose!"

Because he was not sure which gate Dong Zhuo would attack at that time, he spread out all the catapults, and only waited for which gate Dong Zhuo's army settled down before deciding which side to take the lead. After all, they are highly mobile and can attack at any time can be moved.


Meanwhile, Huangfusong, Zhang Liao, Bao Xin and others are also on standby.Cai Wenji and Wang Yi were also waiting for arrangements by Zhang Yi's side, but under such circumstances, Zhang Yi would not arrange for them to fight, and it would be okay to make suggestions.

As for the [-] troops, they are on standby near the main city, while the other [-] are guarding at the four gates.Once there is a situation, they will be ordered at any time.

When the sun was fully up, Dong Zhuo's army started to move, and they came towards the east gate.

At this time, the Dragon Legion had begun to gather towards the east gate, as did a large number of siege weapons.

When all the catapults were fully set up, Dong Zhuo was also one mile away.

It was only seen that the leader was a middle-aged man with a big belly.Needless to say, that person was Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo looked very wretched, even if he was fat, he was fat and wretched.He still has a beard all over his face, and under the beard, the facial features and expressions of his face can hardly be seen clearly, only the two eyeballs and the big nostrils can be seen.

All I saw was that the man waved his hand, and a fierce general led a thousand people directly to a hundred meters away from Jiuyuan City.

The man began to yell: "Listen, people in Jiuyuan City. I am ordered by General Dong to attack the rebels. If you are wise, come out and surrender! Otherwise, wait for my 10 troops to enter the city. We will slaughter the city. Let you see how powerful the army of the Han Dynasty is."

This person is arrogant and domineering, without the slightest sign of fear.

He completely ignored that he was within the attack range of the dragon army, and was still very arrogant.

It was Zhang Liao who said straight: "My lord, let me meet this guy.

This person's mouth is very smelly, let me destroy his prestige! "


Zhang Liao went down from the city and led 1000 people out of the city.

"Who is coming?"

When Zhang Liao came out of the city, he seemed to be asking questions.

"Fan Chou is also!"

Fan Chou was Dong Zhuo's subordinate. When the Eighteenth Route Lords were begging for Dong, he guarded Hulao Pass with Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu. After Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Chang'an, he guarded Meiwu together with Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji.After Dong Zhuo was killed, Fan Chou and others fled to Shaanxi, but could not be pardoned, so they adopted Jia Xu's plan and assembled troops to attack Chang'an, defeated Lu Bu, killed Wang Yun, occupied Chang'an, controlled the government, and defeated King Qin Qin. Ma Teng and Han Suijun.Because Fan Cong released Han Sui, Li Jue had his nephew Hu Feng, the captain of the cavalry, stab Fan Cong to death at the meeting.

When Zhang Yi was in the city, he did not expect that this person was Fan Chou, but at this time he was young, similar to Zhang Liao, but he was extremely proud.

Fan Chou holds a long spear and rides a white horse.

And Zhang Liao is holding a long halberd and riding a brown war horse.

When Fan Chou heard it, he looked at it.

"You are Zhang Liao? Sure enough, it is better to be famous than to meet!"

Zhang Liao's reputation is outstanding.Thanks to his participation in several campaigns.

With such a record, Fan Chou underestimated him so much.

Zhang Liao was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"Fan Chou, do you dare to fight me?"

Fan Chou shouted: "If you want to fight, come!"

As soon as Zhang Liao's words fell, he rode forward, holding a long halberd.We are about to fight in the direction of the Han army.

It has to be said that Fan Chou's force is still quite strong. His spear and halberd collided violently. In the first round, he was able to withstand Zhang Liao's attack and the fight was a draw.

You must know that Zhang Liao's force is second only to Zhao Zilong in the Dragon Legion.

Fan Chou was able to persist for a round, which is considered his strength.

"Huh? Zhang Liao, you are really good!"

"The power is yet to come! Look at the halberd!"

Zhang Liao would not let Fan Chou have any chance to breathe.

In the second round, his halberd had already pierced Fan Chou's chest.

Fan Chou had to do his best to deal with it.

Anyway, Fan Chou can be regarded as having some force.

Therefore, the second round actually let him avoid it.

But in this case, Fan Chou was directly suppressed and beaten, and the morale of the Dragon Army immediately rose.

The two sides fought for another ten rounds, and Fan Chou couldn't stand such an attack, so he retreated directly.

"Fan Chouxiu run away!"

How could Zhang Liao let him run away?Immediately, he chased after him, playing with a long halberd like a wind, blocking Fan Chou's retreat.


Fan Chou directly picked up a carbine, trying to stop Zhang Liao's attack.


The weapons of the two sides collided together, and everyone was surprised, but they didn't know the outcome?

(End of this chapter)

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