I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 280 There is a female Diaochan

Chapter 280 There is a female Diaochan
Before the three left, a large number of troops swarmed in.

The leader of this group was a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance. He held a long gun in his hand and ordered as soon as he came: "Come on, check all the nearby merchants and outsiders. Once five people are found Groups, strictly investigate! No mistakes!"


With an order, everyone dispersed, and for a while, public grievances filled the entire street.

Zhang Yi asked casually. "Who is this person for?"

Wang Yun said straightly: "This person's name is Zhang Feng, he is the adopted son of Zhang Rang, his wife He Shi is the sister of Empress He, and the background relationship is very strong."

It turned out that this was Zhang Rang's adopted son.

As a result, Wang Yun's face suddenly changed, that is to say, what Zhang Yi said just now is true, otherwise why would Zhang Feng lead his troops to search?Zhang Yi must have taken something from Zhang Rang's mansion.

"Wuji, this...the thing in Zhang's mansion is you..."

he asked as quietly as possible.

"I will take it, why?"

Zhang Yi also admitted very generously, this is the crime of beheading.

Kong Rong on one side also listened to it. I am afraid that this young man is the only one who dares to act so boldly.

I can't help being a little respectful, after all, it's a tiger's mouth, but no one dares to do it, but he dares!
Zhang Yi was calm, as if nothing had happened, but Wang Yun wanted to help him at this time.

Don't say anything else, just say that Zhang Yi's life-saving grace today, he has to repay.

Because Zhang Yi is a foreigner, he may be interrogated.

Let's say that as soon as Zhang Feng arrived here, he saw more than fifty corpses lying on the ground, his eyes froze, and then he recovered.

"What's the matter with these people?"

He pointed to the people on the ground and asked the people nearby.

The common people quickly pointed at Wang Yun and others.

Zhang Feng walked towards Wang Yun.

"Master Wang? Why are you here? Explain to me, what happened?"

Wang Yun glanced at Zhang Yi, still looking calm at this moment, and then looked at the army led by Zhang Feng, there were at least 1000 people.

He said: "These are thieves who wanted to kill me, but were killed by my men!"

He didn't say he was a subordinate, after all, Zhang Yi had a kindness, so no matter what he said, he couldn't be made a subordinate.So it's mine.

Zhang Feng glanced at the crowd, and said coldly: "The Lord Wang is really blessed and fateful, these people are felons committed by the court, and they were killed by your people today, so good!"

It turned out that Zhang Feng already knew the identities of these people a long time ago, and he deliberately asked them. While speaking, he locked his eyes on Zhang Yi.

"who are you?"

Zhang Yi didn't answer, his hand had been lowered to the Gu Yi Dao, and he could kill this person at any time.

Kong Rong hurried forward and said: "He is my friend Wuji, he is here to visit today, and I don't want to meet here."

At the same time, he used his body to stand in front of Zhang Yi. You must know that Kong Rong's prestige is very great, and he is deeply loved by people. This kind of person can be eaten anywhere.

After what Kong Rong said, Zhang Feng didn't care.

"Hmph, be honest, don't make trouble."

In Zhang Feng's eyes, Zhang Yi might not really be the target.

At this time, Wang Yun said: "Zhang Feng, what are you doing? Such a fight?"

Zhang Fengzhi hesitated and said: "You don't have to worry about it! Just take care of yourself."

That is to fully confirm Zhang Yi's words, Zhang Feng must have an ulterior secret when he comes out.

Zhang Feng also didn't want to talk too much with Wang Yun, because although Wang Yun didn't have an official position, he had a lot of friends. Just tell a friend. The emperor questioned, isn't that adding trouble to Zhang Rang?Zhang Rang will say so the source of so much wealth?

So he chose to ignore them, ignored them, and then turned and left.

As for the thieves on the ground, he didn't care about Gu either, but yelled: "Search them all, don't let any one go!"

These thousand people began to search around, which made people very angry.

Kong Rong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Wuji, this person cannot be killed, once he is killed, the world will be in chaos!"

Wang Yun also said: "Although I hate Zhang Rang, I also want to use crimes to punish him instead of killing him on the spot. Behind this person is a huge interest group. If he is killed, I am afraid it will be difficult to end."

Unexpectedly, Wang Yun was still a person who cared about the overall situation, so Zhang Yi withdrew the Guyi Dao. He didn't care, as long as he didn't like it, he could kill it.

At this time Wang Yun began to invite again: "Brother Wuji, let's go, come to my mansion to drink now, let me do my best as a landlord!"

Kong Rong also said: "Lord Wang has a daughter who is proficient in rhythm and dancing. Brother Wuji can listen and watch when he goes here."

As soon as Wang Yun heard what Kong Rong said, he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, the little girl Diaochan's art is definitely one of the best in Luoyang City."

"Yes, yes, Diao Chan was born with a natural beauty, which is rare in the world, and outsiders have never known about it."

Kong Rong's words showed that he had met Diao Chan, and he was not an outsider with Wang Yun, otherwise how could he bring twenty people to rescue him?

Now Wang Yun can say that he has no power and no official. Kong Rong, as his old subordinate, has naturally taken back a lot of power. It is probably the limit to bring out twenty.

Speaking of this, Zhang Yi has an idea in his heart, Diao Chan?Interesting, at this time she should not be too young, maybe not too different from Cai Wenji, if she can be paid, then she is one of the four beauties!By the way, it's good to comfort my boiling dragon blood.

Regarding the performance of the two, Zhang Yi doesn't know what Wang Yun wants to do. He also wants to recruit Wang Yun and Kong Rong for his own use. You must know that the prestige of the two of them is very high. If they are used for him, Then when the whole world knows about it, they will probably vote for it.

The ancients looked at people very simply. This prestigious person chose him and recognized him as the master. Why would others not go?

When Wang Yun and Kong Rong said what Diao Chan meant, it was probably similar to Zhang Yi. They also wanted to recruit Zhang Yi, so the first thing they thought of was beauty tricks.

During the discussion between the three, Zhang Feng had already taken people away from here, because they couldn't find any useful information here.

How could they search for it? You must know that it was a whole warehouse of property, which was accumulated by Zhang Rang for many years. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi took advantage of it and took it all away.

At this time, Zhang Rang was probably so angry that he even called out his godson to look for the thieves, but he didn't dare to blatantly tell the reason.

In this way, the crisis was resolved, and the three of them began to go to the palace. Kong Rong and Wang Yun seemed to have endless words to say, Zhang Yi's whole head was going to be broken, but he couldn't help it. don't listen.

(End of this chapter)

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