I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 273 Dong Zhuo’s Retreat

Chapter 273 Dong Zhuo’s Retreat
The two sides began to fight again for about two hours. The powerful attack power made Dong Zhuo's army too close. The war belonged to both sides, so the losses of the Han army were also expanding, but this did not mean that the Dragon Army There is no danger.

At this time, Lin Chong was already approaching the city wall, and the people inside had already started to land on the city wall.

There are still a large number of infantry approaching from the rear. They climbed up the city wall step by step with the help of Lin Chong, and started a big battle with the Dragon Army.

Zhang Yi shouted: "Sword shield soldiers and spear soldiers, get ready! Form a defensive formation to resist the people who are rushing up!"


The armies started to get ready, and started to fight directly. All of a sudden, the armies of both sides began to die a large number of people, and the number of people who died just now was probably more than in the past hour.

People continued to die on the spot, but the facts show that the Han army died more.

However, with the passage of time, facing the tide-like Han army, the defense of the Dragon Legion became weaker and weaker. If they were not strengthened at this time, they might be left here.

Although Zhang Yi made corresponding strategies, he did not expect that the army brought by Dong Zhuo would be so powerful, and he was really not afraid of death.

If before, he was absolutely not afraid and could defeat the enemy, but now it is different, and Dong Zhuo's Lin Chong also refreshed everyone's perception.

Not only these huge guys, but also a large number of cavalry appeared in the rear, and the city charging vehicle has already begun to work on the city gate. Once the city is broken, the fight will be huge.

At this time, Zhang Yi moved. He walked to the edge of one of the planes and skillfully controlled the space backpack, which had already been filled with a lot of ice.

When the space backpack was opened, the cold air rushed out of it, freezing the Linchong into ice cubes.All the people inside were frozen to death.There is no way for the people below to survive. The icy surface is so slippery that no one can get on it, and the strength of the enemy has become much smaller.

He did the same, constantly consuming the enemy's Lin Chong.

Although he was very covert, he was still discovered.

At this time, someone in the Dragon Legion was already shouting.

"What's going on?! This ice, where did this ice come from?"

Because in their eyes, Zhang Yi is like a juggler. Wherever he goes, everything turns to ice.

Such a powerful move made the whole army surrender.

Not only the soldiers, but also Huangfusong and others.

They were all stunned, but Zhang Yi didn't have time to explain too much at this time, but there must be an explanation for this matter, otherwise these people will definitely have doubts.

"What are you doing in a daze, kill the enemy quickly!"

It was Zhang Yi who reminded everyone, because Zhang Yi's joining made everyone kill the enemy quickly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

One, two... Lin Chong was attacked continuously until it failed, and the pressure on the city became less and less.

Facing the tenacious resistance of the Dragon Army, it directly refreshed the perception of Dong Zhuo's army.

As Zhang Yi said, if Dong Zhuo fails to break into Jiuyuan City at this time, he will have to find another way out. Otherwise, every minute or second here will pose some threats to the safety of his entire army, and may even The morale of the army collapsed.Until the final defeat of the whole army.

Facing the car after car being smashed, Dong Zhuo was probably in a bad mood at this time.

What they can see is that one car after another has turned into a piece of white, which is like the sudden ice wall last night, which makes them puzzled.

The battle between the two sides has continued.

For Zhang Yi, it can be said that if there is no space backpack.Then, Dong Zhuo's army may continue to besiege the entire Jiuyuan City until the city is broken.

But now it's different and Dong Joo might not be around for long.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, Dong Zhuojun's offensive suddenly became smaller, and then retreated directly.

At this time, Huangfu Song and others went up to the tower.

Huangfu Song first said: "Master, Dong Zhuo's army has really retreated!"

At this time Zhang Liao couldn't hold back and asked:

"My lord, there is one more thing. We want to know what happened to Lin Chong yesterday?"

After all, what happened yesterday has already refreshed people's understanding.

But Zhang Yi said: "You will know in the future, but not now! As long as you know that we are acting according to the way of heaven, that is enough!"

He didn't care what people guessed, because one day, the Golden Dragon would definitely appear, and everything would be revealed there, explaining now would only be a waste of time.


Everyone stopped asking questions.

"Okay, General Huangfu, you are now flying pigeons to pass the letter back to Changshan. Tell Zhao Zilong that if Dong Zhuo comes to commit an attack, just stay behind closed doors and keep the city safe!"

If Dong Zhuo's army marched into Changshan County, I'm afraid Zhao Zilong would leave the city gate, that's why he said the above words.

Let Dong Zhuo's army starve to death.Dong Zhuojun, who has no food, will definitely retreat in a short time.

"Yes! I'll deal with it now."

Bao Dao said: "My lord, after Dong Zhuo's army retreated, they left behind a large number of trebuchets, and not all of them were taken away."

"Oh? You two, lead an army and collect all their siege weapons into our city! Be careful! Be careful!"

"Follow your orders, lord!"

On the same day, Huangfusong immediately flew a pigeon to send the letter to Zhao Zilong.

For the next whole day, the Dragon Legion was cleaning up the battlefield. This time Dong Zhuo retreated very simply without any doubts. According to the news ahead, Dong Zhuo went to Changshan County and then went south. Passing Jinyang, but did not attack unexpectedly.Where he is going next still needs the continuous attention of the spies, so I will not talk about it for the time being.

Let's say that in the afternoon of that day, Zhang Yi summoned all the soldiers in the meeting hall.

He said: "This is why it is so difficult for Jiuyuan to resist Dong Zhuohui this time. I have made some conclusions. First, about Jiuyuan City. The problem of its city walls and gates made our city not uncomfortable. Several waves of attacks The gate of the city was blasted, causing losses to our side. Therefore, I would like to make a point. Use manpower and material resources to complete the repair of Jiuyuan City, and at the same time dig the moat and build the urn city! With two things, even if Dong said that he has [-] Military horses. If you want to get close to Jiuyuan City, you must leave more people behind!
The second is that I underestimated the enemy. I thought that the bravery of our soldiers would be able to resist Dong Zhuo's army, but I didn't realize that Dong Zhuo's army was so difficult to deal with.I deeply review this point! "

The generals and others said: "My lord, this is not your fault!"

"Right is right, wrong is wrong, next time I will definitely not let you fall into such a state!"

Zhang Yi has an unshirkable responsibility for this, but then again, who can hold the city with a small number of people and kill more than 2 enemies?How little loss?Basically, there are very few, even the Yellow Turban Army, tens of 10 people in Guangzong, were killed to death!How do you explain that?
(End of this chapter)

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