I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 271 Three Days of Grain Storage

Chapter 271
It was already bright, when Zhang Yi rushed back.

Huangfusong and others directly gave up the guards of the three city gates and came to see him.Because they were very worried about Zhang Yi's safety.

After confirming that he was safe, Huangfusong first asked, "My lord, what was the result of the surprise attack?"

Zhang Yi sighed and said, "Then Dong Zhuo was not in the barracks. I didn't find him, which is a pity! Otherwise, I would just kill him."

This is a pity, and Dong Zhuo deserved his life.

Huangfusong and others quickly persuaded: "It's nothing, it can only be said that Dong Zhuo's luck is good! Next, they will definitely lose!"

Zhang Yi said again: "However. I have tampered with their food. I don't think they can last for three days."

At this time, Zhang Yi was earning a lot of money, but he didn't tell it, so he had to have fun secretly.

On the contrary, Dong Zhuo's food was decreasing.It is said to persist for three days, but in fact, if they do not take Jiuyuan City within one day, then there is no need to fight this battle.


Because three days is only the number of days the whole army can last, when the food is almost exhausted, he must ask for help from the nearby cities, and the nearby cities are probably only Changshan County.

If there is no response from Changshan County, Dong Zhuo's army will definitely withdraw within a day at most.

When Dong Zhuo's army returned to Changshan.

When he learned that Zhao Zilong had occupied the entire Changshan, at this moment, there was probably nothing but despair on his face!

By that time all the soldiers were exhausted and hungry, even though he had three heads and six arms.People are hungry and have no energy, so why talk about siege?What battle are we talking about?
Therefore, in Zhang Yi's opinion, Dong Zhuo's army is about to be defeated next.

Dong Zhuo probably understands the stakes very well, right?

Unless they want to die, that's fine.

The enemy's food was burned before, what is it this time?
"My lord this time?"

"You don't need to ask too much, you just know that they don't have much food to last!"

Zhang Yi still doesn't talk about it, and it's hard to talk about it. If he does, I'm afraid it won't be clear.

Besides, he is the leader of the entire army, if he doesn't say anything, no one can get any information from him, so everyone has no choice but to give up.

Everyone had no choice but to agree: "If this is the case, it is really a great fortune for Jiuyuan!"

"Send down the order and get ready to meet Dong Zhuo's army in case they suddenly attack."

Although the facts are in front of our eyes, with Dong Zhuo's personality, he may attack recklessly, so we need to be more careful at this time.


The whole army is ready again.


When the sun rose, the ice wall had gradually begun to melt.

It is not impossible to build another ice wall this time, it depends on whether it is necessary.

Because of the existence of the ice wall, Dong Zhuo did not directly order an attack until noon.

The weather gradually turned hot, and Dong Zhuo's army began to move again.

It became clear now that Dong Zhuo tried to organize another attack.

They came to the city again, and the momentum was not much worse than last time.

Yesterday's siege was just a hair away, and the city would be broken. It was all that annoying ice wall. They didn't believe that there would be an ice wall today.

So the siege began again.

At the same time, he is also grasping the last chance. If he can't break it, they will probably have to withdraw.

At the same time, if the failure this time is reported back to Luoyang, Dong Zhuo will inevitably be punished. After all, now that the army has a large number, there are people who can resist civil strife.Dong Zhuo's squandering directly killed more than 2 people, and everyone would feel uncomfortable to death.

But at this time Zhang Yi led an army directly out of the city.

He bypassed the ice wall. Although the wall was not half the size of the day before yesterday, it was no less important than the urn. With it, it could at least block a few waves of enemy attacks and leave more enemies behind.

Not at all afraid of Dong Zhuo, he shouted: "Dong Zhuo! I advise you to go back. My Jiuyuan City is an existence that you cannot destroy. I think you are also collecting food from Changshan County at this time. But let me tell you the truth, just yesterday, Changshan County has been occupied by our army.

Do you say you can transfer food?As far as I know, if you want to eat, your food can only last about three days.Do you think you can control and enter my city in three days?
I tell you, impossible! "

These words passed into Dong Zhuo's ears.

It depends on how he chooses.At this time, the army of more than 8 was waiting for Dong Zhuo's order. If Dong Zhuo still insisted on attacking the city, then they had no choice but what Zhang Yi said just now.It directly reduces their morale.No food, fuck a fart.

How could the entire Jiuyuan City be so easy to break into?It is a waste of time to continue fighting, and it is even possible to confess your life here.

In fact, this multiple-choice question is not difficult, it depends on how Dong Zhuo chooses.

Now he is in a dilemma, neither is he attacking, nor is he retreating.If attacking.It may make the army face even more tragic losses. If it retreats, it will be ridiculed by the people of the world.

And once the failure of this time reaches the ears of Emperor Hanling, punishment will inevitably be imposed.

Neither choice is a good choice.

Dong Zhuo said, "Zhang Yi, don't try to confuse the crowd with gossip! Nothing!"

Even if there is, Dong Zhuo is not willing to bear it!Once he admits it, the army's morale will be in turmoil. This matter can only be regarded as bitter water and swallowed in his own stomach.

At the same time, Dong Zhuo didn't know why, Zhang Yi only left once, and his food was reduced a lot, which made him puzzled, if you said it was burned?Then there is still something to say, the food was not burned, it just disappeared out of thin air!
Not only that, but the ice wall is still standing there. Although the scale is not as large as before, it can still protect the city gate.

Zhang Yi snorted coldly and said:

"Hmph, that depends on whether you have the ability!? Your army is already exhausted! You know this better than me!"

Dong Zhuo said again:

"My Han army is victorious in all battles. If it wasn't for the sudden snow and ice yesterday, I would have broken your Jiuyuan by now. Today, I will take back Jiuyuan City!"

He also attributed the ice wall to the weather, but probably not many people would believe the flying ice in June, right?
"It looks like it's okay not to fight? That's just right, I'll wait for you to attack!"

Only part of the crossbowmen and archers were consumed yesterday, and some rolling logs and stones have not yet been released. This time, Dong Zhuojun will definitely suffer.

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he turned his head and led the army back. At this time, the ice wall was a little smaller. It seemed that Dong Zhuo was deliberately delaying the time, but it's okay, it's better to delay this day, once the day is over , they must find a way.

(End of this chapter)

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