I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278 Kong Rong said: I don't know him

Chapter 278 Kong Rong said: I don't know him

According to the conversation between Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, Zhang Yi has learned where the people sent by the two will assassinate Wang Yun.

So he waited there in advance, it was Wang Yun's luck to be able to rescue Wang Yun at the right time, if not, then he had to be blamed for his short life.

This is where the market at the east gate of Luoyang is located. There are a lot of people here, and it is a prosperous place. Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong want to get rid of Wang Yun here, and let everyone know that Wang Yun was killed by others. .

He found a place nearby and sat down. Gu Yi Dao was already in his hand, and the horse was tied to one side. At the same time, his eyes were focused on the open space. After a while, Wang Yun will appear at this moment.

At the same time, there was another person ten meters away from him, with a moustache, a friendly expression, and slightly larger earlobes. There were dozens of people around him, holding a big knife in their hands. Although they were dressed plainly, they were still careless. But the official uniform was revealed.These people must be minions of the imperial court.

Although they were already very careful, Zhang Yi saw the clues.

There are two possibilities for this group of people, first, they came to kill Wang Yun, and second, they came to save people.

But he didn't point it out, and he didn't take any action, because as long as he wanted to save, there was never anyone he couldn't save.

The sun is gradually sinking to the west, and the streets are full of people coming and going, which is very lively.

Under this excitement, there is indeed a trace of unsettling hidden dangers.

Zhang Yi closed his eyes tightly and listened to all directions.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes abruptly, and a man appeared in the west, dressed in rags, like a beggar.

The man was frail and walked rather slowly.

At this time, Zhang Yi's mustache moved, and Zhang Yi saw joy from his expression, so it can be concluded that this group of people was not sent by Zhang Rang Zhao Zhong.

Who would that be?Zhang Yi didn't even think about who these people were.

Suddenly, the man opened his mouth.

"Hurry up and meet Master Wang Yun!"

Wang Yun?That person is indeed Wang Yun, what he was thinking just now.

It turns out that Wang Yun is younger than expected, but his mental state is not good.

As for the people under the moustache, they started to move, but a group of people appeared not far away, with swords in their hands and horses on their crotches.He rushed towards Wang Yun.

Wang Yun also noticed something strange, his face changed, and he tried to escape, but his body didn't allow him, and he couldn't escape these war horses anyway.

Mustache shouted loudly: "Hurry up! Don't let them hurt Master Wang Yun!"


These people have already rushed out, but in any case, the distance between them and Wang Yun is farther than that of other people, and they are still riding on horses!

How can two feet surpass a four-legged war horse?

The killers drew their swords.

"Kill Wang Yun! There will be rewards!"

As soon as the words came out, the people on the side quickly moved away. In the face of danger, it is very important to save their lives. In just a moment, the noisy street became empty and extremely silent.

Wang Yun was also completely exposed in front of the killers.

Wang Yun must have despaired in his heart at this time, and shouted: "Zhang Rang, you scum, you have fornicated the Yellow Turban, a heinous crime, and you are despised by others. I expose you, but you want to kill me! Even if you kill me, I will not be a ghost." Let you go!"

Wang Yun already knew that these people were sent by Zhang Rang, and he still had the backbone to tell the truth even if he died. With these words alone, the people around him were at a loss.

People felt that Wang Yun was doomed to die this time, even if Xiao Huzi and others came to rescue him, they probably couldn't save him.

Those killers were already ten meters away from Wang Yun, and within a few seconds, Wang Yun's head would fall to the ground.

Wang Yun also closed his eyes, because he had no way to resist.

ta ta ta

The sound of war horses suddenly sounded in Wang Yun's ear.

"So soon?"

In Wang Yun's mind, everything was going faster than expected. He took a deep breath and waited for the cold blade.


But the result was not as he expected, the killers' knives did not hit him, on the contrary, a young figure appeared in front of his eyes.

"You are……"

"You are Wang Yun?"

"I am."

"Very good, leave it to me!"

An ancient knife was cold, and the horse under him neighed. This person was Zhang Yi, and he appeared in front of Wang Yun like a god of war.

Mustache and the others froze, they didn't know when Zhang Yi would appear in front of Wang Yun.

The killers were also puzzled that Zhang Yi appeared in plain sight and stood between them and Wang Yun, which made them unhappy.

"Who is coming, dare to block our way, it is courting death!"

"I want to kneel alive, or I will kill you here with a big knife in my hand!"

Zhang Yi said coldly, but unexpectedly caused the killers to laugh.

There are about 50 of these people, and each of them is an extremely strong existence. Although they are killers, they don't cover their faces.

Among the killers, the leader was a tall man, who stood up.

"My lord, Chen Yan, do you want me to die?"

When Chen Lan's words came out, everyone was taken aback. These people seemed to know Chen Lan.

"He turned out to be Chen Li, and he is the most wanted criminal on the imperial court list!"

"It is said that he is superb in martial arts! That young man may be in danger."

"It's over, this young man is probably going to meet King Hades with Lord Wang."


People commented on Chen Shan's high martial arts skills, and the court had nothing to do with him.

And also worried for Zhang Yi and Wang Yun.

At this time, the mustache also came with soldiers.

"Master Wang Yun, the subordinate is late!"

In other words, there are 20 people on Wang Yun's side, but facing the 50 killers, these people are still a little less.

Wang Yun opened his mouth and said: "Kong Rong, you are really here! Is this person also yours?"

Kong Rong, the word Wenju.A native of Lu State (now Qufu, Shandong). [1] A writer in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an", with a family background, he is the [-]th grandson of Confucius and the son of Kong Zhou, the captain of Taishan.

At that time, Kong Rong once opposed He Jin, and he didn't want to return to the management, but He Jin didn't kill him, because his subordinates once said: "Kong Wenju is famous, if the general has a grudge against him, people from all over the world will follow him."It is better to treat him with courtesy, so that everyone in the world will know that the general has a broad mind.

Wow, Zhang Yi took a sharp look at the mustache, it turned out that this guy is Kong Rong!
Zhang Yi only knew that Kong Rong was a passer-by when he was young, but he didn't expect to meet him at this moment, which is really interesting.

When Wang Yun killed the Yellow Turban, Kong Rong used to be his subordinate. Kong Rong probably couldn't get used to Zhang Rang, and was eager to rescue Wang Yun, so he brought people here.

"I do not know him!"

Wang Yun was stunned by Kong Rong's words, so who is this person?Why is it here?What do you want to do?A series of problems hit.

(End of this chapter)

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