I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 265 Slashing Fan Chou and Hua Xiong

Chapter 265 Slashing Fan Chou and Hua Xiong (Part [-])
Everyone's eyes were reluctant to take half a step away from the two of them, just because of the intense fighting just now.

"General Fan is defeated!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

But it can be seen that Fan Chou's heart was pierced by the halberd, but his spear fell into the empty space.

It turned out that Zhang Liao's speed was so fast just now, Fan Chou really couldn't dodge the attack.

The only one to blame is Zhang Liao's high military strength, while Fan Chou is too weak.


Zhang Liao yelled fiercely and stabbed the long halberd forcefully at Fan Chou's chest, a stream of blood flowed down along the way.

At the same time, the spear in Fan Chou's hand fell to the ground.

But the depth of the insertion could not hurt the root. Fan Chou found a hole and rode back, trying to avoid Zhang Liao's halberd.

"Fan Chou! Where is your arrogance just now? Stop running, I will kill you under the horse!"

So he rode forward and rushed forward, pushing the long halberd, and under the sun, a cold light flashed.

With a bang, Fan Chou's spear landed on the ground

Seeing this, Zhang Liao slashed past, but Fan Chou had nothing in his hand to resist, so he dismounted immediately.

The white horse was hit by the halberd and immediately turned blood red.


The halberd was so powerful that it even blasted the white horse some distance away.

And Fan Chou crawled towards Dong Zhuo's army.


How could Zhang Liao let him dodge, two feet were no match for four legs, Fan Chou was directly killed by Zhang Liao.

Poor Fan Chou's descendants used to have achievements, but they didn't expect to be overthrown by Zhang Liao at this time.Thanks to Zhang Liao being strengthened by Zhang Yi, his combat power is naturally stronger.It's not that the enemy is weak, but that you are stronger.

The morale of the many dragon legions has soared.

With a wave of Zhang Liao's hand, they rushed over directly, and what they hit was Fan Chou's army, which retreated directly.

Zhang Liao laughed out loud.

"The strength is too weak, so you have to come out and fight with others, otherwise you will lose your life and the gain will not be worth the loss! Dong Zhuo! I advise you to go back!"

When Dong Zhuo saw this, Fan Chou was one of his fierce generals, so he was cut to the ground just like that, making him unable to hold his face anymore.

So he shouted: "Who will take down the enemy's fierce general with me!"

"Hua Xiong is willing to go and deal with the enemy army, and meet with the leader of the enemy!"

At this time, a fierce general had an angry face, his height was close to two meters, his physique was very strong, and he was holding a big knife in his hand.

Hua Xiong is proud, self-respecting, masculine, and strong in martial arts. When he fought against Guan Yu, the martial sage, he fought so hard that the sky collapsed and the mountains collapsed. Dead battlefield.

Seeing that it was Hua Xiong, Dong Zhuo turned his anger into joy, and said, "Sure!"

Hua Xiong rode out on horseback, leading a thousand men, and went up to meet Zhang Liao face to face.

"Hua Xiong is here. Zhang Liao takes his life!"

Hua Xiong was a fierce general in front of Dong Zhuo and had followed Dong Zhuo for many years.All I saw was that he rode his horse, and even the horse he was riding was stronger than ordinary ones.

"Hua Xiong? Hmph, let's fight!"

Zhang Liao didn't dare to chase too far, after all, Dong Zhuo's army was there, if they got too close, the whole army might be wiped out.

When Hua Xiong and Zhang Liao were together, their physiques were very different.

At the same time, there are also differences in weapons, and Hua Xiong's broadsword is also Zhang Liao No. [-].

"Today next year will be the day of your death, quickly become the ghost of my sword!"

Hua Xiong's broadsword directly blocked the gap around Zhang Liao. This broadsword is a heavy weapon.No matter in terms of attack strength or attack range, it is the best of all weapons.

However, it has a fatal weakness, and in terms of defense, if the attack is [-]%, the defense is only [-]%.

Most of Hua Xiong's people who can choose such weapons are very confident in their own attacks.

Zhang Liao was not weak either, he directly picked up the long halberd, and Zhou Xuan with him.


boom boom boom

bang bang

In the fierce battle between the two sides, it was impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

In a short while, the two had already fought dozens of rounds.

It has to be said that Hua Xiong is better than Fan Chou just now.

Regardless of strength or attack power, he completely defeated Fan Chou.

So the two sides are still fighting hard.

If Zhang Liao were to compare strength with Hua Xiong, he would definitely be defeated.

The chance to defeat Hua Xiong is to use cleverness.

In addition, Zhang Liao's combat IQ is very high.

He didn't dare to go head-to-head with Hua Xiong, after fighting for thirty rounds, he started to dodge.And trying to pick the best opportunity to stab Hua Xiong.

In fact, his gaze stayed on Hua Xiong's hand. If Hua Xiong's sword was out of his hand, what would be the consequence?Hua Xiong would be nothing without weapons.

Since he wanted to do this, Zhang Liao followed this principle.Intensive attacks were carried out.

Hit it, run it, turn around and hit it again.

As a result, Hua Xiong was somewhat exhausted.

He also seemed to realize that Zhang Liao's tactics were not good for him, so he began to shout.

"Zhang Liao, do you dare to fight me face to face? Don't dodge like a child."

Zhang Liao snorted coldly: "Hua Xiong, do you think I'm stupid? In terms of strength, I'm not as good as you, but in terms of agility, you are a scum in front of me!"

What he said made Hua Xiong speechless.As long as you can win, why choose your own weakness over his strength?

If Zhang Yi appeared at this time.Then he probably really will go all out and be tough. After all, Zhang Yi's strength may still be higher than that of Hua Xiong, but Zhang Liao is different.

The soldiers in this scene were also extremely anxious when they saw the two of them like this.

They stared at the battle between the two, and it was not so quick to tell the winner.

But there is always a moment when it ends, and Zhang Liao's halberd pierced Hua Xiong's arm like a spirit snake.

As soon as Hua Xiong's arm hurt, he let go of the big knife in his hand.

As a result, Hua Xiong, who had no weapons, was simply a scum in front of Zhang Liao.

The wise Hua Xiong immediately slipped back, and he started to flee, not daring to fight Zhang Liao.

But Zhang Liao said with a smile: "Aren't you crazy just now? Why are you still avoiding now? Come and fight with me!"

Hua Xiong still had no determination to fight. He protected his injured hand and immediately retreated. His retreat also caused the morale of the soldiers he brought to drop greatly, so all the Han troops fled in the direction of Dong Zhuo's army. It immediately triggered a chain reaction, making Zhang Liao laugh constantly.

Zhang Liao wanted to go after him, so he rode forward, but before Hua Xiong arrived, he shouted to the army behind:

"Archery! Shoot Zhang Liao to death!"

"Hua Xiong, you're playing dirty tricks!"

Seeing the archers behind him immediately get ready, Zhang Liao immediately stopped when he saw this state, and retreated to Jiuyuan City.

This is not a joke. If you are shot to death, the loss outweighs the gain.

"Hahaha, let you run away! Hahaha!"

Hua Xiong laughed, not feeling ashamed at all, not afraid of being ridiculed by future generations.

(End of this chapter)

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