I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 276 Zhang Rang Persecutes Wang Yun

Chapter 276 Zhang Rang Persecutes Wang Yun
The Eastern Han Dynasty moved its capital to Luoyang from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty until the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Luoyang has always been the out-and-out capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty.At least for now, it is still the economic and political center of the entire Eastern Han Dynasty.

An infantry unit can march 30 kilometers in a normal day, and the forced march can reach 50 kilometers, and the forced march can last for a week.The cavalry can march 50 kilometers a day, and the forced march can reach about 100 kilometers, but it can only last for one day.On the surface, it seems that cavalry is faster than infantry, but you must know that horses need a lot of forage and bean cakes to maintain their combat effectiveness, otherwise they will lose weight in two days.A large amount of logistical supplies needs to be transported by vehicles, which means that unless a short-term long-distance raid is made, the speed of the cavalry cannot exceed the speed of the supply vehicles, otherwise the people and horses will starve.

Regardless of whether it is an army or not, the speed will not be too fast. The straight-line distance from Jiuyuan to Luoyang is more than 300 kilometers. This distance took Zhang Yi four and a half days. When he arrived in Luoyang, it was already noon .

Along the way, Zhang Yi has seen a lot of wars and warlords. This situation will probably last for decades. Maybe with his appearance, this situation will improve quickly.

The war caused many people to lose their dreams, and at the same time brought opportunities to others. Just like him, if he hadn't shown up in the peaceful age, he would have been strangled in the cradle.

When he entered the city of Luoyang, a large number of ancient buildings came into view, and some buildings he had never seen before appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, it is still a big city, everything here is good!
No matter where it is, there are military bulletins posted everywhere, which narrate the achievements of the Han army, especially the news that the Yellow Turban Army was wiped out, which can be seen everywhere.

Of course, there is also the battle about Beigong Boyu's attack on Sansuke, and there are many rewards.

The entire Luoyang is very large, and it is quite difficult to find Lu Bu, but with the exploration ability of Jinlong, as long as Lu Bu is nearby, he will be able to find out where Lu Bu is.

When Zhang Yi entered the city, he often went to crowded places, and there might be some clues there. After all, with Lu Bu's height, no matter where he was, he was a dazzling existence, and he believed in his intuition.

But they didn't go far, but an army came from the front, and all the people in this army were very arrogant.At first glance, there are about [-] people in this team.

Some of them yelled loudly: "Zhang Liehou is here! Everyone get out of here!"

The arrogance of these people is very arrogant.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was blasted out of both sides. Zhang Yi was caught in the crowd and received the same treatment.

Facing the unreasonableness of these soldiers, Zhang Yi wanted to take action to teach them a lesson, but if he took action at this time, he might be besieged.

Until someone mentioned it, someone said: "It's Zhang Rang! That eunuch! What a dog official!"

"It was he who asked my emperor to collect ten dollars per mu from the world's land tax and use it to build palaces. Now that the people are living in a bad way, he still pays attention to such ostentation, what a crime!"

"This person is really trying to please the emperor and deceive the emperor!"

"The imperial court has become a mess due to Zhang Rang!"

"I heard that Zhang Rang is as rich as a country, and he has half of the country's property!"

As soon as Zhang Yi heard this, his heart suddenly moved, how rich can an enemy be?That's not right, I'll take away your belongings, how about you still being arrogant?I happened to be short of money, so it really made a wedding dress for me!
As for the emperor, the more absurd the better, it is not acceptable to leave his life unpaid, why?Because this Lingdi is a Hunjun, if he is killed, although he wants to be quick for a while, it will not be good for him. Why would he do something that is not good for him?Let the emperor do his best to control the surrounding princes, so that he has room for development, no one can be too strong, it is better to maintain the current balance.

Someone said: "Shhh, it's better not to say such a thing, otherwise when it is discovered, I'm afraid it will be hard to protect myself."

"A country will not be a country, why don't you let it be said? The Yellow Turbans were born because of them!"


People talk about everything about Zhang Rang, and it can be full of complaints. It is enough for an official to treat it like this.

Zhang Yi was also indifferent to people's comments. He didn't think it was chaotic enough, and the purpose of his trip was for Lu Bu.

He continued to look down, but saw a luxuriously decorated carriage, and a person sitting in it, about 50 or [-] years old, with a fair face, without a trace of blood, judging from his expression, this person was very proud.

This person was Zhang Rang Wuyi, and after a while, Zhang Rang's team finally finished.

According to what people said, he was going back to Zhang's mansion, just in time to go back after going to court.

So Zhang Yi followed. At this time, his space bag was extremely hungry, and, this kind of people must have high-year ginseng in their homes, after all, rich people like them.

He rode his horse to the Zhang residence, and the people around him returned to normal, and no one paid much attention to his whereabouts.

He walked all the way, and finally after walking a few hundred meters, he arrived at the gate of the Zhang Mansion. He found a place to stay nearby, stayed there first, and then left the Zhang Mansion in front of the residence.

The defense of the entire Zhang Mansion was nothing in front of him.So he entered it very smoothly.

After threatening to interrogate Xiaosi, a family member of Zhang's house, he heard a voice coming out when he was about to go after learning that Zhang had stored his belongings.

I saw another person, an old man who was as fair as Zhang Rang, named Zhao Zhong, and one of the ten permanent attendants.

He said: "Brother Zhang, Wang Yun must not keep him!"

"Brother Zhao, I understand this, so I'm going to send someone to assassinate him as soon as he gets out of the prison at Shenshi ([-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m.)!"

Wang Yun, courtesy name Zishi, was born in Qi County, Taiyuan County (now Qi County, Shanxi Province).Minister in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.Born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, he has been an official for generations.He was born in Xiaolian, and Situ Gaodi was enlisted to serve as the censor.As the governor of Yuzhou, he was diligent and caring for the people.After Zhang Rang, the constant attendant, failed in the struggle, he went to an official and lived in seclusion.In the sixth year of Zhongping, after General He Jin came to power, he became a Zhonglang and moved to Henan Yin.After Dong Zhuo supported Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to ascend the throne, he replaced Yang Biao, worshiped the eunuchs, Shang Shuling, and Situ, plotted to assassinate Dong Zhuo, and united with Lu Bu to govern together, becoming increasingly proud and complacent.Moreover, he was killed by Dong Zhuo's former troops. At this time, it was the time when Zhang Rang and Wang Yun were fighting.

Zhang Yi overheard that Zhang asked Zhao Zhong to kill Wang Yun.He thought to himself, isn't Wang Yun the adoptive father of Diao Chan?Diao Chan didn't know how old he was at this time, he thought about it, maybe he could go to rescue Wang Yun first, if this person can be used by him, it would be good.By the way, look at Diao Chan...

Now that you have decided, let's do it. There is still more than an hour before the application time. Just take advantage of this time to collect a wave of property first.

(End of this chapter)

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