I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 268 The Smoke of War

Chapter 268 The Smoke of War (Fourth)
I have to admit that Dong Zhuo's method of digging ditches is indeed very good.

So the catapults on both sides attacked each other for about three hours.

A huge hole has been blown out of the east gate of Jiuyuan City.

At this time, the armies of both sides suffered losses. Dong Zhuojun lost about 2000 catapults, and there were about [-] catapults left.Casualties approached [-].

In the direction of Jiuyuan City, there are more lost city walls, because a huge hole has been blasted out of the city gate, so the city gate cannot stop the stones from flying in, so their casualties are also tending to expand.

The total casualties were about 300 people, and if it weren't for the city gate, these numbers would be even fewer.

Of course, this is also due to the protection of the city wall. Unfortunately, the quality of the city wall is not half that of the Golden City. Otherwise, even if they fight for a few more hours, the city gate will not be smashed.

It was almost afternoon dusk.

In the distance, Dong Zhuo seemed to see that the time was right, so he waved his hand.Nearly 2 people emerged from behind the ditch, and some of them were holding ladders, standing behind a large number of city-charging vehicles, and began to move towards Jiuyuan City.

The sound of the army's charging and killing continued, and the momentum was very huge.

Needless to say, right now they are going to adopt a siege strategy. For now, time is very precious. If they can't break Jiuyuan City within the specified time, then as time goes by.The losses of the Han army led by Dong Zhuo will only increase.

But as long as the city can be broken, Dong Zhuo directly ignores the loss.

These people pushed towards the east gate of Jiuyuan City like bulldozers.

Just at this time, Zhang Yi immediately ordered to aim the catapult at these coming assault vehicles.

If these big guys are allowed to rush out of the city gate.The city gate might not be secure, so he wanted to put an end to this situation.

boom boom boom

A large number of attacks have been applied to the city rush vehicles. It cannot but be said that this kind of attack has no effect. It can only be said that the effect is not obvious. The number of their city rush vehicles is only about forty or fifty.These quantities are aimed at very small beings.Unless high-precision weapons are used to attack, these rush cars cannot be completely left here.

"The whole army listens to the order, and the ballista carts are ready!"


"Right now, I'm afraid we can only use the ballista carts, facing the attack of 2 people. This kind of attack momentum is also very scary. Then when 2 people rushed towards the east gate of Jiuyuan City, a large number of people appeared behind The number of people carrying the ladders is around 1. At the same time, the army in the rear is also moving. Dong Zhuo is afraid that he will adopt the tactics of a sea of ​​people. No matter how much casualties he pays, he will take down Jiuyuan City .

However, attacking a city is not as easy as he imagined. It may be difficult to attack a city without fighting for several days and months.

As the Han army continued to advance, the ballista carts on the city tower were fully prepared. These ballista carts had already stuck kerosene on the crossbow bolts and ignited a lot of flames.

As long as the Han army reaches its range, they will shoot out.

After a while, the ballista carts shot out immediately,

huh huh
When the Han army was about to arrive in the first batch of crossbow arrows, a lot of flames of war ignited in front of their eyes, and these flames spread along the trend, along the place where the fire oil was sprayed.

Some fire oil was poured on the soldiers of the Han army, and under the action of the flames, the clothes on many people were directly ignited.

This is only a portrayal of a small area, more and more people were buried in the sea of ​​fire.However, this is not over yet. The gap between the two attacks of all ballista vehicles can be reduced to less than a few seconds. In less than a few seconds, the second batch of ballista arrows has been fired.

Where has the Han army seen this before?
Especially Dong Zhuo, he has experienced hundreds of battles, and he is still muttering: "I have been on the battlefield for many years. I have never seen a ballista cart that can launch two attacks in a short period of time! What kind of army is this easy to belong to?" ? It's really embarrassing."

The same goes for other people.Lots of soldiers.In a panic.Because their people are dying in large numbers.

None of them have reached the city gate yet, but there have been close to 2000 casualties.If they reach the city, I am afraid that the number of casualties will continue to rise.

Some people even stand still, but the military order is like a mountain.All who do not march will be killed.

These soldiers can only bite the bullet.And the army from the rear came up again.They rushed and killed continuously.It's like overwhelming mountains and seas.Attempt to attack Jiuyuan City with a forceful posture.

Jiuyuan City is not like the Golden City, it has a very deep moat.Has solid walls.

Zhang Yi has not occupied Jiuyuan City for a long time, and he has not had time to transform Jiuyuan City.He was attacked by Dong Zhuo.

For this city, he can only try his best to defend it.

Use their improved catapults, ballista carts, etc. to fight back against the enemy.

The counterattack this time has indeed achieved a certain effect, because this is the enemy, who has been completely trapped in the distance by the huge fire, and they cannot move forward.

But this advantage is only temporary. As time goes by, the Han army must have a way.

Sure enough, these Han troops even used the city-charging chariot as a shield, and a large number of people hid behind the chariot.

They crossed the mountain unscathed, and entered the east gate of Jiuyuan City.

Although the attack is still continuing, the losses of both sides are still continuing, but the losses of the Han army will be slightly greater.

In just such a short distance, they have lost more than 4000 people so far. Even if Dong Zhuo has [-] soldiers and horses, it will be exhausted one day if it continues like this.

In the end, the Dragon Legion still couldn't stop Dong Zhuo's army from advancing, and a small number of people had already arrived under his city gate.

This is inevitable, after all, the scope of the city wall is limited, and the number of enemy troops is quite large, more flowers will bloom.

This battle is for the Dragon Legion.They had won the initial victory. After all, they had consumed less than 1000 people, but they had already left nearly [-] enemies behind.

Faced with such a situation, Zhang Yi said straightly: "Send the order. Order all the crossbowmen and archers to be ready to stand by."

The long-distance ones rely on ballista carts and catapults, but the middle-distance ones can only be dealt with by continuous shooting crossbowmen and archers, and the short-distance ones are tough with swords, shields and spears.

When the enemy puts the ladder on the city wall, these continuous shooting crossbowmen and archers should play their role, and they will leave more Han troops, making it impossible for them to attack the city wall.

The swords, shields and spears in the rear are also ready, but if there are any missing people at any time, they will deal with them!
It will be a wheel battle!

(End of this chapter)

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