Chapter 274 Intrigue
This time Dong Zhuo consumed at least more than 4000 troops in Jiuyuan City, and the damaged city was unprecedented.

Everyone hated this man named Dong Zhuo, because not only did he damage the entire city, but he also caused the economy of the entire Jiuyuan to regress, which will take time to heal.

a day later

In the meeting hall, everyone is inside, and it seems that something big has happened.

The spies said that there was news ahead that Dong Zhuo was heading for Guangzong at this time.

Zhang Yi slapped the table and shouted:
"What! Dong Zhuo finally went to Guangzong?"

After Guangzong was captured by the Han army earlier, it has become one of the major strongholds of the Han army.It was originally one of the bases of the Yellow Turban Army.

Huangfu Song said: "Master, as far as I know, there is a large amount of food stored there. He must have gone there for food!"

Cai Wenji also expressed her opinion.

"Husband, in this way, Dong Zhuo still doesn't give up, and wants to take the opportunity to start all over again! We have to find a way, we can't let him do it again, otherwise, we will suffer heavy losses."

It's not that Zhang Yi is afraid, because he has a golden dragon, but now the golden dragon has said it before, it's about its memory, there are three kinds of dragons in this era, and their strength is unknown, except for Lu Bu's weaker one Except for the white dragon that I pointed out, the strength of the other two existences is not yet known.

If he showed up now, it would be tantamount to concentrating the danger on himself. After all, everyone knew its existence, and Zhang Yi was in the light, and the other dragons were in the dark.

Only by further upgrading and awakening a new memory can he dare to let it appear majestically in the eyes of everyone.At that time, it was true that gods came to kill gods, and ghosts came to slaughter ghosts.

If Dong Zhuo needs to start again, it will take time. First of all, some siege weapons need to be rebuilt.There is also the problem of military strength to be solved. If 10 people can't break through the city, what if there are more people?
Moreover, Dong Zhuo may not want to believe that the ice that happened in those two days was man-made, after all, it's too ridiculous!Not only the Han army, but also the people of the Dragon Army, right?

Everyone expresses their opinion.

At this time Zhang Yi thought of an idea, and suddenly asked: "Who does Dong Zhuo have a bad relationship with?"

I'm afraid only Huangfusong knows about this matter.

"As far as I know, the relationship between Zhang Wen and Dong Zhuo is not very good. Several times he invited Dong Zhuo to meet him, but Dong Zhuo refused. The relationship between the two has reached its peak!"

Zhang Wen, courtesy name Boshen.A native of Nanyang Rang County in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.The official went to Sili Xiaowei and Taiwei, and was granted the title of Marquis of Huxiang.

Once the superior of Dong Zhuo, Sun Jian, Tao Qian, etc., he was ordered to suppress the rebellion of Han Sui, Bian Zhang, and Beigong Boyu, which shocked the world.After Dong Zhuo came to power, he killed Zhang Wen on the charge of colluding with Yuan Shu.

"Where is Zhang Wen at this time?"

Since it's hard to fight, then it's shady, let the intrigues fight, and save yourself a lot of heart.

"He is currently in Luoyang City. I heard that he used to be Dong Zhuo's boss. Later, Dong Zhuo was named a Chariot General, and he was on the same level as Dong Zhuo. Therefore, Dong Zhuo contradicted Zhang Wen several times. The relationship between the two is getting worse. "

If this is the case, then Zhang Yi has already thought of how to deal with Dong Zhuo's great hidden danger, at least to control Dong Zhuo's army in a short period of time.Let him not dare to attack Jiuyuan or the neighboring Changshan County again within one month.

Then he said:

"Huh? In this way, that's great! Now Dong Zhuo must not dare to present his previous defeats to the court, especially the details.

General Huangfu, I want you to write a letter to Zhang Wen, telling him about Dong Zhuo's defeat that day, try to exaggerate it, and suppress it as much as possible!I think that Zhang Wen must be very happy to see Dong Zhuo's defeat at this time, and he will definitely report to the emperor. From this, Dong Zhuo's army may be transferred back to Beijing. In this way, we will be safe in a short time!At that time, we will develop a large number of troops!Don't be afraid of them in the future! "

As soon as Zhang Yi's words came out, Huangfu immediately applauded.

"Good strategy! I didn't expect this, Zhang Wen and Dong Zhuo have very deep conflicts. Once he is allowed to grab a braid, Dong Zhuo may not be able to stay in Guangzong for too long!"

He believes that the imperial court will definitely rush to Guangzong. You must know that the 10 army directly lost more than 3, which is a huge loss. Now the entire Eastern Han Dynasty is facing many dangers. The current Yellow Turban Army is still rampant. If you want to suppress it, you have to send a large army.

Every soldier is an extremely important existence. Without them, the entire Eastern Han Dynasty would be over. At this time, Cai Wenji had a different opinion. She said:
"Husband, if this is the case, we will attract the attention of the imperial court. I am afraid that Zhang Wen may replace Dong Zhuo in the battle. As far as I know, Zhang Wen is much more cautious than Dong Zhuo. He has many powerful people under his name and has many strategies. He It must be more difficult to deal with than Dong Zhuo."

"Ma'am, you are overthinking. At this time, Beigong Boyu is attacking Sanfu. I think the court will not make a big move."

The Sanfu area is the throat of Luoyang. If Luoyang is in danger, the emperor must be very worried about his safety. For Zhang Yi, they are safe for the time being, because the emperor has no heart to worry about it.

Zhang Liao also said: "To the best of my knowledge, Dong Zhuo's attack on Jiuyuan City was on his spur-of-the-moment, and it was also because he was eager to show off that this led to today's situation. The imperial court did not support him!"

You know, there are about 6 people in the entire Dragon Legion now. He said that if he recruited 6 people for his own use, then Dong Zhuo's strength would soon expand.Of course, if it was someone else, it might not be the case, but he happened to meet Zhang Yi leading the Dragon Army, so no wonder he was there.

Huangfu Song said: "My lord's words are true. I don't think Zhang Wen dares to do so. If he reports to the court, he may only deprive Dong Zhuo of his military power. He will send his troops to the Sanfu area and support General He Jin to take down the Sanfu area. Auxiliary! If we don’t restrain ourselves, once these three auxiliary are lost, the entire Luoyang City may not be safe! Compared with our Golden City, the three cities are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Emperor of Han!”

What Huangfusong meant was that you can't even keep your own hometown, so how can you take care of the Northwest? Well, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty would definitely sue Dong Zhuo for putting the cart before the horse. If Huangfusong said so, Cai Wenji would not be able to say anything else.

This was the only way to do this, but if Zhang Wen really came, he could only resist it. In the opinion of everyone, the possibility of this was extremely slim.

In the end, I am afraid that we can only wait and see the changes and wait for the final result. Therefore, many generals began to go to the layout as Zhang Yi said, secretly disintegrating the enemy's power.

(End of this chapter)

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