Chapter 272
Before Zhang Yi could withdraw, Dong Zhuojun had already started throwing a large number of stones towards the east gate of Jiuyuan City.

Obviously, they were a little impatient. At the same time, the Dragon Legion was not to be outdone, and responded to several waves of stones in a short time.

But the ice wall couldn't withstand the attacks of several waves of trebuchets, and it fell down. After all, it was because the wall of the ice wall became thinner. If it was yesterday, no matter how they attacked, they would be indifferent .

At this time, the entire Han army felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood.Start the crazy pusher.

They tried to rush to the east gate of Jiuyuan City.

Zhang Yi has already ordered that all the catapults and ballista vehicles have been put into battle.There are also crossbowmen, archers, and all military forces are ready.As long as you hold on to this wave of attacks, the enemy is bound to retreat.

"If we can deal with the enemy, we will deal with the enemy. We must not fight hard. Preserving our strength is the kingly way!"

This time he adopted a conservative fighting method. After all, there were only 3 people in the entire city, facing Dong Zhuo's army of more than 8 people.He could kill as many as he could, and if he couldn't, then he had no choice but to let everyone attack with all their strength.Of course, that is another story.

All soldiers are ready.Whether it is a catapult or a ballista cart, as many soldiers as can be left can be left.

At this time, Dong Zhuo's army had nearly a dozen chariots rushing to the city.

These city rush vehicles are like bulldozers constantly pushing into Jiuyuan City [-] meters away. If they are allowed to arrive, then for Jiuyuan City, the city gate may not be safe in the future.

The army in the city may face a fierce battle.

This is Zhang Yi having a new idea, so he ordered to pile up the rocks outside the gate to prevent the enemy's chariot from approaching our gate!
His purpose of doing this is to use stones to block the entry of enemy vehicles. These stones act like ice walls.There is an urn like a city.They directly bought some time, which is very precious, and if they can buy one more second, the number of enemies that may be damaged will increase by one point.

After hearing the order, the soldiers began to pry the stones on the city wall.


A large number of stones were rolled to the gate and piled up there.They set up an extra barrier.

Just at this time, the first wave of Dong Zhuo's army had arrived outside the city gate, and they saw this stone blocking them.

Hua Xiong ordered all the stones to be removed!
Only when the stones are removed can their city-charging vehicles play a role. Otherwise, the city-charging vehicles will not be able to move forward, and what awaits them may only be the fate of being destroyed.

These people have already started to carry them, but they are greeted by a large number of bows and arrows on the city wall, shooting towards them.Some people were left here forever before they even touched the stone, not only that, but also those ballista carts with fire.A large amount of kerosene was poured around the stone, and after the flame ignited, it directly ignited the flames near the stone, making it impossible for them to get close.

But these Han troops were not vegetarians either. Since the city walls could not be breached in a short time, a large number of ladders had been erected, and what's more, there were also a large number of rushing vehicles behind them.

Linchong, also known as Linchong Lü Gongche or Lü Gongche, is said to have been invented by Jiang Taigong, who was honored as Lu Gong because he was granted the title of Ludi.In fact, the Linchong Lv public car was first formed in the Song Dynasty, and it was widely used in the Ming Dynasty.

Linchong Lvgong Chariot is a giant siege chariot in ancient times, and it is also the largest chariot in the world.The car is several feet high and tens of feet long. The car is divided into five floors, each floor has a ladder for up and down. The car can carry hundreds of warriors, equipped with machine crossbows, poisonous arrows, guns, halberds, knives and spears and other weapons to destroy the city wall facilities. instrument.

When attacking, everyone rushes to the foot of the city, and the roof of the car can be flush with the city wall. Soldiers rush to the city through the top to fight with the people, and the car below uses tools such as rams to destroy the city wall.This kind of behemoth-like military vehicle is not common in battles. It is bulky and limited by the terrain, so it is difficult to exert its power. However, its sudden appearance often has a huge deterrent effect on the defenders, thus disrupting their positions.

Faced with the appearance of these Lin Chong, everyone was puzzled, because this car had never appeared before!
At a rough glance, there are about fifty of these cars.

The speed of this kind of car is extremely slow. There is a possibility that Dong Zhuo's disappearance yesterday was related to these impending rushes, that is to say, they rushed to make these impending rushes last night.

Looking at these Lin Chong again, they are simply new, which has confirmed Zhang Yi's thoughts.

At this time, the Yunti brigade of the Han army has been completely suppressed, but currently there is no way to resist Linchong's attack.

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered. "That's right, Huo Gong!"

These things are afraid of fire, and if they are burned with kerosene, it may still play a certain role.

So he said: "All ballista vehicles are ready to shoot and charge! Use kerosene!"


Now all the ballista vehicles directly gave up on the people underneath, thus aiming at the place where Lin Chong was.

This is the most important thing. Compared with the upcoming Han soldiers, once the role of Lin Chong is reduced, their winning rate will rise sharply.

Facing the constant approach of Lin Chong, Jiuyuan City has already started to shoot a large number of crossbow arrows.

boom boom boom

A large number of crossbow arrows shot at Linchong, but the front of Linchong was made of unknown material, and it could block the fire oil. Although some places were on fire, the fire seemed unable to spread.

This is very anxious to the people on the city wall.

"Since that's the case, then... let me do it!"

Zhang Yi has already made up his mind, this time he will go out and leave these Lin Chong in their place forever, but facing thousands of troops, what should he do?
"It seems that the only way is to let them get close to the city wall."

He had an idea in his mind, an idea that could be implemented at any time, but this only made these impending rushes rush to the city wall.

"Come here! Swear to the death to resist the enemy's attack!"


At this moment, Huangfusong, Zhang Liao, and Bao Xin had already led the army to prepare for a life-and-death decisive battle with these people who were about to rush forward.

We can't give up because Linchong is temporarily invincible. There are still a large number of ballista vehicles attacking Linchong. At the same time, the catapults are constantly bombarding everything on the enemy. At this time, the whole sky is full of gunpowder. , the two sides fell into a huge dispute.

This is a fierce battle. Whether Dong Zhuo can succeed in today's battle depends on whether it is successful, and Jiuyuan City will return to normal.

But in Zhang Yi's eyes, this is impossible, because he still has a hole card that hasn't been played yet.

(End of this chapter)

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