I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 275 Discovering Lu Bu

Chapter 275 Discovering Lu Bu
Only a few days later, the news finally came back from the front.

The imperial court, because Zhang Wen read a book about Dong Zhuo, made Emperor Ling furious, and sent troops to Guangzong to call back Dong Zhuo's army.

It is said that at this time Dong Zhuo had only [-] troops stationed in Guangzong.

When Zhang Yi heard the news, he burst out laughing.In this way, Dong Zhuo might not be able to attack Jiuyuan again.

Huangfusong exclaimed: "All this is as predicted by the lord! That Zhang Wen solemnly read Dong Zhuo's book, and of the nearly 2 troops lost, only [-] were stationed in Guangzong!
At this time, the court issued another order to let Dong Zhuo go to Gaotang County to support. "

""Oh?So what happened in Gaotang County at this time?Liu Bei, the magistrate of Gaotang County, was occupied by Yellow Turban bandits because of poor garrison.So the imperial court sent Dong Zhuo to take the rest of the soldiers to conquer!

Gaotang County was relatively close to Luoyang one after another, when Zhang Yi heard Liu Bei.He couldn't help but frowned.Because Liu Bei had rejected Lu Zhi before, and scolded Lu Zhi severely.He had spoken before the armies.If Liu Bei dared to show up, he would definitely kill him.

But now Liu Bei is still a little far away, so he asked again: "Where is Liu Bei now?"

Huangfusong was puzzled, why did he ask Liu Bei instead of Dong Zhuo?But he still replied: "Report to my lord, at this time Liu Bei is going to vote for Gongsun Zan of Youzhou!"

Gongsun Zan, courtesy name Bogui, was a student of Liu Kuan and participated in Liu Kuan's funeral. The Yin of the stele was signed by people at that time and even himself, so it should be taken from the stele. A native of Lingzhi (now Qian'an, Hebei), a general and warlord in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the heroes of the late Han Dynasty.

Gongsun Zan was born in a noble family.Because of his mother's humble status, she only became a small official in the county.Because of her handsome appearance, loud voice and witty eloquence, she was appreciated by the prefect of Zhuojun and betrothed her daughter to him.Later, he gradually became a general of Zhonglang, and fought against the northern nomads with a tough attitude. He fought bravely and shocked the frontiers.

Gongsun Zan was also Lu Zhi's student, so he and Liu Bei could be considered classmates, and it seemed to be a good thing that their classmates congenial.

Speaking of Gongsun Zan, there is one more thing to mention, that is Zhao Zilong. At that time, Zhao Zilong voted for Gongsun Zan. Later, Zhao Zilong met Liu Bei, and after establishing a relationship, he switched to Liu Bei after many years.

Zhang Yi also knew the relationship, but at this time Liu Bei was getting farther and farther away.So he said: "In this way, it is still too far for us to meet Liu Bei! Forget it! Let's talk about it later."

Huangfusong actually didn't know what was the relationship between Liu Bei and Zhang Yi?
So he asked again: "My lord, you really care about Liu Bei."

"Yes, it's quite thoughtful! This Si once refused to be subdued by me, and even scolded our Zuo Junyu. Of course I was very angry. I once promised that if the Zuo Junjun let me see Liu Bei, he must Kill him! I don’t want him to get farther and farther away from us, it seems that it will take some time before we can meet him, let’s talk about it later!”

Now Jiuyuan City is located in the west, and Liu Bei wants to vote for Gongsun Zan in the east, one east and one west, the two are very far apart, so Zhang Yi is so worried.

Because the difficulty is still quite high, unless the Dragon Legion occupies a large number of cities along the road and turns half of the entire Han Dynasty into its own, then there is still some possibility to compress Liu Bei's living space again, and finally kill him!
But now it seems a little impossible, and the matter of killing Liu Bei may have to be delayed again and again.

Therefore, he was going to let Liu Bei live a little longer.

While several people were discussing, someone suddenly reported in the meeting hall.

"Report! Found Lu Bu's trace!"

As soon as Zhang Yi heard about Lu Bu's news, he got up immediately.

"What! Lu Bu has news?"

What could be more shocking than discovering the news about Lu Bu?
Then he asked, "Where is Lu Bu?"

"Report, Lord City Master! Lu Bu is currently in Luoyang City!"

"In Luoyang City..."

"My lord, is this Lu Bu?"

Zhang Yi said: "This person is the key to my luck, and I will definitely capture him."

He can't say that Lu Bu has a white dragon on him, can he?That's why I said that, it makes sense to have something to do with luck.

Huangfusong said thus:
"So, then we can send people to assassinate!"

Kill Lu Bu?how is this possible!So he refused:
"No! I think I have to go to Luoyang!"

Cai Wenji disagreed.She said: "Husband, I don't agree! You are our backbone, and now you are going to the enemy's capital. I am afraid that there is danger. If something happens to you, how can we live!"

"Yes, husband! How about letting the people below go, if not, I can go on behalf of husband!"

"This requires me to do it myself! One is that Lu Bu's martial arts are very high. I'm afraid Zhao Zilong, who is number one in our army, is no match for him! Two, if I go alone, how many people in the enemy will know that it is me? They Don't recognize me again!"

Others didn't know, but Zhang Liao knew Zhang Yi's strength very well, because he had competed with Zhang Yi before, and the crushing in terms of force was not a little bit.

"Since it's about luck, I believe my lord will be able to take down Lu Bu!"

Bao Xin, who was silent, also said: "I also believe that the lord will return victorious, take the life of Lu Bu, and make our luck great!"

But Huangfusong said: "My lord, I'm afraid this matter needs to be discussed at a long-term perspective!"

"No need! The only threat now is Dong Zhuo. He has been transferred to Gaotang and won't return for a short time, and he doesn't have a lot of troops. Of course, I know there are Hu people in the north who are not safe, but they will definitely not be able to fight with me. I believe that the left and right military divisions, General Huangfu, and General Zhu will be able to manage our city well!"

Many famous people in the Eastern Han Dynasty have already joined Zhang Yi's command, so he doesn't have to worry about the future at all, he just needs to take care of himself, and he has the golden dragon.

For now, there have been some changes in troop presence.

The defenders of Changshan are Zhao Zilong and Cai Yong; the defenders of Jinyang City are Zhu Jun and Taishici; the defenders of Jiuyuan City are Huangfu Song, Zhang Liao and Bao Xin; the Golden City are Lu Zhi and Zhou Cang.The main force is still in Jiuyuan City, which is located in the middle of the other three cities. Once other cities are in danger, they can directly support them.

For this layout, it is unbreakable for the time being. When Jiuyuan rebuilds the urn city and the moat, it will only become stronger.

"Okay, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I plan to set off now! I will leave everything to you, General Huangfu!"

"Yes! I will definitely recruit soldiers and strengthen the city!"

Knowing that she couldn't persuade Zhang Yi, Cai Wenji said, "My husband will return safely as soon as possible!"

Wang Yi also said: "I wish my husband victory!"

After Zhang Yi said some more words, he got on his horse and headed to Luoyang. This time, he must capture the white dragon and let the golden dragon merge.

Because he could already feel the urgency of Jin Long at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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