I raise dragons in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 281 Beauty is a disaster

Chapter 281 A Beauty's Disaster (Part [-])
The Wang family is a well-known family in Shanxi. They have held important official positions in prefectures and counties for generations. They have great influence and high prestige in the local area.In terms of financial resources, it is naturally good.

Therefore, Wang Yun's family must not be bad, especially after he moved to Luoyang, the powerful family power allowed him to live in a residence that was not much worse than Zhang Rang and others.

A group of three people went to Zhang Mansion, which is located in the west of Luoyang, far away from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, living here seems quieter.

"Brother Wuji, this way please!"

Wang Yun welcomed Zhang Yi in, and as soon as he came back, a large number of maidservants greeted him.

"Master is back!"

"Go, go, prepare some good wine and food, I want to entertain distinguished guests!"

Wang Yun didn't even pay attention to the clothes he was wearing, and directly ordered.

"Master Wang, look at your body..."

It was Kong Rong who reminded Wang Yundao.

Wang Yun was a little embarrassed, he said: "Look at my head, I was happy for a while, but I forgot about this, Kong Rong, please treat Brother Wuji well, I will change my clothes first, and I will be here in a while."

"Lord Wang, don't worry, leave everything to me!"

Kong Rong packed the tickets.

Zhang Yi nodded to indicate that nothing happened.

Then Wang Yun went down, and Kong Rong led Zhang Yi to the back garden.

"There are some exotic flowers and plants in the palace, I will take Brother Wuji to have a look."

"Alright! Anyway, I'm idle."

Zhang Yi didn't want to stay in the room with a man for too long, and he was an old man in his thirties, so bored, he might as well walk around.

The back garden of the palace is huge, but Zhang Yi has no intention of losing his appreciation. He has seen many flowers and plants in his two lifetimes.

Kong Rong seemed to be talking.They are constantly talking about everything from trivial matters to major national affairs.No matter what it is, he can talk about it for a reason. He is indeed a descendant of Confucius, and his knowledge can be regarded as very profound.

But Zhang Yixin wasn't here. It was the first time he felt talkative, and it turned out to be like this.

Until the two wandered beside the rockery, there are mountains and water here, which is very beautiful.The difference is that there is no camera, otherwise we must take a photo or two.

Especially when the afterglow of the setting sun falls on the rockery and falls into the pool beside it, the sparkling light looks extraordinarily beautiful.

So, they stopped here, and just at this time, the two of them were amazed by the bursts of discussions, which were also discussions about major events in the world, but at this time it was a female voice, which was as loud as a silver bell, youthful and youthful again. Nice to hear.

Zhang Yi was deeply attracted.

At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, and the dragon blood on his body immediately boiled.He knew that the dragon's blood wouldn't boil for no reason, it must be because he felt something beautiful.

As they walked forward, they saw a woman appearing in front of them with a group of servant girls.

I could only see that the girl's fair skin looked rosy under the divorce at dusk, which was extra alluring.And his bumpy body makes people want to swallow their saliva.Coupled with her pair of eyes that reveal a hint of agility, it is enough to make people linger.

The appearance of the two of them surprised them a little.

When Zhang Yi met the woman's eyes, a feeling like an electric shock arose spontaneously, perhaps this was the feeling of first love.

Zhang Yi didn't dodge his eyes, but stared straight at the woman, and a name suddenly flashed in his mind - Diao Chan.

In this world, only Diao Chan can match such beauty.

I am afraid that only Diao Chan can make him so tempted.

Sure enough, Kong Rong saw the woman and said, "Miss Diaochan."

His voice interrupted the two people's gaze, Diao Chan's beautiful eyes were agile, and Kong Rong was like this when he heard it.Then I made a ceremony.

"Hello, Uncle Kong!"

At this time, Kong Rong was about 33 years old, and Diao Chan looked about the same age as Cai Wenji, who was also about 15 years old.

But at the age of 15, she was born so agile, and her body is very advanced in development. She is really a stunner with bumps and convexities!

What she revealed was a kind of youthful temptation, even Zhang Yi was tempted by her.

Kong Rong chuckled.

"My nephew really looks more beautiful the longer he grows."

"Uncle, the prize! Who is this?"

Diao Chan's eyes were still fixed on Zhang Yi, she didn't know who Zhang Yi was?She only felt that this young man was very suitable for her, but it was because of the reservedness of a young girl.She could only try to get Zhang Yi's name by listening in and knocking on the side.

"This man's name is Zhang Yang, and his character is Wuji. He is as good as his character, he is Wuji, and his martial arts are amazing! Your father was rescued, so your father invited him to drink in the mansion to express his gratitude."

When Diao Chan heard this, her face became panicked.

"What? My father is back? Is my father okay?"

"It's nothing! Everything is thanks to this young master. If it wasn't for the young master's rescue, Mr. Wang might not be able to return home at this time."

"It's fine if nothing happens!"

Diao Chan breathed a sigh of relief, her breath full of fragrance.

"Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise I would have become an orphan, and I am afraid that the huge palace will encounter misfortune."

In troubled times, the authority of bureaucrats is very important, and his authority can also benefit his entire family. When this person falls, his family and all the female relatives may no longer exist. This is the reality, and life is so cruel , it's no wonder who, who let them live in troubled times?
Diao Chan saluted Zhang Yi again.

"Thank you, Mr. Wuji, for saving me."

"What are you talking about, miss? Mr. Wang has a high reputation, but I only have a meager effort."

Zhang Yi has long understood that the dragon spirit in him can affect any woman. At this moment, Diao Chan's expression has already told him that she is already somewhat tempted by him.

Diao Chan, Diao Chan, it really is as recorded in the history books.It's so touching, it's no wonder that Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu turned against each other because of you, and in the end Dong Zhuo lost his life because of you.People say that a beauty is a disaster, and it's just like this.

At this moment, a servant girl ran over and said:

"Miss, sir, please!"

Diao Chan motioned for him to back down, and then said: "Uncle Kong, Mr. Wuji, I still have to retire beforehand, so I won't be able to accompany you anymore."

Kong Rong said bluntly: "It's okay, you go to work first! I will accompany Mr. Wuji to go shopping."

Diao Chan took one more look at Zhang Yi, and retreated with all the maids.

"Young Master Wuji...Young Master Wuji..."

Kong Rong called Mr. Wuji a few times... Zhang Yi didn't realize that Wuji was his own character, he just looked at Diao Chan by himself.

"Oh! Sorry, I lost my mind for a while!"

That Kong Rong looked like I knew it.

"It's all right, this way please!"

(End of this chapter)

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