Chapter 266 Tui Huaxiong (Second Update)

Zhang Liao's evacuation finally failed to catch the bow and arrow, and he returned safely to Jiuyuan City.

Facing the disastrous defeat of two generals in a row, Dong Zhuo's face turned pale at this time, which is a shame.

No matter what he said, he also came with a 10 army.

One general was lost and another was seriously injured.This result made him very unhappy.

However, he still did not take an attacking posture.Instead, he rode forward.

Facing Jiuyuan City, he shouted: "I am ordered by the imperial court to persuade everyone in your Jiuyuan City to surrender. If you are willing to surrender to our dynasty, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth, especially you Zhang Yi. If you can surrender to me, then it is still possible to become an official. I can protect you, assist Yu Han, and be my deputy, and together we will fight the world for the big man."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he laughed straight away, this Dong Zhuo is really shameless.I have lost, how can I negotiate with myself here?
So he refused: "What are you Dong Zhuo! Dare to come here to be arrogant, I will teach you how to behave today!"

This face-to-face insult was heard by the whole army.

Dong Zhuo was very upset.He was very angry. Compared to before, Zhang Yi also insulted Dong Zhuo to the envoy. Presumably the envoy must have processed it when he went back to deliver the message.Otherwise, if you give him ten guts, he won't dare to repeat the original words.

"Bold! Zhang Yi, how dare you insult the court officials."

"It's not just insulting you, I even insulted your ancestors for eighteen generations."

Zhang Yi cursed loudly, and there was no need to be polite to this kind of person.

When Dong Zhuo rebelled, he relied on his own strength to prosper.He has never respected other people, let alone Zhang Yi's combat power is almost the same as Dong Zhuo's?Although they are smaller than Dong Zhuo's army in number.But in fact, it is not bad at all, plus he is defending the city at this time, with a small number of people, he can defend the city, unlike Dong Zhuo, who has an army of [-] who wants to break through Jiuyuan City, it is so difficult Undoubtedly harder than climbing to the sky.

Dong Zhuo exhaled lightly and sneered, he was not angry.

"Go ahead and scold. Now the entire Jiuyuan City has been surrounded by me. Just wait for my army to march in. By then, you probably won't be able to scold."

"Hahaha, then I will wait for you to attack. Anyone who wants to attack the city will come."

Even if Dong Zhuo besieged Jiuyuan City for a month or two, Zhang Yi was not afraid at all, because he had enough food.It can make the army tide over the difficulties.

Besides, whether Dong Zhuo's [-] troops can last for two months is still a question.

In addition, Zhao Zilong has already sent troops to the west at this time, I believe that Zhao Zilong will reach Changshan in a short time.

At that time, he will take the entire Changshan County as his own, and that action will cut off Dong Zhuo's backing.Even if he has thousands of troops, once there is no food.Then it is still doomed to fail.

Dong Zhuo saw that Zhang Yi was so stubborn.He knew that it would be difficult to persuade Zhang Yi with words at this time.

He sent two envoys before, and they have already been persuaded, but it was useless!
That's why he brought an army of [-], since Zhang Yi was determined to fight.Then why are you afraid of your [-] troops?

So Dong Zhuo waved his sleeves and left.At this time, his face was already flushed, and he must be trembling with anger.

He only heard him start to order.

"Come here! Prepare the trebuchet! I want to destroy the east gate of Jiuyuan City! Let them see it. Our Han army is powerful, let them taste the feeling of being slaughtered!"

With this order, all the Han troops moved.

The trebuchet they pushed headed for the east gate of Jiuyuan City.

But the trebuchet must be assembled.

To assemble a trebuchet requires the cooperation of more than a dozen skilled workers, and it takes at least half an hour to assemble it completely.During this time, it is impossible to attack.

When Zhang Yi saw Dong Zhuo's army like this, he shouted: "The catapult, aim at Dong Zhuo's army! Hit me hard and let their catapult stay in the moment."

Ever since, Jiuyuan City began to make a lot of turning sounds.There are about 200 catapults lined up in several rows, and they are fully prepared.

These catapults blasted a large number of stones out of the east gate of Jiuyuan City.


When the huge stone was thrown on Dong Zhuo's trebuchet, the trebuchet hadn't even been assembled, and it had already lost its function.

Of course, this is only a true portrayal of one or two planes. In the end, this wave of attacks has already taken away a dozen planes.

Everyone panicked and fled in all directions.

At this time, Hua Xiong stood up and said to everyone: "Don't panic, everyone, it will take some time for them to load the stones!"

But when he finished speaking, another 200 or so stones were thrown out, and these trebuchets seemed to need no refilling at all.

boom boom boom

Another wave of attacks took away many people and trebuchets, which directly refreshed the perception of the Han army.

In their opinion, there should be at least five or six minutes between the two attacks, right?
But it really didn't do that. After more than a minute, the third wave of attacks had completely arrived.

Boom boom boom.

A large number of attacks were applied to the trebuchets of the Han army. At this time, more than a dozen weapons remained in place permanently.

And the assembled soldiers of the Han army also suffered heavy casualties.

"What! This is impossible! How could the interval between these two times be so short?"

Before Hua Xiong was confused, the fourth wave of attack had arrived.

This time everyone was stunned.

Although Dong Zhuo has been defeated repeatedly and failed to defeat the Yellow Turban, after all, he is a person who has been tossing on the battlefield all year round, especially when he was young, and his combat effectiveness is very strong. When this situation occurs, he immediately ordered road.

"Withdraw! Don't let the enemy attack our trebuchets. At the same time, the whole army starts digging ditches. I will fight the enemy to the death."

With this order, all trebuchets gave up assembly.

Push it back directly, until it reaches out of the range of the Dragon Legion.

At this time, Zhang Yi directly stopped all the catapults from attacking.

At this time, the Han army had already begun to dig ditches on the front line.

This attack method is exactly the same as Huangfusong's attack on Jincheng at that time.This method can be said to be unsolvable, unless you lead an army to sneak attack, but the opponent has an army of [-], unlike the tens of thousands of troops that Huangfusong brought before.

Now the problem is directly in front of Zhang Yi.

If they are allowed to dig, the opponent's catapult will go directly to cover it, and the role of the catapult will be directly halved, and the two sides will directly fight on the same level.

If they are not allowed to dig and attack with catapults, it will inevitably consume a lot of stones.Moreover, it will also be used by the enemy, so that the enemy can save a lot of time for carrying stones.

These stones must be used practically.Therefore, Zhang Yi did not let his side attack again.

(End of this chapter)

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