I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 279 Publicity!No word!

Chapter 279 Publicity!No word!

"What? Don't know?"

Wang Yun must have asked again: "These strong men, who sent you?"

Zhang Yi just smiled.

"Let's solve these troubles now!"

Kong Rong also said: "Yes, with the help of this strong man, we will be able to repel the enemy!"

Kong Rong didn't have any confidence in what he said.

Not to mention the number of opponents, but to say that the physical fitness of each opponent is compared with oneself, it is simply not a weight.

When Chen Yan heard that it was Kong Rong, he immediately laughed.

"Kong Rong? Hmph, since you're here, let's kill you together! We can get double rewards. Hahaha!"

Kong Rong wanted to say something, but was preempted by Zhang Yi.

"Stand back, all of you, it's enough to have me here, and see how I can keep the people here forever."

As soon as he said this, everyone felt that they were bragging, and no one would believe his words, but it happened so suddenly that these people didn't even have time to react.

"Strong man, let's go together, I brought 20 people together, there is still some hope."

"No, I'm enough alone! Just protect Wang Yun!"

Zhang Yi directly refused, this kind of rejection made people very uncomfortable, Kong Rong wanted to say something, but Zhang Yi had already walked out.

Such arrogance, being heard by Chen Yan, is of course even more uncomfortable.He shouted:

"Boy, you are looking for death! Brothers, let him see how powerful we are!"

"Yes! Boss!"

The 50 people rode forward, and soon they surrounded Zhang Yi with mocking expressions on their faces.


Chen Lan gave the order coldly!

The 50 people rushed towards Zhang Yi.


Gu Yi Dao collided violently with the weapons of 50 people.

Bang a few times
The weapons in the hands of several killers have been broken in two.

"What!? Good knife!"

When Chen Lan saw Gu Yi Dao, his eyes became greedy.

"Leave me the big knife in his hand!"

If such a magical weapon cannot be owned by oneself, it would be a loss. Chen Li was directly attracted by Guyi Dao regardless of his main purpose this time.

But they don't know that those who want to snatch the knife will become the souls of the knife.

Zhang Yi killed it very easily, but wherever there was a knife light, someone died because of it.


There was another violent clash of weapons.

The performance on the court made Kong Rong below him stunned, and of course Wang Yun did the same.

Wang Yun's eyes were full of enthusiasm, he must be thinking in his heart, if this person is used by me, then my strength will be further strengthened, and perhaps the internal troubles will definitely be resolved.

But is the Jin Lin a thing in the pool?He is the lord of the four cities and the father of the Golden Dragon—Zhang Yi!

The ancient sword in Zhang Yi's hand is superb, every knife is on the ground, and every attack directly refreshes people's cognition.

But one person always suffers losses. After all, there are 50 enemies, and their attacks are even more intensive.

Chen Yan also joined in the battle, and he also used a big knife. This guy took advantage of a gap and went straight in, slashing at Zhang Yi's back with a big knife.


The knife was directly bounced away!

Chen Lan exclaimed: "Boy, are you wearing armor?"

Zhang Yi ignored it, he wanted to say, I didn't wear anything, and you got the clothes wrong, and my flesh was exposed, where did I get the armor! ?

He continued to slash and kill the enemies, this time the speed of the attack was much faster, and people were constantly slashed to the ground, either dead or injured.

Seeing that Zhang Yi ignored him, Chen Yan was shaking with anger, so he attacked again.

This time Zhang Yi still didn't hide.

When, at this time, it was cut to the neck, and the big knife did not leave a trace on Zhang Yi's neck.


"Enough? Die!"

Zhang Yi waved his sword, and the knife in Chen Lan's hand was cut in two. With his panicked eyes, another footprint appeared on Chen Lan's chest, and then the whole person flew out from the horse's back. To six meters away.

Everyone was in an uproar, especially the people around. They thought that Chen Li was very powerful, but they didn't expect that he couldn't hold on to a single move in Zhang Yi's hands. What is the difference between such strength and his subordinates?
Everyone exclaimed, and Kong Rong was even more sluggish. He and the subordinates he brought were all sluggish, and even forgot what they were here for.

Chen Li was so defeated that he was dumbfounded, he didn't want to believe that he was defeated just like that.

So he got up again and drew the sword from his waist.

He stabbed towards Zhang Yi who was on the horse.


But before the person arrived, with a flash of Gu Yi's sword, Chen Li was separated from his body.

The knife is fast and never sticks to blood. The ancient knife is too fast, and the blood on the blade has long since disappeared.

No one had ever seen such a brutal scene, they just closed their eyes and dared not look at it.

Zhang Yi looked indifferent.

The fall of Chen Li made his subordinates no longer want to fight, but at this time they only had about [-] people left, and Zhang Yi killed all the others.

The ancient knife is revived, and with the afterglow, the light of the knife is shining with the light of the setting sun. Wherever the light goes, people will die because of it.


Everyone gasped. Zhang Yi was like a god of murder. From the time he met Chen Yan and others to the present, those 50 people had already been dealt with within a quarter of the time. The horses stayed there one by one.

After Zhang Yi finished all this, he put away the Gu Yi Dao, turned his horse's head and walked back. Wang Yun, Kong Rong and other common people all took a step back subconsciously.

Facing such a killing god, everyone would be in awe. Of course, fear has the upper hand.

After a long time, Wang Yun stepped forward and said, "Thank you for saving your life, the strong man. Dare I ask the strong man's name?"

Zhang Yi got off his horse and walked up to Wang Yun.

"Publicity! There are no taboos!"

Zhang Yi said casually that he wanted to say his real name, but after thinking about it, he thought of one more word, Wuji.

Wuji... Everyone listened to it, this word really meant Wuji like a human being, killing Wuji, it fit his character!
"Brother Wuji, thanks to you today, otherwise I would have to give my life here. I would like to ask, why did you save me?"

Wang Yun felt a little inconceivable that Zhang Yi knew his name, so he asked this question.

"I just visited Zhang Rang's mansion and learned that he was going to kill you, but I know Wang Yun that you are a famous person who cares about the country and the people and should not be killed by traitors, so I did it."

Zhang Yi tried his best to speak vaguely. After a visit, everyone present took a breath of air. You must know that there are a lot of masters in Zhang Rang's mansion. Zhang Yi actually went to his mansion for a visit. In Yun's heart, Zhang Yi may be a thief, but he is also a good thief.

On the spot, there was a silence, and people were shocked.

"The martial arts of a strong man is really amazing, and I admire Kong Rong very much."

Wang Yun invited at this time: "Wuji, it's getting late at this time, why don't you come back to the mansion with me to stay for one night, so that I can do my best as a landlord! Express my gratitude."

It is only natural that Zhang Yi saved him.


Wang Yun and Kong Rong were overjoyed, but also made a lot of mistakes.If such heroes can be used by oneself...

(End of this chapter)

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