I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 269 The Inexplicable Ice Wall

Chapter 269 The Inexplicable Ice Wall

All the crossbowmen and archers are already on standby.

At this time Zhang Yi issued another order.

"Hit me hard on all the catapults and ballistas! Don't stop.

We're going to keep all the enemies here.Now we have left nearly one-twentieth of the number of enemies. If we can persist until tomorrow, we may be able to keep one-fifth of the people.Then it is our victory!

As long as we keep the enemy from stepping on the wall, we are victorious. "


The morale of the whole army was greatly boosted. At this time, the battlefield was like the end of the world. The flames of war were filled with smoke and corpses were everywhere.

The ground outside the city wall was strewn with corpses, with stones and fire burning above it.

One side is fighting for subjugation, and the other is fighting for its own future.

Zhang Yi looked at the ants-like soldiers of the Han army coming densely and continuously. He thought a little bit in his heart. At this time, he must find a way to stop these talents.

He also has an ace, a final ace.

This trump card is his golden dragon.But he will not use this trump card unless it is a critical time, and now he can still do it!With his ingenuity, he is sure to defeat the enemy.

A large number of Han troops had already pushed to the city, and at the same time all the crossbowmen and archers began to shoot them to death at the same time, but these people followed one after another without any intention of retreating.

They persisted in this wave of attacks, but the second wave of attacks came again.

All of a sudden, a large number of Han troops rushed towards them crazily, and this would be another huge battle. This battle lasted until late at night, but on the battlefield under the fire, everything was like daytime.

The casualties on both sides are constantly rising. Of course, the Han army still suffered more casualties.

In everyone's ears, the sound of charging and killing continued, and the people who had been fighting for a day were exhausted, but the Han army in the rear rushed up endlessly, and they were afraid that they would not stop until they entered the city.

At this time, Zhang Liao, Bao Xin and Huangfusong had already led the army and waited behind the city gate, because at this time there were already storming vehicles attacking the city gate, and their duty was to prevent the city gate from being breached.

And Zhang Yi, who was on the tower, finally couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, all the troops were tired. Although they could still resist for a few days, he felt a little distressed when he saw the soldiers who kept dying. Those who were recruited in a short time, no matter what they said, they could not let them die too much.

At this moment, he had an idea and looked at the sky like paint.

"Have it! Maybe you can use it!"

The weather at this time, which is in June, is extremely hot everywhere.The military uniforms worn by the Han soldiers were not very thick.

And Jinlong is still in Kunlun Xu, where there are snow and ice for many years.If it is said that the ice is obtained from Kunlun Xu.

Using these ice may be able to resist the progress of the Han army!

So he communicated with Jinlong.

"Mie Shi, I want you to empty the space backpack and fill it with ice! Be quick!"

"Yes! Father!"

The matter was urgent, Jinlong didn't ask anything, but cleared out the food in the space backpack and filled it with ice. Because of its upgrade, the size and loading speed of the space backpack had been greatly improved.

So, after a while, Jinlong sent news that the space was filled with ice by the rainstorm.

Zhang Yi was overjoyed, so he took advantage of the night to go to the top of the tower.

He looked at the Han army under the city wall, sneered, and then directly opened the space backpack.

It was erected under the city tower, with the opening facing the city gate, where a large number of Han troops gathered.


The moment the space backpack was opened, it was extremely cold inside.

He operates gently.A large amount of ice burst out here, and the direction where the ice burst out was where the Han army was located.

This white thing suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Han army.

boom boom boom

They hit the ground directly, making a loud noise.

All of a sudden, outside the east gate of Jiuyuan City, there was a white glow.

From a distance, it looks like snow is falling.

The Han soldiers had never seen such a situation before, before they even had time to escape, their bodies were frozen by the ice.

"It's so cold!"

"My body won't listen!"

"What's going on? Why is there snow in June?"



When the sudden cold ice hit the soldiers of the Han army, some of them froze to death because of the unbearable, which shows how cold the ice and snow are.

You must know that the temperature in Kunlun Xu at this time is ten or twenty degrees below zero.The sudden cold was undoubtedly a huge blow to the Han army who only wore light clothes.

The appearance of this kind of cold made the Han army extremely puzzled.

They also couldn't see where it came from.

Therefore, the Han army stopped attacking directly. Like them, there were also the soldiers of the Dragon Legion. They felt at the same time, but they were relatively far away in the city, and they were not affected too much.

After a while, a huge ice wall was piled up at the east gate of Jiuyuan City. This ice wall directly resisted the pace of the Han army.

In the end, Zhang Yi directly put away the space backpack and asked Jinlong to do it again.

At the same time, when the Han army hadn't reacted, he ordered again: "Kill them all!"

At this time, all the soldiers came to their senses, and subconsciously picked up the bows and arrows in their hands, and some people manipulated catapults, ballista carts, etc. to attack the Han army.

This sudden change directly interrupted the rhythm of Dong Zhuo's army. They were going to break through the city gate, but they didn't expect the unexpected situation later, which made them directly confused.

Because the huge ice wall blocked their eyes, they couldn't enter even an inch, and they had to encounter the massacre of the Dragon Legion. More and more Han soldiers died unexpectedly.

At the same time, stones were thrown from afar, and these stones tried to break the ice wall.

boom boom boom

A large number of stones broke into the ice wall, and many ice cubes were blasted into slag.

But what puzzled the Han army was that these ice breaks seemed to never be finished. After the fight was over, new ones appeared above.

Faced with this situation, the soldiers of the Dragon Legion were also curious, and some even shouted: "What is this, protecting us! It must be the protection of the heavens!"

Probably there can only be this kind of explanation, otherwise how could there be a sudden ice wall?
Everything unknown will be attributed to ghosts and gods.Attributed to God's protection, probably this is the most reasonable explanation.

If they knew that Zhang Yi did all of this, they would be so surprised that their jaws would drop.

"Jiuyuan City is saved! We are going to win!"

The soldiers' morale became stronger, because this wall directly weakened the enemy's attack, and all huge threats were disintegrated in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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